3PB > Bristol, England > Set Profile

Chambers of David Berkley KC

Midland Circuit > Family: children and domestic violence Tier 1

With physical presences in Birmingham and across the southern half of England, 3PB is a ‘very professional, approachable and friendly set’ that offers advice on all aspects of children law. Elizabeth McGrath KC  is a ‘fearless advocate’ who handles public law cases, including ones with international elements. Vanessa Meachin KC is a ‘passionate advocate’ who handles a mix of care, adoption, and private law children matters, while Aimee Fox is described as a ‘thorough and well-prepared advocate who has an excellent manner with clients’ and specialises in private law proceedings involving children in vulnerable circumstances or with special educational needs – the latter crossing over with her education law practice.

Rising stars

Eleanor Marsh  – 3PB ‘Eleanor is professional and diligent and can establish strong trust with the clients. She is meticulous in her detail and can articulate her advocacy in a compelling and structured manner.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Sam Pentony – 3PB 'Sam is a very confident advocate and will fiercely fight for his clients.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Elizabeth McGrath KC3PB ‘Elizabeth is a tenacious and confident advocate. Her attention to detail is meticulous.’  
Ranked: Tier 1
Vanessa Meachin KC3PB 'Vanessa is an outstanding advocate with a confident and calm approach to extremely challenging cases. Her ability to get straight to the key points in complex matters demonstrates her extensive skill.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Lucy Hendry KC  – 3PB ‘Lucy is an outstanding advocate. Her preparation is impeccable, and she is incredibly good with clients.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Nicola Brown – 3PB ‘Nicola is well-organised and is good with clients.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Nicola Martin3PB ‘Nicola is well prepared and has a great manners with clients.’   
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Aimee Fox3PB ‘Aimee is thorough, well-prepared and has an excellent manner with clients. She builds trust and confidence by understanding and appreciating clients' needs and concerns. She has excellent knowledge and understanding of each case.’ 
Ranked: Tier 2
Adeo Fraser – 3PB  ‘Adeo is well-regarded and an experienced and commanding advocate. His meticulous preparation outside of court enables him to have a clear grasp of the legal and practical issues to be determined. He is calm and reassuring yet appropriately robust and responsive, both in and outside of the courtroom.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Stephen Abberley3PB ‘Stephen is very knowledgeable on the medical side. He is robust and willing to challenge experts and court decisions alike.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Amy Beddis3PB ‘Amy always has the client's best interests at heart. She is a delight to work with and will go over and above to assist.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Poonam Bhari3PB 'Poonam has a great eye for detail. She is empathetic with her clients and strikes up a rapport with them. She is particularly in demand in dealing with clients with vulnerabilities.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Nathalie Bull3PB ‘Nathalie is well-prepared and takes a forensic approach to cases. She is a very calm advocate and a skilled negotiator.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Lucy Clayton – 3PB ‘Lucy is a robust and outcome-focused advocate. She gives clear and coherent advice to lay and professional clients that has a positive end outcome in mind.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Suzanne Coleclough3PB 'Suzanne is a strong, professional and competent advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Andrew Duncan - 3PB ‘Andrew has meticulous attention to detail, excellent communication with instructing solicitors and excellent client care skills.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Laura Scott – 3PB ‘Laura has wisdom and knowledge and high emotional intelligence. She is supportive yet controlling and puts situations into perspective. Her preparation is first class, and she pays attention to detail.’
Ranked: Tier 3


‘The clerks at 3PB are always very helpful and prompt in responding to any queries. Ian Charlton is a stand-out member of the team.’

‘Isabelle Lee and Ian Charlton are helpful, quick to respond and keen to accommodate continuity of counsel wherever possible.’

‘3PB is an excellent chamber with a very strong team of barristers with good strength in depth.’

‘3PB are an excellent set, prepared to accommodate urgent or specific requests as far as possible.’

‘Excellent chambers who will go above and beyond to accommodate urgent or specific requests in a polite and friendly manner.’

Midland Circuit > Family: divorce and financial remedy Tier 1

3PB is a ‘solid chambers with good barristers’ handling a wide range of matters within areas of financial remedy litigation. Vanessa Meachin KC heads the practice and regularly assists clients in complex matrimonial finance matters, while Michael George is praised for being ‘proficient in all aspects of financial remedy proceedings with his knowledge of the law and practice second to none’. ‘Fierce and robust advocate’ Aimee Fox is another notable name for matrimonial finance work in chambers.

Rising stars

Luke Nelson – 3PB ‘Luke is straight-talking and exactly what most clients need to keep them focused on their approach to resolving matters. He is careful with his words and always well-prepared.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Eleanor Marsh3PB ‘Eleanor is extremely well-prepared and diligent in her preparation. She is professional and will take time with clients to put them at their ease. She is courteous to her opposition but will stand her ground.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Michael George3PB ‘Michael is a leading junior in this area of work. He understands his subject inside and out. He routinely speaks at seminars concerning complex areas, including pensions. He is collegiate and constructive.’ 
Ranked: Tier 1
Aimee Fox3PB ‘Aimee is thorough and well-prepared. She is conscientious and has a very good eye for detail. She has a very good rapport with clients. She can identify relevant issues quickly and offer clear, realistic, and structured advice.’  
Ranked: Tier 2
Amy Beddis3PB ‘Amy is an excellent advocate. Her analytical skills concerning finances are brilliant. She has an excellent bedside manner, which is invaluable when the client feels at their most vulnerable.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Nathalie Bull3PB ‘Nathalie prepares submissions extremely well. Her communication is strong with lay clients and solicitors.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Rachel Bloxwich – 3PB 'Rachel is thorough and well prepared. She is proactive and always willing to offer assistance and advice, not just in the lead-up to court hearings. She is very well-organised, and documents are always filed in good time. Her preparation and attention to detail are excellent.'
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Dan Tidman, Patrick Steptoe and Patrick Robson are faultless clerks.’

‘Ian Charlton and his team offer a hands-on approach.’

‘3PB is a strong set of very knowledgeable and confident barristers. They will always go above and beyond to try and find someone available for cases.’

‘3PB is a go-to chamber. It offers barristers with a huge breadth of expertise. Barristers are approachable and client-focused.’

‘3PB is the leading set in Birmingham. It has a huge amount of experience across many areas of law, particularly family law.’

South Eastern Circuit > Employment Tier 1

A ‘first-class set’ 3PB has a ‘very good depth of experienced counsel in all areas of employment law’ and garners praise for providing ‘an effective and beneficial service’. Karen Moss successfully represented Boots in claims of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination raised by an employee of the company and is known for ‘providing excellent objectivity, getting into the nub of the issue and demonstrating her ability to reassure nervous witnesses’. Rising star Grace Nicholls is a ‘well prepared, responsive and skilled advocate with good client skills’ and successfully defended a respondent in a case concerning a dismissal that was alleged to be unlawful on TUPE grounds.

Rising stars

Naomi Webber  –3PB 'Naomi has the ability to explain fairly technical aspects of employment law clearly, thoroughly and without unnecessary jargon.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Grace Nicholls  –3PB 'Grace is a considered and tactful barrister who builds a good rapport with clients and witnesses to put them at ease. Her advocacy is well thought out, prepared and compelling.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Andrew MacPhail – 3PB 'Andrew is a very strong and commanding advocate. He is able to put forward his arguments clearly and concisely, even when addressing matters. His knowledge of the law and how to get the best out of any situation is second to none.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Karen Moss3PB 'Karen is an excellent lawyer. Her advocacy skills are superb, and she shows an excellent quality in all she does.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Mark Green3PB ‘Mark is very knowledgeable and a strong and resourceful advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 2


‘Russell Porter and Patrick Robson do a great job and are very helpful and reasonable.’

‘Russell Porter is worth a special mention. He goes out of his way to make sure that the client has the right counsel and is always keen to support the client.’

‘The clerks are brilliant. Patrick Robson is always extremely helpful and polite and goes out of his way to find a solution for whatever is asked of him.’

‘3PB chambers is brilliant. The team is always able to help and support when someone requires assistance, even at the last minute. It has an array of counsel who can help and support on any given matter, and clients are in safe hands when working with them.’

‘3PB is a fantastic chamber with a great offering of counsel, training, off-the-cuff advice even when not instructed and a desire to go the extra mile to assist you.’

‘3PB offers an incredible breadth of employment specialists at all levels. They always go above and beyond, offering bespoke training for solicitors and clients.’

