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Isabelle Watson MCIArb

Isabelle Watson MCIArb




Isabelle Watson is the Head of Chambers. She is a qualified Family (Children) arbitrator and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb). Chambers and Partners UK ranked Isabelle Watson in band 3 for Family—children for the second year.

Practice overview 

Isabelle specialises in complex public and private law cases and acts for local authorities, parents and children in severe cases involving murder, sexual abuse, fabricated illness, parental alienation and serious physical harm.

Isabelle also has well-established expertise in cases involving allegations of non-accidental injury, neglect, child fatalities and emotional abuse. Much of Isabelle’s work now involves cases with parallel criminal proceedings and complex medical issues.

Isabelle is a Trainer for expert witnesses and the Middle Temple advocacy programme. She also participates in seminars provided by Four Brick Court and has been a pupil supervisor (Middle Temple) since 2003.


French (Fluent), Spanish (Fluent), Italian


Family Law Bar Association 

Middle Temple 

The Bar Tribunals & Adjudication Service

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb)


University: King’s College, Cambridge, BA (Hons) French and Spanish

Law Conversion: Polytechnic of Central London

Law School: Inns of Court School of Law (1991)


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