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Sarah Love


Barrister specialising in competition and regulatory law, public and administrative law, European Union law and commercial law. Cases include: Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National plc & ors [2009] UKSC 6, the ‘Bank Charges’ test case (acting for the OFT); Office of Fair Trading v Foxtons Ltd [2009] EWHC 1681 (Ch) (acting for the OFT); Competition Commission v BAA Ltd [2010] EWCA Civ 1097 (acting for Ryanair Ltd, the successful intervener); Hereward and Foster LLP & anor v Legal Services Commission [2010] EWHC 3370 (Admin) (acting for the LSC, which succeeded); Cases 1156-9 & 1170/8/3/10 Virgin Media, Inc & ors v Office of Communications, the ‘Pay TV’ appeals against Ofcom (acting for BT); and WHA v HM Revenue & Customs, forthcoming Supreme Court appeal against [2007] EWCA Civ 728 (acting for HMRC).


Magdalen College, University of Oxford (2002 BA Hons Philosophy, Politics and Economics, First Class Hons, 1st in year); Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (2002-03); City University (2005 Graduate Diploma in Law, Distinction, 1st in year); BPP Law School (2006 Bar Vocational Course, Outstanding); King’s College London (2006 Postgraduate Diploma in EC Competition Law).


London Bar


Sarah Love –Brick Court Chambers ‘Sarah is extremely bright, responsive and good at delivering clear advice. She gets into the details of cases and ensures that she is able to provide really effective support.’
London Bar

Public procurement

Sarah Love – Brick Court Chambers ‘She is a calming presence in whom judges place their trust.'
London Bar

Telecoms Regulation

Sarah Love – Brick Court Chambers ‘A compelling advocate, who inspires confidence in clients.'