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Sophie Clifford

Sophie Clifford


Sophie was called to the bar in 2023 and became a member of Chambers in October 2024 upon the successful completion of her pupillage.

Prior to pupillage, Sophie worked for a number of years as a paralegal at a London criminal defence firm. She had conduct of a wide range of cases in both the Magistrates and Crown Court, including serious violence, sex offences, firearms, and drug offences. She has considerable experience of acting for vulnerable defendants, and a particular interest in representing those who have a history of poor mental health and a background in social care. She also has experience in representing youths and defendants requiring the assistance of an intermediary.

Alongside her own case load, she assisted senior solicitors on complex cases, such as murder, rape, and historic sex offences. Sophie gained exposure to complex legal arguments and is adept at identifying and instructing appropriate experts.


The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn Criminal Bar Association Women in Criminal Law South Eastern Circuit Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Bar Mess


Kings’ College, London: English Literature BA (Hons) University of Law: Graduate Diploma in Law University of Law: Bar Practice Course Gray’s Inn: Bar Course Scholarship (Goldie Scholarship)