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Lucinda Wicks

Lucinda Wicks

Work Department

Children (private and public law), adult and social care, dispute resolution


Lucinda joined Coram Chambers as a pupil in 2008; following which she was invited to join Chambers as a tenant in 2009.

Prior to commencing her pupillage with Coram, Lucinda had direct exposure to Child Law work though her role as a paralegal for the head of the Children’s department at Fisher Meredith Solicitors LLP. In that role, Lucinda worked directly with clients and attended court on a regular basis providing her with the opportunity to gain a detailed insight into the complexities of working within Family Law.

Lucinda has also worked within the Probation Service during which time she was directly involved with offenders of all backgrounds; including those convicted of extreme violence towards others and those who offending was linked to long – term drug and/or alcohol issues or their mental health. As a result, Lucinda is skilled at representing those who have a complex, and potentially prejudicial, history of offending within the Family Law arena.

Lucinda has also been a volunteer with the Personal Support Unit assisting Self – Represented Litigants in the Royal Courts of Justice and the Principal Registry of the Family Division. This has contributed to Lucinda’s particular skill in working with vulnerable clients whose personal circumstances are such that they require a more attuned and compassionate approach from their representative.

As a member of Coram Lucinda continues to represent all manner of clients including Local Authorities, parents, Children’s Guardians and Grandparents in cases which cover all manner of issues including sexual abuse, Domestic Violence, non accidental injuries to a child and Residence. Lucinda is also trained in Mental Health Review Tribunal Work and welcomes cases of this nature.


Called 2006. Publications: co-author of ‘Children Law Update 2009: Private Law’ [2009] Fam Law 1172.


Family Law Bar Association Association of Lawyers for Children Bar Pro Bono Unit The Howard League for Penal Reform Middle Temple


2003 University of Bristol (2:1 BSc Hons) 2005 College of Law PgDL (Commendation) 2005 Middle Temple Harmsworth Scholarship (Major) 2006 College of Law BVC (Very Competent)