Work highlights

South Eastern Circuit > Personal injury Tier 1

3PB is ‘a very helpful and friendly set of chambers, always willing to go above and beyond to accommodate client’s needs’ in the personal injury space. ‘All round barrister’ Richard Wheeler is ‘very knowledgeable’ and ‘meticulous with his preparation and attention to detail’. Rising star Eloise Turnnidge is praised as ‘a competent and strong advocate who never shies away from a tough cross-examination and confidently takes the lead in questioning’.

Rising stars

Eloise Turnnidge3PB 'Eloise is a skilled advocate and presents arguments and cases well in court and on paper. She is meticulous in her preparation and is always available to discuss tactics and prepare arguments well in advance of hearings.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Richard Wheeler – 3PB ‘Richard is able to approach difficult issues flexibly and pragmatically to achieve the best outcome for his client. He is very personable and builds up a good rapport with his clients.’
Ranked: Tier 1
James Trumble3PB 'James is very good on his feet and has client empathy. He is also good on paper and in a quick turnaround.'
Ranked: Tier 2


‘Natalie Bryan is wonderful and friendly. If she can’t help, she will find the answer and come back to you. She is reliable and goes the extra mile always, which is what you want in a clerk.’

‘The clerking team is simply the best in class. They will do everything to add value/deliver the best customer service in town. A nod to David Snook and Edd Holdstock.’

‘The clerks are excellent, in particular Edd Holdstock and Natalie Bryan.’

‘3PB have several strong, capable barristers in civil fraud that routinely get excellent results. They are all friendly, reliable and robust.’

‘3PB offers superb training and does its best to accommodate training. They locate counsel at short notice and is a superb chamber.’

‘3PB is well organised and has good availability and choice of counsel.’


Work highlights

Western Circuit > Crime (general and fraud) Tier 1

3PB‘s criminal team possesses ‘great strength in depth‘ and its members are ‘respected and trusted across the Western Circuit’. Richard Onslow is a ‘formidable advocate’ handling a wide variety of cases, including those involving serious violence, sexual abuse, drugs conspiracies, and human trafficking. Nicholas Cotter is a ‘thoughtful advocate’ with ‘a ruthless legal mind’, while Jodie Mittell specialises in multi-handed cases, including joint enterprise murders and class A drug conspiracies, as well as sexual offences cases. ‘First rate counselThomas Evans ‘demonstrates an agility of mind and perspicacity possessed by very few indeed’. He primarily handles serious organised crime and sexual offences cases and was recently instructed as junior counsel for the Crown in a case in which a man was alleged to have killed his drug dealer. Gemma White, whose ‘particular strength lies in the cross-examination of young or vulnerable witnesses’, is now a part-time Deputy District Judge. Adam Feest KC, as was, was appointed a Circuit Judge in September 2022.

Leading Juniors

Timothy Bradbury3PB ‘Tim is at the zenith of the junior Bar; you are getting silk quality in a highly experienced junior. His affable and relaxed manner disguises an extremely acute brain. He is refined, conspicuously well-prepared, and never wrong-footed or out of his depth. His delivery is also measured and sophisticated.’ 
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Onslow3PBRichard is a formidable advocate with a very engaging and effective presence in court. He is liked by judges and juries and fights for his clients with vigour. He is well respected by all on circuit - and perhaps best known for his no-nonsense approach.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Nicholas Cotter3PBNick is a consummate advocate who combines clarity and brevity in a very attractive style. It is only a matter of time before he attains silk status.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Thomas Evans3PB ‘Tom is one of the finest young barristers around with a very good future ahead of him. He has masses of common sense and gets to the nub of cases very quickly. He is highly intelligent, a very effective advocate, and judges like him.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 3
Jodie Mittell3PB ‘Jodie is meticulous in her preparation. She leaves no stone unturned and excels at developing her case strategy. Jodie gains the confidence of clients with ease and is widely liked and respected.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Nick Robinson3PB ‘Nick is diligent and always enthusiastic about his work. His written work is of the highest quality. He is also a very persuasive and effective advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Gemma White  – 3PB ‘Gemma is a diligent and extremely capable barrister. Whether prosecuting or defending, she is particularly adept at dealing with cases of the utmost sensitivity. She is always on top of her brief and combines intellect with a common sense approach.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Berenice Mulvanny  – 3PB ‘The combination of skill, hard work and compassion which Berenice brings has earned her an excellent reputation amongst instructing solicitors, colleagues and judges alike. Her tactical approach means that she is regularly entrusted with cases of the most difficult nature.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Thomas Acworth3PB ‘Thomas is an extremely diligent practitioner with an extraordinary eye for detail and his knowledge is genuinely astounding. No stone is left unturned in his preparation and his advocacy is equally impressive.'
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Chris Mitchell is a fantastic clerk and a breath of fresh air when it comes to clerking. He knows how to handle complex situations in the most efficient manner, and always comes back to you when he promises. He is an extremely reliable individual and it seems that his qualities have permeated to those that work alongside him in the clerks room.’

‘The clerks at 3PB are excellent. They have excellent market knowledge and are always able to find the right lawyer for the right case. Lee Giles and Stuart Pringle are hugely experienced and excellent to work with. Regulatory practice director Chris Mitchell is very responsive and able to make things happen even against the odds.’ 

‘3PB is an excellent chambers with great strength in depth. Their barristers are respected and trusted across Western Circuit.’

‘An excellent and well-respected set, one of the foremost sets on the Western Circuit.’

‘The range and depth of counsel in this set is ideal, allowing an almost bespoke tailoring of counsel and client fit.’

‘The clerks in this chambers are all of high quality and are always very helpful.’

Work highlights

Western Circuit > Employment Tier 1

3PB’s ‘go-to’ employment and discrimination group boasts ‘a broad range of technically excellent lawyers across all levels of experience’. Sarah Clarke is a ‘really strong and tenacious advocate’ with a broad practice that includes regular claimant and respondent instructions. She has recently acted for the claimant in Rajput v Commerzbank and Société Générale, a high-value sex and maternity discrimination case against two investment banks. Sarah Bowen, ‘skillful at getting to the nub of an issue’, regularly handles a wide variety of discrimination cases, while Matthew Curtis is ‘fantastic with witnesses’ and specialises in whistleblowing cases in regulated sectors – recently he appeared for the respondent in Biggs v A Bilbrough & Co & others, a widely publicised sex discrimination and whistleblowing case brought by a solicitor employed in a shipping firm.

Leading Juniors

Sarah Clarke3PB ‘Sarah has a vibrant personality and clients really warm to her. She explains things thoroughly and clearly, breaking down complex elements so clients can understand them. She is also a skillful advocate and her cross-examination is concise but thorough.'   
Ranked: Tier 1
Gareth Graham3PBGareth is very good at giving advice in a clear and logical way. The manner in which he advises clients gives them confidence in his ability to obtain the best outcome. He is also commercially aware.' 
Ranked: Tier 1
Stephen Wyeth3PBStephen is client-focused, incredibly engaging and a superb advocate.’ 
Ranked: Tier 1
Craig Ludlow3PB ‘Craig is a first class advocate. He quickly gets a grasp of the key issues of a case and is keen to understand a client's objectives and how he can get there.' 
Ranked: Tier 1
Matthew Curtis3PB ‘Matthew is the complete all-round package. His technical expertise is excellent and he is incredibly knowledgeable and gets to grips with even the most complex of cases incredibly swiftly. He is also a skillful advocate, easily able to articulate complex arguments.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Andrew MacPhail3PB ‘Andrew is a very strong and commanding advocate, able to put forward his arguments in a clear and concise manner even when addressing matters which have litigants in person. His knowledge of the law and how to get the best out of any situation is second to none.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Simon Tibbitts3PB ‘Simon has excellent strategic thinking abilities and quickly gets to grips with even the most complex of issues. He is excellent in cross-examination and summation, carefully treading the line between robustly asserting a client's case and displaying empathy to the position of the other side.' 
Ranked: Tier 3
Sarah Bowen3PBSarah is a superb lawyer. Frankly, she doesn’t have weaknesses.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Mark Green  – 3PB ‘He is very knowledgeable in employment matters in general, and the intricacies of national security law in particular. He is also very calm and measured in his advocacy.' 
Ranked: Tier 3


‘All clerks are very helpful and polite and always willing to help- Patrick Robson in particular goes above and beyond.’

