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Emma Griffiths

Emma Griffiths

3PB, South East

Work Department




Emma is an experienced family law specialist who practises in all areas of public and private children law and has a developing practice in the Court of Protection. She is fearless in her representation both inside and outside court to achieve the best possible outcome for her clients.


Care and Adoption

Emma has considerable experience of acting in cases involving allegations of all types of “significant harm.” She is instructed by parents, grandparents, local authorities and children’s guardians.

Emma is particularly sensitive to the needs of vulnerable clients and those with specific communication needs. She is particularly skilled at supporting clients through what are often highly emotive proceedings while offering robust and pragmatic advice

Private Law Children, Injunction and Domestic Abuse

Emma has extensive experience of dealing with the range of Children Act applications, including highly acrimonious and intractable disputes, special guardianship and relocation (internal and external) cases.

Emma represents both alleged victims and perpetrators of domestic violence in applications under the Family Law Act 1986.

Emma gives practical and realistic advice and will seek to resolve issues by consent if possible. When this cannot be achieved, she is a tenacious advocate who has a forensic approach to documentation. She is always thoroughly prepared and fully conversant with the relevant legal principles and case law.

Reported Cases

K (Forced Marriage Protection Orders, Abuse of process) 2021] EWFC B94

MB v PB [2022] EWCOP 14

Court of Protection

Emma has a developing practice in Court of Protection and Mental Health Law. She has a Post Graduate Diploma in Social Care Law and is a regular contributor to 3PB Oxford’s Quarterly CoP Breakfast Briefings. She has advised local authorities in respect of DoLS applications and issues of Ordinary Residence.


Called 1998; Gray’s Inn.


FLBA Association of Lawyers for Children Bar Representative of Oxford Local Family Justice Board COPPA


BA Spanish and Russian, Bristol University PG Diploma in Law PG Diploma in Social Care Law


Midland Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior3
Emma Griffiths – 3PB 'Emma is a first-rate advocate and fully commits to any case she is briefed on. She is a delight to work with and demonstrates she values her solicitors' input. She is an excellent advocate and her written material is also excellent. She is a first choice of barrister for almost any case.'
South Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior5
Emma Griffiths –3PB 'Emma is a first rate advocate and fully commits to any case she is briefed on. She is an excellent advocate and her written material is also excellent.'