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Nicholas Widdowson

Nicholas Widdowson

Work Department

Nicholas, is a Chartered Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney and European Design Attorney in the Engineering and Designs Group and the High Tech and Electrical Group.




With a varied background spanning both electronic and mechanical technologies, Nicholas is well placed to advise in technology areas that sit at the interface between the two. His practice involves drafting and prosecuting patent applications in a wide variety of fields including: display technologies, mobile devices, automotive engineering, aeronautical engineering, heavy machinery, control systems, medical devices and consumer packaging. Nick also regularly represents clients at Oral Proceedings before the Examining and Opposition divisions of the European Patent Office. In addition to filing and prosecution work, he also gives advice on infringement and validity issues and provides freedom-to-operate opinions.

Beyond Europe, Nick is experienced in co-ordinating the prosecution of patent applications in a range of jurisdictions. Nick also regularly files registered design applications in Europe and co-ordinates design filing programmes in multiple jurisdictions.




Chartered UK Patent Attorney European Design Attorney European Patent Attorney PhD Molecular Electronics, Durham University MEng (Hons) Engineering, Durham University