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Judy Earle

Judy Earle

3PB, South West

Work Department




Judy Earle has a well established practice with over 20 years experience in family law catering for all aspects of public and private child law cases. Judy receives instructions from parents, extended family members, local authorities, Guardians, prospective special guardians and the Official Solicitor.

She prepares her cases with care, she is committed to providing a top quality service to solicitors and clients whether mediating, negotiating or handling contested matters.

Judy is particularly proficient when dealing with vulnerable clients whether as a result of  disability, their age, mental health difficulties, addiction or traumatic life experience. Judy’s approach means that she is sensitive and empathetic and able to advise on complex / challenging issues in a clear and considered manner.


Public Law

Judy regularly represents and advises on matters involving:

Sexual / physical / emotional abuse Expert medico / legal issues / NAI Serious mental health issues Entrenched drug and alcohol addiction Cognitive impairment / learning difficulties Chronic neglect

Judy’s practice covers the full spectrum of Public Law applications including :

Care orders / supervision orders Placement applications, including applications to revoke Placement Order Special guardianship orders Wardship ICO / EPO Secure accommodation order S.38(6) applications Disclosure applications

Private Law

Judy regularly represents and advises on matters involving:

Intractable disputes concerning contact / living arrangements under child arrangements order Allegations of sexual / physical  /emotional abuse Domestic violence Drug / alcohol addiction Psychological / psychiatric issues in connection with adults / children Expert evidence Appointment of Guardian

Judy is instructed on all aspects of Private Law proceedings including:

Child arrangements orders Enforcement applications Leave to remove from the jurisdiction Specific issue / prohibited steps orders Complex finding of fact hearings

Recent cases:

Re D - Instructed on behalf of M over a 3 year period involving two sets of public law proceedings. Variety of issues spanning addiction, domestic violence, mental health issues. Achieved reunification on both occasions and continued placement with M and family members Re T - Instructed on behalf of F. Complex mental health and addiction issues. F, M and paternal grandparents ruled out. LA plan for placement order / adoption. Achieved placement with paternal grandparents who were unrepresented, LA applications dismissed Re H - Instructed on behalf of maternal grandmother in circumstances where her daughter, the M, had been murdered.  Multiple expert assessments. Achieved placement of all grandchildren into her care Re B - Instructed on behalf of F. Allegation of NAI on baby - F alleged perpetrator. Achieved successful reunification to care of the parents Re S - Instructed on behalf of M. Multiple allegations of sexual abuse, cultural issues. Alleged hostility to contact. Complex finding of fact hearing Re E - Instructed on behalf of F. Successfully defended allegations at finding of fact hearing achieving reunification of children to F’s care avoiding plan for placement order / adoption Re M - Instructed on behalf of LA. Lengthy and detailed history spanning a wide range of issues establishing significant harm.  Allegations of misuse of S.20, alleged infringement of Article 8 Re B - Instructed on behalf of M. Multiple allegations of sexual abuse. Complex finding of fact hearing, findings made at first instance but decision reversed on appeal Re R - Instructed on behalf of M. Application to discharge care order.  Detailed history, cultural issues, allegations of racial discrimination. Complicated risk and welfare analysis Re M - Instructed on behalf of F. Court of Appeal - Successfully appealed finding of fact in relation to rape Re L - Instructed on behalf of F. Allegation of sexual risk in connection with previous convictions. Expert assessments. Achieved reunification to care of the parents Re H - Instructed on behalf of teenage M. M lacking capacity, acting via OS. Complicated mental health issues Re M/C - Instructed on behalf of LA. Intricate family history. Allegations of sexual, physical, emotional abuse, addictions, mental health.  Lack of capacity - OS instructed. Multiple fathers, findings sought in relation to 3 parties. Findings broadly achieved Re Y/H - Instructed on behalf of M. Allegations of sexual abuse against F, finding of fact hearing, findings made. Findings appealed, successfully defended appeal and achieved S.91(14) bar to further applications.


Called 1994, Middle Temple.


Family Law Bar Association Western Circuit


BVC Inns of Court School of Law LLB University of Westminster