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Tom Jefferies

Tom Jefferies


Tom Jefferies is an experienced specialist in property litigation with a niche expertise in leasehold enfranchisement.

He no longer appears in planning inquiries and appeals, but has brought his experience to bear in cross practice litigation raising planning and highways issues, such as enforcing planning obligations and disputes over obligations to use reasonable endeavours to obtain planning permission.

He relishes court hearings and has appeared at all levels from the LVT to the House of Lords, frequently against silks.

He is a CEDR accredited mediator, and takes great satisfaction helping parties reach a settlement out of court.

Tom accepts instructions under the Public Access Scheme.



• English - Durham University

• Diploma in Law- City University

• CEDR Accredited Mediator


• Harmsworth Scholarship by Middle Temple


• Property Bar Association

• Chancery Bar Association

• Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners


London Bar

Property litigation

Thomas Jefferies –Landmark Chambers ‘Tom has a unique style; he is always user-friendly and has a great sense of humour, he is very approachable. He is a precise advocate and excellent in his handling of complex cases, witnesses and evidence.’