‘Matthew Scanlan is always friendly, efficient and great to work with.’

‘The 3PB clerks are responsive, flexible and helpful – Patrick Steptoe and Patrick Robson are both excellent.’

‘3PB is an excellent set. They have a broad range of technically excellent lawyers across all levels of experience and will always make every effort to meet the needs of clients.’

‘3PB is a go-to barristers chambers. They are friendly, responsive, they invest time in relationships and make you feel like their only client.’

‘The clerks at 3PB are second to none. The level of service is unparalleled and the clerks are proactive, efficient and dedicated to meeting client needs.’

Western Circuit > Family: children and domestic violence Tier 1

3PB’s ‘very well-rounded set’ of family law barristers is a ‘go-to’ on the Western Circuit. Lucy Hendry KC, who represents lay parties, subject children, intervenors, and guardians in factually and medically complex cases, is widely considered a ‘top-class advocate’ for both public and private children law cases, while Nicola Frost is a ‘go-to barrister for difficult private children law cases’. Her broad practice includes child abduction and Hague Convention cases, as well as surrogacy and intractable contract disputes. Former circuit judge Martin Dancey joined chambers as an associate member in January 2023 - he is active as an ADR evaluator.

Leading Silks

Lucy Hendry KC – 3PB ‘Lucy is without doubt one of the best silks around. She has huge depth of knowledge and outclasses her opponent every time. She is wonderful with clients and an inspiration to us all. Her advocacy skills are finely honed and she cuts through the issues with precision.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Emma Harman3PB ‘Emma has an encyclopedic knowledge when it comes to child arrangement orders in domestic abuse contexts. She offers creativity for clients and sees subtle features in coercive control cases that many can’t. Her judgment is spot on and her advocacy is a work of art. She has a very quick wit and navigates her way through the most difficult of cases with great humour and warmth.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Steven Howard3PB ‘Steven is exceptional. He is very thorough, has attention to detail that is unmatched and is highly respected by the judiciary. He deals with highly complex cases with great care and attention and his advocacy skills are of the highest standard.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Elisabeth Hudson3PB ‘Elisabeth is able to put clients at ease and strike a rapport with them. She understands cases to a very high level and this is clear in the advice she gives, the quality of her position statements and skeleton arguments, and also her advocacy.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Gemma Chapman3PBGemma is a bold and fearless advocate. She prepares cases thoroughly and is dogged in pursuit of the necessary disclosure. She has a good knowledge of local judges and exercises judgment effectively in her representations to the court.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Sarah O’Hara3PB ‘Sarah is a strong advocate with a deep empathy for her clients. She is always well-prepared and efficient and able to get to the heart of cases.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Nicola Frost – 3PB 'Nicola has an amazing ability to collate huge amounts of information down to the key points without missing anything. She approaches her cases with forensic accuracy as well as a great deal of compassion for clients. She is also incredibly robust when dealing with her opponents and with the court.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Emma Southern3PB ‘Emma is thorough in her preparation and absolutely excellent in managing clients' expectations in a confident, realistic yet empathetic way. In the court room she puts her thoughts together concisely but with force and is always effective in putting the best position forward for her client.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 4
Amy Lush3PB ‘Amy is thorough and always very well-prepared. Her attention to detail means that her advocacy is of a very high standard.’
Ranked: Tier 4


‘Sarah Jenking is delightful to deal with. She has a great relationship with Bournemouth family court and will go out of her way to be accommodating.’

‘Lee Giles is always fantastic to speak to. He is always friendly, quick to respond and very knowledgeable.’

‘The service of the clerks is excellent and they are polite, efficient, most helpful and always friendly. They will bend over backwards to help fit the requested and most suitable counsel for the instructions. All clerks are equally helpful but particularly Rob Leonard, Stuart Pringle and Sarah Jenkin.’

‘A fabulous chambers with great selection of barristers for all types of matters.’ 

‘3PB Chambers is an amazing set of chambers: friendly, efficient and very well respected as an outstanding set both locally and nationally.’

Midland Circuit > Chancery, probate, and tax Tier 2

3PB has built a strong reputation for handling contentious probate disputes, with a particular focus on Inheritance Act claims and other private client matters. The team is well-equipped at handling matters related to both mediation and litigation. Rising star Oliver Ingham specialises in traditional Chancery litigation at all levels of the court system and is part of a team handling a high-profile Inheritance Act-related case, Hirachand v Hirachand, in the Supreme Court.

Rising stars

Oliver Ingham3PB 'Oliver is quick to grasp the key issues. He is superb in mediation, holding his own against very experienced counsel on the other side and with the mediator.'
Ranked: Tier 1


‘The clerks are efficient in handling the matters.’

Work highlights

South Eastern Circuit > Property and construction Tier 2

3PB has broad-ranging expertise across the whole spectrum of commercial property and residential issues for developers and private individuals. Charles Irvine successfully represented a claimant in a High Court injunction application, preventing the defendant from selling their home. Joshua Dubin has expertise in handling a variety of disputes, including boundary, easement and disrepair, while Louise Worton focuses on ownership disputes.

Leading Juniors

Charles Irvine3PB ‘Charles’s firm commandment of a court room in pursuit of a faultless strategy is a sight to behold, much to the elation of clients. He is affable with clients, reassuring with solicitors and most importantly, an outstanding representative for the party he fights for.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Joshua Dubin3PB 'Joshua has excellent communication skills and ensures the solicitor is involved in the process.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Louise Worton3PB 'Louise gives clear, robust and practical advice. She is a tenacious advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 2


‘Patrick Steptoe is extremely competent and efficient with enquiries.’

‘Joe Townsend is a go-to, easy to engage and quick to respond clerk.’

‘The chambers has a good availability of counsel and also delivers good quality seminars.’

‘3PB’s property and construction barristers inspire confidence, offer reassurance and put solicitors and clients alike at ease with their wealth of knowledge and effortless engagement.’

‘3PB chambers as a whole are great to work with.’

‘The set has a broad range of civil litigation, with depth, particularly amongst junior counsel.’

Western Circuit > Business and regulatory crime (including health and safety) Tier 2

Members of 3PB regularly handle a range of health and safety matters, representing a wide range of clients, including local authorities, regulatory bodies, businesses, individuals, and the Health and Safety Executive. Nicholas Cotteris an excellent advocate‘ who ‘quickly commands the respect of the court‘. He has a strong presence on the Western Circuit in this area and recently defended a company and director against a charge of corporate manslaughter following two workplace fatalities. Tom Horder both has considerable expertise in relation to health and safety matters at sea. David Richards was appointed a circuit judge in September 2023.

Leading Juniors

Nicholas Cotter3PB ‘Nick is a real heavyweight junior with a keen sense for a sound strategy. He has a calm, responsive and pragmatic approach and an excellent manner with judge and jury alike in the heat of courtroom proceedings.'   
Ranked: Tier 1
Tom Horder3PB ‘Tom is always very friendly, approachable and contactable. He quickly gets to the core of the issues and expresses his advice in a user-friendly manner. He has a good eye for detail and in court his submissions are well-crafted. He is also conscious of effective jury handling and decanting complex matters into the key facts in a digestible manner.’
Ranked: Tier 2


‘Gemma Faulkner and Chris Mitchell are excellent. They go above and beyond to accommodate.’

‘The clerks are efficient, and go and above and beyond to accommodate. Chris Mitchell in particular is excellent and Mark Heath is a safe pair of hands.’ 

‘Stuart Pringle and Lee Giles are hugely experienced and capable when it comes to their running of the clerks’ room.  They have strong local knowledge and are always good to work with. Regulatory lead Chris Mitchell is really excellent – very hard working and adept at making things happen for our clients and ourselves.’

‘3 Paper buildings is an impressive chambers. They deliver an excellent service.’

‘3PB is first class when it comes to marine safety. They have worked with the MCA for a long time and this is shown in their levels of expertise and knowledge in this field.’

‘3PB is an excellent set.  They are responsive, well organised and commercially minded, with strength in depth when it comes to criminal, white collar and regulatory cases.’

The clerks at the Winchester office have always been most helpful and approachable. Face to face conferences at chambers are well organised and resourced.’

Work highlights

Western Circuit > Family: divorce and financial remedy Tier 2

3PB is widely praised as an ‘exceptional set‘ that houses a ‘broad range of counsel’ specialising in all areas of family law. Hamish Dunlop, with particular expertise in cases involving family businesses and inherited wealth, has a ‘very persuasive manner in court’. Amy Beddis has an ‘eye for detail’, while Oliver Thorne ‘is great on his feet and a whizz with numbers’.

