
Nikesh Patel

AA Thornton, London

Work Department

Patents: Electrical, electronics, telecoms and IT


Nikesh is a partner and UK Chartered and European Patent Attorney inthe Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecoms & IT patentsdepartment and has been practising in the field of intellectualproperty law for over 15 years.

He directly advises UK and overseas clients on patent mattersincluding identification of patentable subject matter. Nikesh hasdrafted and prosecuted patent applications in a wide variety oftechnologies, including computer implemented inventions, in whichhe has considerable experience in advising on the threshold ofpatentability in the UK and Europe. He also provides strategic advicefor SMEs and large multinationals and manages worldwide patentportfolios for his clients.

Nikesh is a member of the firm's systems group, who is responsible for IT hardware and software, including the specialist IP software systems that support the smooth and efficient running of the firm.


BS Hons Computer Systems & Electronics, Kings College London