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Mark Summers KC

Mark Summers KC


Specialist in extradition, mutual legal assistance, criminal EU law. Recent extradition cases include ● India v Vijay Mallya ● USA v Naviner Sarao (the 2010 “flash crash”) ● USA v Kareem Serageldin (Credit Suisse executive prosecuted for his part in the 2008 financial crisis) ● the collapse of Enron (the “NatWest 3”) ● Spain v Rwandan intelligence chief, General Karenzi Karake ● Sweden v Julian Assange  ● South Africa v Shrien Dewani.  Mark’s domestic criminal practice focuses on anti-terrorism and cases concerning complex cross-border and jurisdictional issues. His recent caseload has included ● R v Anjem Choudary ● the 1982 Hyde Park IRA bombing ● the Pakistani international cricket spot-fixing trial ● the plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange ● challenges to the legality of the policing of the 2011 Royal Wedding.


Called 1996; Inner Temple • co-author of ‘Abuse of Process in Criminal Proceedings’ (Bloomsbury, 4th ed. 2014) • co-author ‘The Law of Extradition and Mutual Assistance’ (3rd ed. OUP, 2013) • co-author of ‘Human Rights and Criminal Justice’ (3rd ed. Sweet & Maxwell, 2012) • contributing editor to ‘Fraud: Criminal Law and Procedure’ (Looseleaf, OUP).


Extradition Lawyers’ Association (former chair).


London Bar


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Mark Summers KC – Matrix Chambers ‘Mark's oral advocacy is simply superb. His ability to explain complex legal and factual issues in simple and straightforward terms is second to none. Mark has a forensic mind and an unrivalled work ethic: no matter how large the papers in a particular case, he is on top of the detail of every single page. He is a stellar KC.'
London Bar


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Mark Summers KC – Matrix Chambers ‘Mark's real strength is his encyclopaedic knowledge of extradition law and his ability to marshal that into clear and robust submissions. He is incredibly hardworking and knows his cases inside out.’