Leading Juniors

Hamish Dunlop3PB ‘Hamish is well-prepared, takes a pragmatic approach and his delivery is always spot on. He is a smooth operator and a real star in his field.’   
Ranked: Tier 1
Mark Elliott3PB ‘Mark is a strategic genius who leaves no stone unturned. He is also utterly devastating in cross-examination.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Oliver Thorne – 3PB ‘Oliver is a force to be reckoned with in hearings. He is well-prepared and his knowledge shines through very clearly. Oliver has always been very pragmatic, delivering information clearly and sensitively where needed. He can easily cut through a number of issues to the relevant crux of the case.’ 
Ranked: Tier 2
Amy Beddis  – 3PB ‘Amy is a fantastic financial remedy barrister who can handles cases above her year of call. She is a safe pair of hands; calm and sensible under pressure. She cuts through the noise of a case to focus on what is important to clients and to the court.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Nicola Frost3PB ‘Nicola is extremely thorough and her attention to detail is impressive. She has excellent client care qualities and goes the extra mile for her clients. Nicola is a calm but very persuasive advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Sarah Jenking and Robert Leonard are first rate. Both clerks are understand clients’ needs and budgets and know their set so well they can be given a case background and suggest counsel that fits the client perfectly.’

‘Rob Leonard is amazing and nothing is too much trouble.’

‘Ian Charlton and his team offer a hands-on approach where special requests are never too much trouble. He goes above and beyond to provide a Rolls-Royce service and is a real credit to his chambers and the profession in general.’ 

‘3PB is an exceptional set to work with, with a wide variety of counsel offering different levels of experience.’

‘3PB is a class act all round. They have a wide range of experience and styles. Their brunch training through Covid and since has been invaluable.’

‘3PB has a broad range of counswl in all areas of family law. The family law brunch webinars are very relevant and an excellent source of updates on the law.’

‘The go-to set for all-round family work.’

Western Circuit > Personal injury Tier 2

3PB is a ‘go-to set‘ for some for personal injury work. Mark Lomas boasts ‘a huge amount of experience in personal injury work’. He acts for both claimants and defendants, often in cases involving traumatic brain or spinal injuries. Michelle Marnham, ‘a leader in her field’, primarily handles claimant instructions and specialises in complex regional pain syndrome cases as well as brain injury cases. Tom Webb’s cases regularly concern road traffic accidents, occupier’s liability and claims against employers.

Leading Juniors

Mark Lomas3PBMark is a senior junior with incredible knowledge and skill. He has one of the brightest minds around and is always quick to see issues. His particular strengths lie with schedules of loss and medical evidence.' 
Ranked: Tier 1
Duncan McNair3PB ‘Duncan provides robust advice and sees the nuances in every case - he is very good on his feet and excellent with clients too.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Michelle Marnham3PB ‘Michelle is knowledgeable both practically and technically, thorough, sympathetic and empathetic.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Richard Wheeler3PBRichard is probably one of the best all round barristers around. Both his advocacy and paper work is exceptional. He is excellent with clients and extremely personable, which is so crucial in claims involving serious injury work.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Tom Webb  – 3PB ‘Tom is an exceptional personal injury barrister. He is extremely knowledgeable and couples a pragmatic and constructive approach with forceful and well-reasoned advocacy. He is also well liked by clients and is very empathetic.'
Ranked: Tier 3


‘The clerks at 3PB are excellent. David Snook is always a pleasure to deal with and understands commercial realities well. Edward Holdstock is also fantastic; he knows his barristers inside out and readily grasps the needs of an instructing solicitor.’

‘Natalie Bryan is wonderful – so friendly and if she can’t help she will go away and find the answer and come back to you. She is reliable and goes the extra mile always which is what you want in a clerk.’

‘Edward Holdstock is friendly, approachable and goes out of his way to assist you.’

‘3PB is simply a fantastic chambers with a real specialty in personal injury claims. They punch well above their weight and are regarded as on a par with, if not better than some, London sets. They have a fantastic spread of exceptional personal injury barristers at all levels.’

‘3PB is a growing set in the fields of serious PI and clinical negligence cases.’

‘This set has huge depth and breadth in PI.’ 

‘A brilliant set of clerks.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Education Tier 3

3PB‘s education specialists are well-regarded for their understanding of education matters, with particular experience acting in tribunal claims and judicial reviews related to SEND matters and academic and disciplinary decisions in schools and universities. Charlotte Hadfield is noted for her expertise acting in claims concerning student and parent matters, including disability discrimination claims and SEND Tribunal appeals. Emma Waldron notably acted for a childminder in successfully appealing an Ofsted suspension notice, and Alice de Coverley successfully represented the respondent in the London Borough of Croydon v K-A (SEN) Upper Tribunal appeal, a widely reported case that sided with parents when weighing the healthcare benefits of a school placement against the public cost to the council.

Leading Juniors

Charlotte Hadfield3PB 'Charlotte is extremely knowledgeable, clam under pressure, and a sophisticated advocate. Her expertise in special educational needs matters is unrivalled, and she is greatly respected by peers and the judiciary alike.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Emma Waldron3PBEmma is a joy to work with. She is incredibly professional. Her knowledge of the law in all things SEND tribunal is second-to-none, and her advice is always very clearly explained and accurate.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Jennifer Agyekum3PBJennifer is approachable and knowledgeable. Her calm demeanour puts clients at ease. She has strong advocacy skills.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Alice de Coverley3PB 'Alice is an exceptional barrister who quickly establishes a relationship of trust and confidence with her clients. She can get to the root of complex issues with speed and ease.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Katherine Anderson3PBKatherine is forensic in her approach. She looks at all angles and considers all options. A very diligent advocate. ’
Ranked: Tier 4
Aimee Fox3PBAimee’s knowledge of the family court, that forum's understanding of special educational needs law, and the overlapping issues is second-to-none.
Ranked: Tier 4
Matthew Wyard3PBMatthew is quick to get to the crux of a case and exhibits particular expertise in cases involving special educational needs. His ability to look at a case from all sides is a particular strength.’
Ranked: Tier 4


‘Chris Mitchell is the stand-out clerk in the team. His knowledge of the area is impressive, and he is extremely responsive.’

‘3PB’s clerks provide a high level of support and ensure the information we provide gets to the right barristers every time. They are the lifeblood of the operation.’

‘Gemma Faulkner at 3PB does an incredible job managing a number of barristers and dealing effectively with a number of instructions at any one time, in a professional and charming way.’

‘The education team is fantastic and offers comprehensive and pragmatic advice.’

‘3PB is an excellent set of barristers, particularly for education law.’

‘A very strong education set with counsel always available for support, no matter the level of complexity.’

‘A strong set with numerous quality barristers within the area of Education law.’

Work highlights

South Eastern Circuit > Family: children and domestic violence Tier 3

3PB is home to specialist practitioners across the spectrum of this area, including care proceedings and private child law. Nicola Martin is recommended for complex care cases, while James Legg garners praise for having a ‘fantastic eye for detail and the issues which matter in cases’.

Rising stars

Sam Pentony –3PB 'Sam can get to grips with a case quickly and provide constructive advice delivered in a way the client fully understands. He is always well-prepared and has impressive advocacy skills. He will go the extra mile to try and get the best outcome for a client wherever possible.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Nicola Martin – 3PB 'Nicola is a tenacious advocate. She responds quickly to all queries and is happy to chat through cases where necessary. She is highly professional and able to advise on case strategy where necessary.'
Ranked: Tier 1
James Legg3PB 'James is very knowledgeable, and clients feel easy around him. He fights the client's case.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Emma Griffiths –3PB 'Emma is a conscientious, hard-working and extremely able barrister. Her preparation for cases is detailed but focused on the core issues. Her work enables cases to run efficiently but effectively for the client.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Elaine Strachan –3PB 'Elaine is thorough and efficient with her preparation. Her advice is always realistic and clear. She is sympathetic to clients and will always fight the client's case. She creates constructive ways to deal with matters and is a highly professional advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 5


‘Dan Tidman is proactive in trying to help find the right counsel for the case.’

‘Patrick Robson and Patrick Steptoe deserve a special mention. All around, the clerking team remains very hard to equal.’

‘3PB is a go-to chamber with a good selection of counsels who are very knowledgeable, capable and personable.’

