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Boult Wade Tennant LLP’s London team has moved

Managing Partner, and Head of the Trade Mark and Domain Names Group, John Wallace said: “Our move to Salisbury Square House is taking place in a milestone year for the firm. We are celebrating our 125th anniversary. The flagship head office will provide enhanced collaboration facilities as well as new client entertainment spaces. We are excited about the move and anticipate that it will enable the London team to adopt improved working practices across teams.”

Senior Partner, Nick McLeish commented: “Recently, it has become clear that our offices in Gray’s Inn Road no longer meet the needs of our forward thinking and growing groups. This move allows us to introduce agile working practices which will benefit clients and staff alike. It is a new chapter in our story and it is the perfect year for this to take place.”

Our new office address is: 

Salisbury Square House

8 Salisbury Square



Our office contact details will remain the same:

T: +44 (0)20 7430 7500

F:+44 (0)20 7430 7600

E: [email protected]


Full details of the new location, including directions, can be found on our website:

Boult Wade Tennant LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales, Registered Number OC421876.

Registered office: Salisbury Square House, 8 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8AP

The firm is a European IP practice with a branch office in Berlin and which provides services in Spain via a locally registered company Boult Wade, S.L. The qualified UK professionals of Boult Wade Tennant are Chartered Patent Attorneys and/or Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys regulated by IPReg ( and/or European Patent Attorneys regulated by The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office ( Members of the firm whose primary office is in Germany or Spain are subject to the rules of their local professional regulatory bodies as explained on our website

A list of members of Boult Wade Tennant LLP is available for inspection at the registered office at Salisbury Square House and on our website.

Offices in: London, Madrid, Berlin, Cambridge, Reading and Oxford and meeting facilities in Munich.