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Steven Kay KC

Steven Kay KC

9BR Chambers, London

Work Department

Criminal law.


Steven Kay KC is a leading international criminal lawyer with a global reputation who has been in the landmark cases that have established modern international criminal law, including: the first UN trial at the Yugoslavia Tribunal (Dusko Tadic); the first trial of a former Head of State (ex-President of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic); the first trial at the ICC of an incumbent Head of State (President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya). Steven is experienced in advising clients at the crisis stage of an international situation by setting out their options and guiding their responses, whilst also making the preparations necessary for future litigation.

As a leading trial lawyer, Steven’s career has involved cases in the international courts, but he is also engaged by individuals, governments and organisations to advise and represent them when they face a crisis and need to challenge matters of national and international concern. This has included drafting reports to challenge the prevailing narrative against them. Below are some examples - the 30 years conflict in Sri Lanka between the Tamils and the State; Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood; Montenegro Corruption and Conflicts of Interest; Human rights abuse alert Algeria; Armenia – Azerbaijan conflict;  A Report on the Lundin Case commissioned by the Board of Lundin Energy; Libya: The Voice of the Tribes. For the causes of the 2013 and 2016 conflicts in South Sudan that discredited the narratives of the UN and AU - South Sudan Report

Steven’s international fraud, bribery and corruption practice has included cases of global interest and are often multijurisdictional. The fraud cases often arise in complex international commercial transactions where he may be engaged to work with multi-national and multi-disciplinary teams. The bribery and corruption cases have involved international commodities traded at high value on the world markets.

Other international areas of practice include International Human Rights, Sanctions and Interpol Red Notices. These cases often involve politically or financially motivated attacks upon individuals in states where the Rule of Law has been subverted, particularly in so-called totalitarian democracies. National and international strategies may be needed to defend the rights of those attacked.

Steven is registered to accept instructions under Direct Public Access and is licensed to litigate in the courts of England and Wales.


Called 1977; secretary of the Criminal Bar Association of England and Wales 1993-96; Prime Minister’s special committee on Victims in the Criminal Justice System 1995; took Silk 1997; recorder of the Crown Court 1997; founder member of the European Criminal Bar Association. Now lectures throughout the world on issues concerning the International Criminal Tribunals and the International Criminal Court, and on national legal subjects ranging from fraud in the City to corporate killing – directors’ liabilities. He conducts advocacy courses for lawyers needing to learn the skills necessary to appear as a defence advocate before international courts (ie Berlin, Salzburg, London, The Hague, Sarajevo and Arusha). Author of ‘The Role of the Defence in the Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court’ (ed Casese, Gaeta, Jones OUP 2002). Is a frequent commentator upon issues concerning criminal justice on television, radio and in publications.

Called to the Bar 1977, Silk 1997

Recorder of the Crown Court 1997

Secretary CBA 1993-96

Co-Chair IBA War Crimes Committee 2013-16

Co-Chair ABA International Criminal Justice Task Force 2017- 2020

Secretary IBA Judges Forum 2019 – current

Founder European Criminal Bar Association 1998

Founder International Criminal Law Bureau 2008

Chairman Oculus Financial Intelligence Ltd


Inner Temple

International Bar Association

South Eastern Circuit

Criminal Bar Association

The Marque


Association of Defence Counsel (ICTY)

Defence Counsel (ICC)


Leeds University 1973-76

Inns of Court School of Law 1976-77


London Bar

International human rights and criminal law

Leading silk1
Steven Kay KC – 9BR Chambers ‘Steven is particularly good at seeing the big strategic picture. He is very collaborative, and he uses his court-honed advocacy skills to present complicated issues very clearly and succinctly.’