Matrix Chambers
Jessica Simor KC
- Phone020 7404 3447
- Email[email protected]
Specialises in public law, EU and human rights. Recent cases: R (on application of Ingenious Media Holdings PLC and another) v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2015] EWCA Civ 173; R (on the application of WHISTL UK LTD (formerly TNT Post UK LTD)) (Claimant) v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (Defendant) & Royal Mail Group Ltd (Interested Party) [2014] EWHC 3480 (Admin); BPP University College of Professional Studies Ltd and others v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2014] UKUT 496 (TCC); Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills v PLT Anti-Marketing Ltd [2015] EWCA Civ 76; R (on the application of Letts) v Lord Chancellor; [2015] EWHC 402 (Admin), Delfi v Estonia App. No. 64569/09 (pending); Smith and another v Ministry of Defence (JUSTICE and another intervening).
Called 1992; Middle Temple; former member of A-G- A Panel; lawyer in European Commission of Human Rights (Strasbourg) 1995; legal adviser to the Human Rights Ombudsman Bosnia and Herzgovina (Sarajevo) 1996; former member Monckton Chambers; founder member Matrix Chambers 2000; editor/author ‘Human Rights Practice’ (Sweet & Maxwell); ‘Undertakings: Halsbury’s Laws of the European Communities’ ed Vaughan; ‘Human Rights in Bosna Herzegovina [1997] 6EHRLR 644.
Executive committee, Justice; Bar European Group; former chair of British Institute of Human Rights.
St Paul’s Girls School; St Catherine’s College, Oxford (MA); City University (Dip Law); Kings College, London (postgraduate Dip EC Law); Harmsworth scholar and Inns of Court scholar (Middle Temple).