Region Area


Samantha Broadfoot KC

Samantha Broadfoot KC


Samantha is joint head of the Public Law Group at Landmark Chambers.

Samantha’s practice encompasses a wide spectrum of cases with a public law angle including:

• Health care – pharmaceutical regulation, hospital downgrades, NHS charging schemes, NHS investigations.

• Education – academisation process, SEN, exclusion, Ofqual issues.

• Immigration – systemic challenges, business, EU, removal, human rights, asylum.

• Human Rights – across a range of fields including family law & parentage, surrogacy, regulating access to police DNA databases, discrimination, UNCRC.

• Disciplinary / regulatory / code of conduct – e.g. proceedings before SDT, BSB, as well as challenges to decisions of such bodies & others, e.g. LSO.

• Local authority – allocation of responsibility (‘who pays’), community care, powers, conduct issues.

• Welfare – PIP.

• Inquests – air accidents, marine accidents and hospital deaths

• Public international law – questions of public international law arising out of the creation of the Republic of Cyprus and the Sovereign Bases Areas.

• Health care – pharmaceutical regulation, hospital downgrades, NHS charging schemes, NHS investigations.

• Education – academisation process, SEN, exclusion, Ofqual issues.

• Immigration – systemic challenges, business, EU, removal, human rights, asylum.

• Human Rights – across a range of fields including family law & parentage, surrogacy, regulating access to police DNA databases, discrimination, UNCRC.

• Disciplinary / regulatory / code of conduct – e.g. proceedings before SDT, BSB, as well as challenges to decisions of such bodies & others, e.g. LSO.

• Local authority – allocation of responsibility (‘who pays’), community care, powers, conduct issues.

• Welfare – PIP.

• Inquests – air accidents, marine accidents and hospital deaths

• Public international law – questions of public international law arising out of the creation of the Republic of Cyprus and the Sovereign Bases Areas.

Samantha is individually ranked in the directories in Administrative and Public Law and in Immigration. She is a contributor to the textbook NHS Law and Practice (2018). She is also a Recorder and sits in the Crown Court. She was appointed as a member of the European Human Rights Commission’s Panel in January 2020.

Samantha acts for individuals and campaign groups seeking to bring public law challenges, as well as for a range of clients from central and local government, and regulators. She acts across the range forums, from judicial review and statutory appeals, to disciplinary matters and inquests.

Prior to becoming a KC in February 2017, she was appointed to the Attorney General’s A panel of Junior Counsel. This was following her previous appointments where in 2001, Samantha was appointed to the Attorney General's C Panel of Junior Counsel and in 2005, to the B Panel. In 2008, she was appointed to the Bar Standards Board Complaints Committee. In 2019, she was appointed as legal counsel to the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s B Panel.



• LLB in English and French Law at the University of Kent

• LLM in European and Human Rights Law from Exeter University


• Contributor to NHS Law and Practice: Samantha wrote Chapter 8 on NHS Regulators.

• Article for Lexis Nexis news analysis section of its current awareness service for practitioners on Jones v Birmingham CC – June 2018.
