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John Male KC

John Male KC


John is experienced in property law, planning and compulsory purchase.

John was appointed as a Recorder in 2003, sitting in the County Court trying civil cases. He was appointed as a Deputy High Court Judge in 2014, sitting in the Chancery Division and now in the Business and Property Court.

John is experienced in all areas of property law, especially rent reviews concerning commercial property, and valuation disputes relating to the development and sale of land.

After more than 40 years as a barrister litigating property law, planning and compulsory purchase disputes, John is now focused on using ADR to resolve such disputes.

He acts as the dispute resolver in property disputes, whether as arbitrator, independent expert, legal assessor, or mediator. Highlights include acting as the sole arbitrator (with a valuation assessor) in what was then the largest ever open market rent review in Hong Kong about a logistics facility in the container port at Kwai Chung; acting as the sole arbitrator in the highways arbitration which went on appeal in London Borough of Southwark and Another v Transport for London [2018] UKSC 63 where his award was upheld by the Supreme Court and described by the Court as “admirable”; and arbitrating and mediating a large number of property and valuation related disputes.



• John Male KC is a graduate of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University

• Recorder (Civil)

• Deputy High Court Judge (Chancery Division, now the Business and Property Court)




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