Foundry Chambers
Henry Gordon
- Phone020 7400 1800
- Email[email protected]
Work Department
Foundry Chambers
Prosecution and defence / Fraud & Financial Regulation / Business Regulation / Professional Discipline / Asset Recovery, Restraint and Confiscation
Henry is a criminal law and regulatory specialist, whose busy practice typically includes cases of conspiracy to commit bank robbery, attempted murder, the importation of cocaine, multinational credit card fraud, cheating the revenue, firearms offences and human trafficking. He is known for his exact advice and skilful advocacy.
His practice in regulatory crime involves a specialism in food safety and hygiene regulation, planning enforcement, housing and environmental offences, and in trading standards prosecutions. He has a wealth of experience in cases involving toxic waste, enforcement notices, counterfeiting and hallmarking, and unlawful advertising.
Henry’s Court of Appeal and other appellate work spans both areas of practice and has included cases of aggravated burglary, confidence fraud, rape, robbery and drugs supply, as well as abatement notice breaches, licensing appeals, and appeals against local authority costs awards. He has appeared on multiple occasions before the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal.
Henry regularly handles the whole raft of civil applications made by the police and is highly experienced in matters of police misconduct, having been appointed to sit on misconduct panels for nine police forces across the country. He is also familiar with the regulatory frameworks of other professional regulators.