Region Area


Hafsah Masood

Hafsah Masood


Hafsah specialises in public and administrative law.

Hafsah is a public law specialist with expertise across a range of areas, including immigration and asylum, EU law, human rights, and equality and discrimination law.

She also has a thriving civil practice covering private law claims against public authorities, professional negligence claims, and employment disputes, acting for both employers and employees in the private and public sector and regularly appearing in the employment tribunal.

Hafsah��s practice has a strong international element. She has experience of appeals in the Privy Council and has undertaken work in a number of overseas jurisdictions, including the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago and Gibraltar. She has been admitted to the Bar of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in the British Virgin Islands.

Hafsah is on the Attorney General’s A Panel of Junior Counsel.



• LLM in Public International Law, London School of Economics (2004-2005)

• BA (Law), Worcester College, University of Oxford (2001-2004)


Hafsah is appointed to the Attorney General’s A Panel of Junior Counsel


• Georg Schwarzenger in International Law

• Lauterpacht/Higgins prize for best performance in Public International Law


• Co-author of The Protections for Religious Rights: Law and Practice (OUP, 2013)


Hafsah is fluent in Urdu and Punjabi.