‘3PB is an excellent family set with widespread expertise and knowledge.’

‘3PB is a very strong set with strong counsel in this area. It makes a tremendous effort to find counsel if a hearing is at short notice.’

Western Circuit > Clinical negligence Tier 3

3PB‘s clinical negligence team represents both injured claimants and defendant organisations in connection with a broad spectrum of matters, often involving complicating factors such as contributory negligence or missed diagnosis. Mark Lomas is ‘meticulous, conscientious and approachable‘ and mostly acts for claimants, including children, vulnerable clients, and those who lack mental capacity, against health care professionals including, among others, dentists. The ‘precise, insightful, and organisedHamish Dunlop is regularly instructed in relation to high-value and medically complex claims and has recently acted in cases concerning the failure to identify and adequately treat the onset of such life-changing conditions as cauda equina lesions and subarachnoid haemorrhages.

Leading Juniors

Hamish Dunlop3PBHe is personable and tactful with clients and diligent and committed to achieving the best outcome.' 
Ranked: Tier 1
Mark Lomas3PB 'Mark is extremely attentive to the smallest detail so you can be confident that every point will be covered so nothing can jump out and bite you in the future. His advocacy is calm and measured and produces excellent results.' 
Ranked: Tier 1


‘Edward Holdstock is very accommodating and approachable.’

‘Abi Griffin provides an excellent service.’

‘Members and clerks at 3PB are very approachable and helpful. They go out of their way to assist you however possible.’

‘An experienced and helpful chambers with wide-range of Counsel.’ 

‘3PB have reshuffled their clerking and over the last year or so the team has become even stronger.’ 

Western Circuit > Property and construction Tier 3

3PB has ‘a broad range of expertise within chambers’ in relation to property matters, including development projects, planning, land use, lease renewals, mortgage disputes, and orders for sale. Antonietta Grasso has ‘brilliant client care skills‘ and is ‘able to cut through volumes of documents to get to the heart of a matter’; she has considerable experience handling boundary disputes, adverse possession claims, possession orders, and property damage cases. Matthew Cannings is ‘an excellent barrister‘ specialising in neighbour disputes, while Robert Weatherley, ‘an encyclopaedia of knowledge‘, has recently acted in several cases concerning easements. Members also offer construction law expertise, with Paul Newman undertaking a mix of contentious and non-contentious work, including professional negligence claims against construction professionals.

Leading Juniors

Paul Newman3PB ‘As an advocate, Paul is charming, persuasive and has that all-important gravitas. He frequently finds an ingenious argument that his peers have not even considered.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Antonietta Grasso3PBAntonietta has brilliant client care skills. She is focused, on top of all arguments and, critically, thinks ten steps ahead.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Matthew Cannings3PBMatthew is very personable and has good relations with clients. He grasps issues quickly and advocates clearly,  precisely and persuasively, keeping to the relevant issues.' 
Ranked: Tier 2
Robert Weatherley3PB ‘Robert has the ability to boil down huge amounts of information on to a single sheet of paper. He has a great deal of compassion for his clients but is very robust with opponents.'
Ranked: Tier 2


‘3PB has a strong team of clerks, particularly Joe Townsend.’

‘Jade Owen is very efficient and always happy to discuss your needs. Mark Heath is also very approachable and is prepared to have a chat about cases.’

‘Abi Griffin and Robert Leonard are always immensely helpful. Abi always offers a prompt response to routine instructions and Robert makes it easy to establish a relationship with a new barrister when the circumstances demand.’

‘Jade Owen, Matthew Scanlon and Joe Townsend in particular provide excellent service.’

‘3PB has a broad range of expertise within chambers meaning they often have someone available for a particular case.’

‘A very good, approachable set.’

‘3PB is a ‘go-to’ chambers – this is primarily because they are very user-friendly.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Personal injury, industrial disease and insurance fraud

Personal injury - Rising Stars

Eloise Turnnidge  - 3PB  'Eloise is strong on all fronts. Her written work is meticulous and thorough, yet remains engaging and persuasive. She is strong in court and achieves excellent results..'
Ranked: Tier 1

Personal injury - Leading Juniors

Mark Lomas – 3PBMark is a leading junior who can be trusted to provide clear, accurate and detailed advice to both clients and instructing solicitors.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Michelle Marnham3PBMichelle is pragmatic and provides sensible, realistic advice for clients.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Richard Wheeler 3PB ‘Richard is an excellent barrister. He has a great eye for detail and is able to pick up on salient points quickly.'
Ranked: Tier 5

South Eastern Circuit > Commercial litigation

Rising stars

Rebecca Farrell – 3PB ‘Rebecca is extremely diligent. Her preparation for each matter is thorough and focussed, and she applies the same discipline and dedication to low-value, fast-track matters through to complex, high-value claims. She has the ability to get on top of difficult issues quickly.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Ranked: Tier 1

South Eastern Circuit > Company and insolvency

Rising stars

Rebecca Farrell – 3PB ‘Rebecca consistently provides the necessary mix of technical excellence. Her advocacy is robust and thoughtful and has a reliable ability to persuade judges to the logic of her arguments.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Charles Irvine3PB ‘Charles' drafting of pleadings and attention to detail are strong points. He also provides decisive, commercial views and turns work around quickly.’
Ranked: Tier 1

South Eastern Circuit > Court of Protection and community care

Leading Juniors

Ranked: Tier 1

South Eastern Circuit > Chancery, probate, and tax

Leading Juniors

Andrew Nicklin – 3PB ‘Andrew is very hands-on and helpful, happy to offer advice throughout a case on an ad hoc basis to assist with case progression. He is very well-prepared, including in the mediation context. He is very good at managing a client, and his negotiation skills are excellent.’
Ranked: Tier 2

South Eastern Circuit > Family: divorce and financial remedy

Leading Juniors

Elaine Strachan – 3PB ‘Elaine is a completely safe pair of hands. Her preparation is always immaculate, and her drafting of documents is faultless.’
Ranked: Tier 4
James Francis Legg – 3PB 'James is a talented advocate who can quickly digest his brief and deliver in court. His submissions are pithy, and he is unapologetically confident during negotiations.'
Ranked: Tier 4

Midland Circuit > Costs

Leading Juniors

Paul Joseph – 3PB ‘Paul is a very confident and knowledgeable barrister who gives an honest outlook on the matter with a very quick turnaround on drafting and advice.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Midland Circuit > Court of Protection and community care

Leading Juniors

Louise Worton – 3PB ‘Louise has a strong understanding of the Court of Protection. She inspires confidence in the client with her abilities and advice.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Midland Circuit > Education

Leading Juniors

Aimee Fox3PB ‘Aimee has an excellent and empathetic manner, ensuring that her submissions hit home effectively. She can get to the heart of cases and focuses on the individuals rather than just the law.’ 
Ranked: Tier 1

Midland Circuit > Clinical negligence

Leading Juniors

Mark Lomas3PB 'Mark is extremely thorough and gets to grips with all of the issues. He is brilliant at the conference and has a calm, reassuring manner with clients.'
Ranked: Tier 2

Midland Circuit > Employment

Leading Juniors

Sarah Bowen - 3PB 'Sarah is very thorough in her preparation and is very good with supporting witnesses. She is quick on her feet, and her cross-examination is robust.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Daniel Brown3PB ‘Daniel's advocacy style is confident and persuasive.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3

Wales and Chester Circuit > Court of Protection and community care

Leading Juniors

Matthew Wyard – 3PB ‘He quickly picks the issues in the case and is particularly great in a round table meeting which includes litigants in person. He is able to clearly take the parties through the main issues, which helps to progress the matter and discussion.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Wales and Chester Circuit > Education

Leading Juniors

Matthew Wyard  – 3PBHe is calm under pressure, very reassuring with clients and has a keen eye for detail. He is measured in his approach and has particular expertise within the area of special educational needs law within Wales. He is fast becoming the go-to barrister in this area of law, which has seen major changes over the last couple of years. He appropriately adapts his style of advocacy to the relevant forum and is respected by fellow barristers and judges alike.’ 
Ranked: Tier 1

Wales and Chester Circuit > Administrative and public law (including civil liberties and human rights)

Leading Juniors

Matthew Wyard – 3PBHis knowledge and expertise make him a natural choice to instruct on judicial review matters. He knows the Welsh legislation inside out. He is tactically very astute in such challenges and delivers advice in a timely and sensitive manner.’ 
Ranked: Tier 2

