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Grant McBurney

Grant McBurney

Carson McDowell, Northern Ireland

Work Department

Planning and Environment


Partner. Grant advises on planning and environmental matters with an emphasis on waste and contaminated land matters, renewable energy projects as well as providing planning and environmental due diligence support to the corporate team within the form. He also provides planning law advice to one of the new local planning authorities in Northern Ireland. Recent highlights have included a successful appeal of a noise abatement notice served upon a client and assistance in the acquisition of planning permission for Dunluce Visitor Centre on appeal. Types of work undertaken include: the co-ordination of major planning applications for commercial clients; representation of clients at planning and enforcement appeals; instigation/defence of judical reviews of planning decisions.


Trained at Carson McDowell LLP; qualified 2007; Assistant Solicitor 2007-2013; Associate Solicitor 2013 to date.




Committee Member of EPLANI (Environmental and Planning Law Association for Northern Ireland); Member of UKELA


Queens University of Belfast (2004 LLB Law)


Golf, Rugby Football and Travel


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