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Stephen Wyeth

Stephen Wyeth

3PB, South East

Work Department

Employment and Discrimination



Prior to transferring to the Bar in June 2010, Stephen Wyeth practised as a solicitor for ten years following his qualification in 1999. Stephen has particular experience of high value claims involving discrimination (with emphasis on disability issues) and is highly knowledgeable in all forms of unfair dismissal including public interest disclosure claims. Stephen has appeared and succeeded in many complex lengthy multi-day high value discrimination and public interest disclosure claims. He has notable experience of TUPE claims including the ability to offer practical advice to both transferors and transferees in the lead up to business acquisitions and service provision changes, as well as being regularly involved in TUPE cases at tribunals usually involving multiple respondents.

Stephen has regularly advised both senior employees and businesses with regard to the enforceability of restrictive covenants and confidentiality clauses in the context of employment contracts. Despite being of recent call, given his past experience as a solicitor, he offers an advanced level of service in all areas of employment law.

Stephen was appointed as a fee paid Employment Judge in 2009 and, until 2014, was a part time lecturer in Employment Law at the University of Southampton.

He has appeared as an expert on regional BBC television and radio. He frequently lectures to local solicitors on strategy and changes in the law.

Employment and Discrimination

Stephen Wyeth is a leading junior with a specialist employment law practice.

Prior to transferring to the Bar in June 2010, Stephen practised as a solicitor for ten years following his qualification in 1999. He was appointed a fee paid Employment Judge in 2009 and sits in the Watford Employment Tribunal. He has lectured part time in Employment Law at the University of Southampton (as well as tutoring public and constitutional law for five years).

Stephen has particular experience of high-value claims involving discrimination (with emphasis on disability and maternity issues) and is highly knowledgeable in all forms of unfair dismissal including public interest disclosure claims. He frequently appears in lengthy multi-day trials. He has notable experience of TUPE claims including the ability to offer practical advice to both transferors and transferees in the lead up to business acquisitions and service provision changes, as well as being regularly involved in TUPE cases at tribunals, usually involving multiple respondents.  Stephen is described as having an approachable manner and his professional clients value his strategic handling of cases.

He has developed a reputation for being a fearless litigator, delivering practical solutions and first class results for both employer and employee clients.

Stephen has acted on behalf of a number of large organisations including NHS Trusts, Local Authorities and Blue Chip companies. His recent successes in the Employment Appeal Tribunal include the reported cases of United Taxis Ltd v Comolly & anor in which he successfully acted for United Taxis in a case dealing with employee and worker status;  A v Choice Support (formerly MCCH Ltd) involving the correct approach to extending time, Anonymity Orders and Restricted Reporting Orders and Elliott v Dorset County Council regarding the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010.

He is well known locally for leading informative workshops and seminars for solicitors and businesses and has appeared as an expert on regional BBC television and Radio. He has lectured for the Solent Region of the Employment Lawyers Association.

Stephen has also been a senior adviser to a New Zealand Government Minister during an overseas sabbatical.


Year of call 2010


Member of the Employment Lawyers Association


LLB (Soton)


Western Circuit • Regional Bar


Leading junior1
Stephen Wyeth – 3PB ‘Stephen is an exceptional barrister who is a safe pair of hands for any client.’