Western Circuit > Commercial litigation

Leading Juniors

Alexander Whatley3PBHe is a great advocate and commands a courtroom. He also gives detailed advice and considers all areas of a dispute.' 
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Whitehouse3PBRichard boasts a wealth of knowledge both procedurally and in managing and understanding the factual aspects of matters. His standard of service is of the highest possible and his style of advocacy is clear and concise.' 
Ranked: Tier 2

Western Circuit > Inquests and inquiries

Leading Juniors

Richard Wheeler – 3PB ‘Richard is excellent at inquest work. He is a tenacious advocate but is also very intuitive and can read a coroner well in order to adapt his approach. He is excellent with clients and extremely personable, which is so crucial in inquest work. Richard is always fully prepared and readily grasps the key points in any inquest.’ 
Ranked: Tier 1

Western Circuit > Planning and environment

Leading Juniors

William Webster3PB 'William is very experienced and knowledgeable in this area of law. He has good management skills in a public inquiry setting and communicates readily and clearly with all parties. His reports and recommendations are also extremely detailed and thorough.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Western Circuit > Professional disciplinary law

Leading Juniors

Nicholas Cotter3PB ‘Nick is a real heavyweight junior; a hugely experienced lawyer with a keen sense for a sound strategy. His calm, responsive and pragmatic approach and his excellent manner with judge and jury alike in the heat of courtroom proceedings is very valuable.'   
Ranked: Tier 1

Western Circuit > Professional negligence

Leading Juniors

Richard Whitehouse3PBHe is able to put legal advice in a commercial context for clients and is good at making complex legal academic points clear and easy to understand.' 
Ranked: Tier 1

Western Circuit > Chancery, probate, and tax

Leading Juniors

Cheryl Jones3PB ‘Cheryl is, quite simply, a class act. She prepares meticulously and is absolutely on top of the case when she appears in court. Her cross-examination is incisive and her analysis of the law and facts in her submissions is excellent.’
Ranked: Tier 2

London Bar > Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading Juniors

Poonam Bhari3PB 'Poonam is pragmatic, methodical, and sympathetic and fights for clients. She puts clients at ease and makes them feel that they are being listened to.'
Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Employment

Leading Juniors

Sarah Bowen3PBSarah is incisive and very personable in the court room. She has a compelling manner with judges.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Karen Moss - 3PB 'A junior with exceptional knowledge of the law.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Craig Ludlow3PB 'Craig's strengths include making you feel at ease and confident in terms of how quickly he can pick up a matter and understand what's important.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Daniel Brown3PB 'A confident and assured junior who provides pragmatic advice.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Andrew MacPhail - 3PB 'An accomplished advocate with an incisive approach.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Mark Green3PB 'A user-friendly junior, who is very knowledgeable and a compelling advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 5

London Bar > Intellectual property

Leading Juniors

Victoria Jones3PB 'Victoria is a first choice for all contentious trade mark matters, as she has an excellent understanding of IP law and practice and an ability to explain complex issues in plain English. She is a formidable opponent.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 4

London Bar > Police law (forces and constables)

Leading Juniors

Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Family: divorce and financial remedy

Leading Juniors

Hamish Dunlop – 3PB ‘Hamish is a strong advocate who is entirely comfortable in front of any judge at any level. He is persuasive and authoritative, and his gravitas earns him the respect of the bench and opponents alike.’
Ranked: Tier 4

London Bar > Inquests and inquiries

Leading Juniors

Ranked: Tier 4

London Bar > Private client: trusts and probate

Leading Juniors

Oliver Ingham 3PB ‘Oliver is quick to identify the essential nature of the case and is adept at conveying that to the client. He is also very client-friendly.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Cheryl Jones – 3PB 'Cheryl is an excellent advocate, helping the judge to see things from her client's point of view and a fierce cross-examiner. She leaves no stone unturned in the interests of her client.'
Ranked: Tier 4

London Bar > Professional disciplinary and regulatory law

Leading Juniors

Jennifer Agyekum3PBJennifer is knowledgeable, meticulous, and always fully prepared.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4
Daniel Brown3PB 'A junior who is impressively articulate and dynamic in his advocacy.'
Ranked: Tier 4

London Bar > Professional negligence

Leading Juniors

Gavin Hamilton3PBGavin is very good on detail, explaining issues clearly to clients and a good advocate on his feet in court, very experienced.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Seb Oram3PBClever, thorough, to the point, very good with clients, excellent in court with good presentational skills and persuasive approach, and very good at cross-examination.'
Ranked: Tier 5

The chambers: 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), is one of the UK’s oldest and fourth largest chambers in England providing a comprehensive legal advocacy and advisory service to businesses and individuals alike. Headed by commercial barrister David Berkley KC, our 235 barristers – including 14 silks – deliver real expertise and specialist knowledge across the full range of legal dispute areas, assisted by some 50 clerks and other staff.

Our barristers offer legal representation and advice across the UK from six locations: London, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Oxford and Winchester. The chambers operates as a single national legal business from its six well-equipped offices and is fully accredited by the Bar Council to provide CPD courses and is IiP and BarMark accredited. Each office is staffed by friendly and experienced clerks and staff who can advise clients on the most suitable counsel for a particular case, as well as discuss fees and provide estimates for anticipated work.

Work undertaken: Chambers is a full-service barristers’ set, offering legal expertise from 12 specialist teams. See www.3pb.co.uk for more details.

The commercial group advises on company, contract and commercial disputes including professional negligence claims, as well as insolvency, energy law and intellectual property.

The criminal law group advises and acts in the full range of criminal law issues from homicide and sexual offences to fraud, drugs and proceeds of crime.

The specialist education law team advises parents, pupils, schools, teaching and academic staff and local authorities on all aspects of education law including SEN provision and regulatory matters.

The employment and discrimination group provides expertise across all areas of contentious and non-contentious work, including injunctions, investigations, directories duties, TUPE and restrictive covenants.

The family law group provides expertise in every aspect of public/private childcare law and all forms of financial proceedings including Remote Private Financial Dispute Resolution.

The personal injury and clinical negligence groups conduct cases at every level and clients include both claimants and defendants, dealing with fatal and catastrophic injuries, employers liability and public liability cases, fraudulent claims, travel and military cases.

The property and estates group undertakes work in all areas of law concerning the ownership, occupation and use of land and buildings, probate and estates disputes as well as traditional Chancery law advice.

Public and regulatory law crosses the boundary between civil and criminal law and members of the group provide expertise across a range of legal fields, including professional disciplinary, inquests, health and safety, marine and fisheries and police law.

The mediation group has particular strength in the fields of adjudication, arbitration and mediation. Members are regularly appointed as adjudicators or arbitrators in both domestic and international disputes.

3PB’s high profile construction and engineering group provides advocacy and other expertise in all aspects of construction disputes and dispute resolution services, both domestic and international with a focus on arbitration, adjudication and acting as neutrals.

The intellectual property law group has an exceptional reputation for its expertise in trade marks & passing off, copyright, patents, design rights and confidential information. Our barristers frequently represent clients in the IPEC, High Court, UKIPO, Appointed Person and appellate courts and are often involved in leading cases in their field.


