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Jemima Stratford KC

Jemima Stratford KC


Jemima Stratford KC is widely recognised as a leading litigator in EU, competition and public law/human rights.

Jemima’s EU and competition expertise range from FRAND licensing to pharmaceuticals, and from free movement to financial services. She has appeared in more than 50 cases in the General Court and Court of Justice in Luxembourg. Her domestic practice includes competition law cases in the CAT, Commercial Court and Patents Court.

Jemima's public law and human rights work have taken her to the Supreme Court and to the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR. Before taking silk, she was a member of the Attorney General’s ‘A’ Panel. She acts for both claimants and defendants across a wide range of cases, some of which also have a connection with EU law. Jemima also advises both States and international organisations on immunities from jurisdiction, dealing with both public international law and human rights arguments before the ECtHR, the High Court and Employment Tribunals.

Jemima has been called to the Bar of Ireland.


London Bar


Leading silk3
Jemima Stratford KC –Brick Court Chambers
London Bar

European Union relations

Leading silk1
Jemima Stratford KC – Brick Court Chambers ‘Jemima is supremely clever and knows the legal areas in which she practises extremely well. She has excellent judgement as to which arguments are likely to impress the court and which are likely to go down less well.’