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Elizabeth  Gooderham

Elizabeth Gooderham

3PB, London

Work Department



Elizabeth Gooderham is a very experienced family law advocate who, after an early career at the bar undertaking both criminal and family law now specialises solely in all aspects of child-care law. She joined 3PB in August 2023 from a specialist family law chambers.

Elizabeth specialises in public and complex private law proceedings. Elizabeth is a thorough and detailed advocate with an ability to get to the heart of the matter. She has a sensitive and understanding approach when dealing with vulnerable clients, including those with learning difficulties and disabilities, mental health difficulties, young parents and competent children.

Elizabeth acts on behalf of local authorities, parents, children’s guardians, competent children and intervenors in a wide range of cases, including:

• Serious non-accidental injury • Sexual abuse • Concurrent criminal proceedings • Chronic neglect • Drug and alcohol abuse (including FDAC proceedings) • Parents with mental health difficulties • Adoption • Special Guardianship • Domestic Violence • Child arrangements disputes • Parental alienation

Outside of busy work commitments, Elizabeth has a recently acquired passion for horse-riding, something which she likes to do as often as she can, including competing in local events. She also h loves spending time walking her two dogs with her family. She also enjoys spending time with friends, travelling and running, having completed the London marathon in 2020 and 2021.


Elizabeth Gooderham is a highly experienced senior family barrister who specialises in public and complex private law proceedings.

Notable Cases include:

Re W [2023]: Elizabeth represented a father in public law proceedings who had a negative parenting assessment. The care plan for the children was long term foster care. Elizabeth, through cross-examination challenged the author of the parenting assessment who conceded that there were flaws in her report and that there was a gap in the evidence which required further assessment. The court adjourned the final hearing for further assessment of the father to consider returning all of the children to his care.

Re W [2022]:  Elizabeth represented a father in public law proceedings at fact-finding hearing and final hearing who was vulnerable and had mental health issues including severe anxiety. The parents were alleged to have caused significant injury to their baby including a multiple fractures and bruising. The father accepted he could not say he had not caused the injuries due to significant drug misuse at the time. The mother alleged the father alone had caused the injuries and that he had been controlling and coercive towards her. Elizabeth challenged the case of the mother and the judge concluded that not only did the mother remain in the pool of perpetrators but that she was the dominant individual within the relationship and father feared her reaction if her needs were not met.

Re P & L [2022]: Elizabeth represented the Local Authority at fact-finding hearing and final hearing in a High Court case where the mother was alleged of murdering one of the children. The case involved concurrent criminal proceedings in which the mother was convicted of manslaughter. The case also included multiple parties including two fathers and extended family members who were caring for the children.

Re D [2021]; Elizabeth represented a vulnerable young intervenor in private law proceedings in which the intervenor made allegations of sexual abuse against the father (her step-father). The court found all of the allegations made by the intervenor proved.


Year of Call: 2001


Member of the Family Law Bar Association Member of the Inner Temple Member of the Midland Circuit


LLB (Honours), University of Derby, 2:1 BPTC, Inns of Court School of Law, Very Competent