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Karon Monaghan KC

Karon Monaghan KC


Karon practises principally in the fields of equality and discrimination law, human rights and EU law. Her work spans the fields of employment law, civil actions, judicial review and inquests. She has appeared in numerous cases at appellate level, including in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court and (on references under Art 267, TFEU) in the CJEU.


Called 1989; Inner; Silk 2008; QC 2008. Appointed: Employment Judge 2000-2008; Recorder 2005; Deputy High Court Judge 2010. Deputy Assistant Coroner (Stirland Inquest) 2010. Publications of note: Equality Law (2007) OUP (2nd edition 2012); Clayton & Tomlinson, The Law of Human Rights (contributor); Clayton & Tomlinson, Civil Actions Against the Police (contributor) (4th edition 2012); Ed. Hunter, McGlynn and Rackley, Feminist Judgments: From Theory to Practice (2010) Hart (Contributor); K. Monaghan, The Equality Bill: A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing or Something More? [2009] EHRLR 512; K. Monaghan, Contitutionalising Equality: New Horizons [2008] EHRLR 20; Civil Procedure (‘White Book’) (2006-12, Sweet and Maxwell) (Discrimination sections).


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