
Julia Gwilt

Julia Gwilt

Appleyard Lees, Yorkshire And The Humber

Work Department



Partner / Patent Attorney


Julia has worked in the patent profession in the Cambridge area for over twenty years and in January 2017 she opened our Cambridge office. She oversees the patent portfolios for a wide variety of direct clients.

Julia’s mathematics background is a natural fit to her work on software-implemented inventions including bioinformatics and communication networks but also provides a springboard for working in other technological sectors. She enjoys a close working relationship with both Cambridge based and international clients to help them develop and implement their worldwide IP strategy.  She has also extensive experience in contentious matters such as European Patent Office (EPO) oppositions.

Julia was a founding member of the board which administers the examinations for entry into the UK patent profession. After over ten years, she stepped down from this role in 2020 and now has a more active role in epi, the professional institute for European patent attorneys.  At the end of 2020, she was elected as the Chair of the Professional Education Committee which is concerned with education both before and after qualification.  In this role, she continues to exercise her passion for training. As well as training attorneys, she is also keen to help clients understand more about intellectual property (IP) through personalised training programs.

After completing a first degree in Mathematics at Cambridge, Julia spent a year at Ecole Centrale in Paris studying computer science.