Department Name Email Telephone
Head of Chambers BERKLEY KC, David david.berkley@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Chief Executive ASTILL, Simon simon.astill@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
London Senior FIELDER, David david.fielder@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Photo Name Position Profile
Katherine Anderson photo Katherine Anderson Katherine is an experienced education and employment law specialist who offers first…
Amy Beddis photo Amy Beddis Amy is a specialist family practitioner with an emphasis on private law…
Matthew Cannings photo Matthew Cannings Matthew Cannings primarily practices in the property and commercial fields and, since…
Gemma Chapman photo Gemma Chapman Gemma is a specialist family law barrister with particular focus in Public…
Sarah Clarke photo Sarah Clarke Sarah Clarke is an experienced advocate, specialising in Employment and Commercial law.…
Lucy Clayton photo Lucy Clayton Lucy Clayton (pronouns: she / her / hers) is a specialist family lawyer…
Christopher Edwards photo Christopher Edwards Prior to being called to the Bar, Christopher completed an MPhil in…
Nicola Frost photo Nicola Frost Nicola Frost is a specialist family law barrister.  Her practice encompasses finance…
Gareth Graham photo Gareth Graham Gareth Graham was called to the Bar after leaving the British Army…
Sarah Jennings photo Sarah Jennings Sarah specialises in a wide range of family work and regularly appears…
Martin Kenny photo Martin Kenny Martin Kenny is family specialist, called to the Bar in 1997. Since…
Esther Lieu photo Esther Lieu Esther Lieu is a specialist family lawyer with an emphasis on private…
Mark Lyne photo Mark Lyne Mark Lyne has been a specialist family law barrister for over 25…
Carrie Mason photo Carrie Mason Carrie Mason is a family and civil barrister at 3PB. Carrie accepts…
Duncan McNair photo Duncan McNair Duncan McNair practices in personal injury and clinical negligence, enjoying a substantial…
Paul Newman photo Paul Newman Paul Newman originally studied modern and medieval languages (French and Spanish) at…
Mariya Peykova photo Mariya Peykova Following her qualification in 2020, Mariya Peykova has built a successful practice…
Simon Tibbitts photo Simon Tibbitts Simon Tibbitts is an employment law specialist. He provides advice and representation…
Richard Tyson photo Richard Tyson Richard Tyson has regularly appeared in the leading directories in each of…
Jack Webb photo Jack Webb Jack is a civil law practitioner specialising in Property and Commercial law.…
Richard Whitehouse photo Richard Whitehouse Richard is a Chancery, Commercial and Professional Risk barrister. Prior to transferring…
Matthew Wyard photo Matthew Wyard Matthew Wyard is a specialist public law barrister who “is meticulous in…
Barristers : 235
Staff : 50
All main business languages
English Bar Council (individual membership)

With the opening of our Bournemouth office in 1973, 3PB found a home on the South Coast. Our office has a busy full service practice advising solicitors, in-house counsel, insurance claim professionals and other business professionals as well as high net worth individuals, on the full range of legal issues.

The chambers: 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), is one of the UK’s oldest and fourth largest chambers in England providing a comprehensive legal advocacy and advisory service to businesses and individuals alike. Headed by commercial barrister David Berkley KC, our 235 barristers – including 14 silks – deliver real expertise and specialist knowledge across the full range of legal dispute areas, assisted by some 50 clerks and other staff.

Our barristers offer legal representation and advice across the UK from six locations: London, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Oxford and Winchester. The chambers operates as a single national legal business from its six well-equipped offices and is fully accredited by the Bar Council to provide CPD courses and is IiP and BarMark accredited. Each office is staffed by friendly and experienced clerks and staff who can advise clients on the most suitable counsel for a particular case, as well as discuss fees and provide estimates for anticipated work.

Work undertaken: Chambers is a full-service barristers’ set, offering legal expertise from 12 specialist teams. See www.3pb.co.uk for more details.

The commercial group advises on company, contract and commercial disputes including professional negligence claims, as well as insolvency, energy law and intellectual property.

The criminal law group advises and acts in the full range of criminal law issues from homicide and sexual offences to fraud, drugs and proceeds of crime.

The specialist education law team advises parents, pupils, schools, teaching and academic staff and local authorities on all aspects of education law including SEN provision and regulatory matters.

The employment and discrimination group provides expertise across all areas of contentious and non-contentious work, including injunctions, investigations, directories duties, TUPE and restrictive covenants.

The family law group provides expertise in every aspect of public/private childcare law and all forms of financial proceedings including Remote Private Financial Dispute Resolution.

The personal injury and clinical negligence groups conduct cases at every level and clients include both claimants and defendants, dealing with fatal and catastrophic injuries, employers liability and public liability cases, fraudulent claims, travel and military cases.

The property and estates group undertakes work in all areas of law concerning the ownership, occupation and use of land and buildings, probate and estates disputes as well as traditional Chancery law advice.

Public and regulatory law crosses the boundary between civil and criminal law and members of the group provide expertise across a range of legal fields, including professional disciplinary, inquests, health and safety, marine and fisheries and police law.

The mediation group has particular strength in the fields of adjudication, arbitration and mediation. Members are regularly appointed as adjudicators or arbitrators in both domestic and international disputes.

3PB’s high profile construction and engineering group provides advocacy and other expertise in all aspects of construction disputes and dispute resolution services, both domestic and international with a focus on arbitration, adjudication and acting as neutrals.

The intellectual property law group has an exceptional reputation for its expertise in trade marks & passing off, copyright, patents, design rights and confidential information. Our barristers frequently represent clients in the IPEC, High Court, UKIPO, Appointed Person and appellate courts and are often involved in leading cases in their field.

Department Name Email Telephone
Practice Director Rob Leonard robert.leonard@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barrister Hamish Dunlop hamish.dunlop@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barristers : 235
Staff : 50
All main business languages
English Bar Council (individual membership)

Our Birmingham office opened in 2016. It is now a busy, full service practice advising solicitors, in-house counsel, insurance claims professionals and other business professionals as well as high-net-worth individuals on the full range of legal issues.

The chambers: 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), is one of the UK’s oldest and fourth largest chambers in England providing a comprehensive legal advocacy and advisory service to businesses and individuals alike. Headed by commercial barrister David Berkley KC, our 235 barristers – including 14 silks – deliver real expertise and specialist knowledge across the full range of legal dispute areas, assisted by some 50 clerks and other staff.

Our barristers offer legal representation and advice across the UK from six locations: London, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Oxford and Winchester. The chambers operates as a single national legal business from its six well-equipped offices and is fully accredited by the Bar Council to provide CPD courses and is IiP and BarMark accredited. Each office is staffed by friendly and experienced clerks and staff who can advise clients on the most suitable counsel for a particular case, as well as discuss fees and provide estimates for anticipated work.

Work undertaken: Chambers is a full-service barristers’ set, offering legal expertise from 12 specialist teams. See www.3pb.co.uk for more details.

The commercial group advises on company, contract and commercial disputes including professional negligence claims, as well as insolvency, energy law and intellectual property.

The criminal law group advises and acts in the full range of criminal law issues from homicide and sexual offences to fraud, drugs and proceeds of crime.

The specialist education law team advises parents, pupils, schools, teaching and academic staff and local authorities on all aspects of education law including SEN provision and regulatory matters.

The employment and discrimination group provides expertise across all areas of contentious and non-contentious work, including injunctions, investigations, directories duties, TUPE and restrictive covenants.

The family law group provides expertise in every aspect of public/private childcare law and all forms of financial proceedings including Remote Private Financial Dispute Resolution.

The personal injury and clinical negligence groups conduct cases at every level and clients include both claimants and defendants, dealing with fatal and catastrophic injuries, employers liability and public liability cases, fraudulent claims, travel and military cases.

The property and estates group undertakes work in all areas of law concerning the ownership, occupation and use of land and buildings, probate and estates disputes as well as traditional Chancery law advice.

Public and regulatory law crosses the boundary between civil and criminal law and members of the group provide expertise across a range of legal fields, including professional disciplinary, inquests, health and safety, marine and fisheries and police law.

The mediation group has particular strength in the fields of adjudication, arbitration and mediation. Members are regularly appointed as adjudicators or arbitrators in both domestic and international disputes.

3PB’s high profile construction and engineering group provides advocacy and other expertise in all aspects of construction disputes and dispute resolution services, both domestic and international with a focus on arbitration, adjudication and acting as neutrals.

The intellectual property law group has an exceptional reputation for its expertise in trade marks & passing off, copyright, patents, design rights and confidential information. Our barristers frequently represent clients in the IPEC, High Court, UKIPO, Appointed Person and appellate courts and are often involved in leading cases in their field.

Department Name Email Telephone
Practice Director Ian Charlton ian.charlton@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barrister Elizabeth McGrath elizabeth.mcgrath@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barristers : 235
Staff : 50
All main business languages
English Bar Council (individual membership)

Our Bristol office opened in 2005, strengthening our reach on the Western Circuit.  This office has a busy full service practice, advising solicitors, in-house counsel, insurance claims professionals and other business professionals as well as high net worth individuals on the full range of legal issues.

The chambers: 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), is one of the UK’s oldest and fourth largest chambers in England providing a comprehensive legal advocacy and advisory service to businesses and individuals alike. Headed by commercial barrister David Berkley KC, our 235 barristers – including 14 silks – deliver real expertise and specialist knowledge across the full range of legal dispute areas, assisted by some 50 clerks and other staff.

