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Ayesha Bell-Paris

Ayesha Bell-Paris

3PB, West Midlands

Work Department




Family barrister Ayesha Bell-Paris is regularly instructed in cases following the breakdown of a relationship and offers a holistic wrap-around service; whether that be resolving the arrangements for children, or the parties’ financial affairs. Ayesha also has significant experience in care/public law proceedings and applications arising from the Family Law Act 1996.

Ayesha has a balanced practice and has represented Local Authorities, parents, extended family members, intervenors, cohabitees, divorcees, same sex couples, and children (both directly and via a Guardian). She has been instructed in cases at all levels of allocation, including in the High Court and the Court of Appeal.

Ayesha has also assisted clients at mediation, resulting in the resolution of matters without the need for proceedings to be issued.

Ayesha is regularly instructed in cases involving complex family dispute issues such as international relocation, parental alienation, substance misuse, mental health issues, domestic violence and non-accidental injury.

Ayesha also accepts instructions directly from members of the public under the Direct Access scheme.

Outside of chambers, when not kept busy by her two young children, Ayesha enjoys country pursuits, skiing and travelling. She supports and has been a volunteer with the charity, Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA), which helps children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities in England to get the right education.


Family barrister Ayesha Bell-Paris specialises in disputes over children in both public care or adoption/fostering cases and in privately-funded disputes over parents' financial affairs and suitable arrangements for their children. She focuses on private law children (including cases involving international elements and removal from the UK), matrimonial finance and TOLATA cases.

Ayesha has a developed a busy and varied practice advising local authorities, parents, wider family members, children, divorcees and cohabitees.

Recent cases include:

Reported cases:

W-C-T (Children) [2019] EWCA Civ 845 Ayesha acted for a respondent to an appeal following a fact-finding hearing in Care Proceedings whereby findings of sexual abuse had been made against the appellant by a Circuit Judge. The appeal was successfully defended and dismissed by the Court of Appeal.

Recent cases:

P v F [2022] Ayesha successfully defended an application for an Occupation Order brought by her client’s ex-partner. The court ultimately agreed that Ayesha’s client should remain living in the property and an order was made against the Applicant to vacate the property.

Re L [2021] Ayesha acted for a parent in final hearing in Care Proceedings in which the Local Authority sought Care and Placement Orders in respect of the child (supported by the Children’s Guardian) due to concerns in respect of previous longstanding alcohol misuse. The court refused the Local Authority’s application and allowed time for further assessment of the parents. The proceedings concluded with the child being rehabilitated into the parents’ care.

Re M [2019] This was a private law dispute involving an application for permanent removal from the Jurisdiction. Ayesha successfully achieved an order permitting her client to relocate to Germany with the subject children and discharge of previous prohibited steps orders.

Re B [2019] Ayesha represented a father at a multi-day final hearing in care proceedings in which all other parties supported Care and Placement orders being made in relation to two children. Ayesha successfully persuaded the court to resist making final orders and to direct an independent social work assessment of her client.

B v P [2015 & 2018] TOLATA proceedings culminating in a final hearing at which Ayesha obtained an order for sale of a jointly owned property and a favourable division of the equity for her client. Ayesha was instructed in the subsequent enforcement proceedings in which a possession order was obtained and costs awarded.

Re R-T [2017] Ayesha represented a mother in care proceedings who was accused of inflicting significant bruising upon her young child. No findings of inflicted injury were made during the fact finding hearing and the proceedings concluded with both subject children being rehabilitated home to her care pursuant to a Supervision Order.


Year of Call: 2012


Family Law Bar Association The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn The Denning Society


Kaplan Law, BPTC, Very Competent Kaplan Law School, GDL, Commendation University College London, BA (English) 2:1