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Amy  Slingo

Amy Slingo




Amy Slingo joined chambers in October 2016 after successfully completing her pupillage. Before coming to the Bar, Amy worked in the family law team of a leading London solicitors firm and also volunteered for the Personal Support Unit, BLAC Family Law Clinic, and National Centre for Domestic Violence.

Practice overview

Amy has a thriving family law practice and has appeared in all levels of the family court. Her practice has a particular focus on public law Children Act proceedings, in which she represents local authorities, parents and guardians. She has experience in cases involving serious and complex issues, including non-accidental injury, sexual abuse and fabricated or induced illness.

Amy also undertakes private law Children Act work, in which she regularly represents parents as well as children through their Guardians in more complex cases where the child has been joined as a party and a Guardian has been appointed. Amy��s experience also extends to representing parties in applications for non-molestation and occupation orders.

Reported Cases

A, B And C (Adoption: Notification of Fathers And Relatives) [2020] EWCA Civ 41– acting for the local authority, Amy (led by Tahmina Rahman) successfully resisted an appeal brought by the mother against a decision that the local authority should notify her extended family members of the existence of her child and the ongoing care proceedings contrary to her wishes. The appeal was combined with two others and provided important guidance on the notification of fathers and wider family members of the existence of a child and their involvement in care proceedings in circumstances where the mother objects.

Re A and B (Adoption: Section 83 ACA 2002) [2024]– acting for the applicant adopter in an adoption order application before Mr Justice Cobb, which gave rise to questions about the correct interpretation of s83 Adoption and Children Act 2002 and the possibility of making an adoption order in circumstances where the Adoption with a Foreign Element Regulations 2005 have not been fully complied with.



Association of Lawyers for Children

Lincoln’s Inn


Worcester College, University of Oxford BA (Hons) Law (Jurisprudence) (2013)

BPP University BPTC (2014)

Content supplied by Four Brick Court Chambers