Our barristers offer legal representation and advice across the UK from six locations: London, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Oxford and Winchester. The chambers operates as a single national legal business from its six well-equipped offices and is fully accredited by the Bar Council to provide CPD courses and is IiP and BarMark accredited. Each office is staffed by friendly and experienced clerks and staff who can advise clients on the most suitable counsel for a particular case, as well as discuss fees and provide estimates for anticipated work.

Work undertaken: Chambers is a full-service barristers’ set, offering legal expertise from 12 specialist teams. See www.3pb.co.uk for more details.

The commercial group advises on company, contract and commercial disputes including professional negligence claims, as well as insolvency, energy law and intellectual property.

The criminal law group advises and acts in the full range of criminal law issues from homicide and sexual offences to fraud, drugs and proceeds of crime.

The specialist education law team advises parents, pupils, schools, teaching and academic staff and local authorities on all aspects of education law including SEN provision and regulatory matters.

The employment and discrimination group provides expertise across all areas of contentious and non-contentious work, including injunctions, investigations, directories duties, TUPE and restrictive covenants.

The family law group provides expertise in every aspect of public/private childcare law and all forms of financial proceedings including Remote Private Financial Dispute Resolution.

The personal injury and clinical negligence groups conduct cases at every level and clients include both claimants and defendants, dealing with fatal and catastrophic injuries, employers liability and public liability cases, fraudulent claims, travel and military cases.

The property and estates group undertakes work in all areas of law concerning the ownership, occupation and use of land and buildings, probate and estates disputes as well as traditional Chancery law advice.

Public and regulatory law crosses the boundary between civil and criminal law and members of the group provide expertise across a range of legal fields, including professional disciplinary, inquests, health and safety, marine and fisheries and police law.

The mediation group has particular strength in the fields of adjudication, arbitration and mediation. Members are regularly appointed as adjudicators or arbitrators in both domestic and international disputes.

3PB’s high profile construction and engineering group provides advocacy and other expertise in all aspects of construction disputes and dispute resolution services, both domestic and international with a focus on arbitration, adjudication and acting as neutrals.

The intellectual property law group has an exceptional reputation for its expertise in trade marks & passing off, copyright, patents, design rights and confidential information. Our barristers frequently represent clients in the IPEC, High Court, UKIPO, Appointed Person and appellate courts and are often involved in leading cases in their field.

Department Name Email Telephone
Chambers Director Mark Heath mark.heath@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barrister Matthew Cannings matthew.cannings@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barristers : 235
Staff : 50
All main business languages
English Bar Council (individual membership)

Our Oxford office opened in 1990. It is now a busy office, providing legal services to solicitors, in-house counsel, insurance claims professionals and other business professionals as well as high net worth individuals on the full range of legal issues.

The chambers: 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), is one of the UK’s oldest and fourth largest chambers in England providing a comprehensive legal advocacy and advisory service to businesses and individuals alike. Headed by commercial barrister David Berkley KC, our 235 barristers – including 14 silks – deliver real expertise and specialist knowledge across the full range of legal dispute areas, assisted by some 50 clerks and other staff.

Our barristers offer legal representation and advice across the UK from six locations: London, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Oxford and Winchester. The chambers operates as a single national legal business from its six well-equipped offices and is fully accredited by the Bar Council to provide CPD courses and is IiP and BarMark accredited. Each office is staffed by friendly and experienced clerks and staff who can advise clients on the most suitable counsel for a particular case, as well as discuss fees and provide estimates for anticipated work.

Work undertaken: Chambers is a full-service barristers’ set, offering legal expertise from 12 specialist teams. See www.3pb.co.uk for more details.

The commercial group advises on company, contract and commercial disputes including professional negligence claims, as well as insolvency, energy law and intellectual property.

The criminal law group advises and acts in the full range of criminal law issues from homicide and sexual offences to fraud, drugs and proceeds of crime.

The specialist education law team advises parents, pupils, schools, teaching and academic staff and local authorities on all aspects of education law including SEN provision and regulatory matters.

The employment and discrimination group provides expertise across all areas of contentious and non-contentious work, including injunctions, investigations, directories duties, TUPE and restrictive covenants.

The family law group provides expertise in every aspect of public/private childcare law and all forms of financial proceedings including Remote Private Financial Dispute Resolution.

The personal injury and clinical negligence groups conduct cases at every level and clients include both claimants and defendants, dealing with fatal and catastrophic injuries, employers liability and public liability cases, fraudulent claims, travel and military cases.

The property and estates group undertakes work in all areas of law concerning the ownership, occupation and use of land and buildings, probate and estates disputes as well as traditional Chancery law advice.

Public and regulatory law crosses the boundary between civil and criminal law and members of the group provide expertise across a range of legal fields, including professional disciplinary, inquests, health and safety, marine and fisheries and police law.

The mediation group has particular strength in the fields of adjudication, arbitration and mediation. Members are regularly appointed as adjudicators or arbitrators in both domestic and international disputes.

3PB’s high profile construction and engineering group provides advocacy and other expertise in all aspects of construction disputes and dispute resolution services, both domestic and international with a focus on arbitration, adjudication and acting as neutrals.

The intellectual property law group has an exceptional reputation for its expertise in trade marks & passing off, copyright, patents, design rights and confidential information. Our barristers frequently represent clients in the IPEC, High Court, UKIPO, Appointed Person and appellate courts and are often involved in leading cases in their field.

Department Name Email Telephone
Chambers Director Russell Porter russell.porter@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barrister Andrew MacPhail andrew.macphail@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barristers : 235
Staff : 50
All main business languages
English Bar Council (individual membership)

Our Winchester office opened in 1990. It is a busy centre offering advice to solicitors, in-house counsel, insurance claims professionals and other business professionals as well as high-net-worth individuals on the full range of legal issues.

The chambers: 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), is one of the UK’s oldest and fourth largest chambers in England providing a comprehensive legal advocacy and advisory service to businesses and individuals alike. Headed by commercial barrister David Berkley KC, our 235 barristers – including 14 silks – deliver real expertise and specialist knowledge across the full range of legal dispute areas, assisted by some 50 clerks and other staff.

Our barristers offer legal representation and advice across the UK from six locations: London, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Oxford and Winchester. The chambers operates as a single national legal business from its six well-equipped offices and is fully accredited by the Bar Council to provide CPD courses and is IiP and BarMark accredited. Each office is staffed by friendly and experienced clerks and staff who can advise clients on the most suitable counsel for a particular case, as well as discuss fees and provide estimates for anticipated work.

Work undertaken: Chambers is a full-service barristers’ set, offering legal expertise from 12 specialist teams. See www.3pb.co.uk for more details.

The commercial group advises on company, contract and commercial disputes including professional negligence claims, as well as insolvency, energy law and intellectual property.

The criminal law group advises and acts in the full range of criminal law issues from homicide and sexual offences to fraud, drugs and proceeds of crime.

The specialist education law team advises parents, pupils, schools, teaching and academic staff and local authorities on all aspects of education law including SEN provision and regulatory matters.

The employment and discrimination group provides expertise across all areas of contentious and non-contentious work, including injunctions, investigations, directories duties, TUPE and restrictive covenants.

The family law group provides expertise in every aspect of public/private childcare law and all forms of financial proceedings including Remote Private Financial Dispute Resolution.

The personal injury and clinical negligence groups conduct cases at every level and clients include both claimants and defendants, dealing with fatal and catastrophic injuries, employers liability and public liability cases, fraudulent claims, travel and military cases.

The property and estates group undertakes work in all areas of law concerning the ownership, occupation and use of land and buildings, probate and estates disputes as well as traditional Chancery law advice.

Public and regulatory law crosses the boundary between civil and criminal law and members of the group provide expertise across a range of legal fields, including professional disciplinary, inquests, health and safety, marine and fisheries and police law.

The mediation group has particular strength in the fields of adjudication, arbitration and mediation. Members are regularly appointed as adjudicators or arbitrators in both domestic and international disputes.

3PB’s high profile construction and engineering group provides advocacy and other expertise in all aspects of construction disputes and dispute resolution services, both domestic and international with a focus on arbitration, adjudication and acting as neutrals.

The intellectual property law group has an exceptional reputation for its expertise in trade marks & passing off, copyright, patents, design rights and confidential information. Our barristers frequently represent clients in the IPEC, High Court, UKIPO, Appointed Person and appellate courts and are often involved in leading cases in their field.

Department Name Email Telephone
Chambers Director Stuart Pringle stuart.pringle@3pb.co.uk 0330 332 2633
Barristers : 235
Staff : 50
All main business languages