Sarah Fraser Butlin KC
- Phone020 7827 4000
- Email[email protected]
Specialising in employment, clinical negligence, personal injury.
Qualified 2005, Middle Temple; Cloisters 2007 to date. Affiliated lecturer University of Cambridge, 2012 to date. Research assistant to Professor Sir Bob Hepple QC 2003-04; programme manager for East Africa for an international NGO (sustainable development and agroforestry) 2003-04. Highlight cases include: GMB v Henderson (UKEAT/0073/14/DM.); Ibarz v University of Sheffield (UK EAT/0018/15/JOJ); Pegg v Camden [2012] EqLR 189. Publications include: ‘Are Litigation and Collective Bargaining Complements or Substitutes for Achieving Gender Equality? A Study of the British Equal Pay Act’ co-author, (2015) 39 (2) Cambridge Journal of Economics 381-403 discussed on Radio 4, Unreliable Evidence 13/05/15; ‘The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Does the Equality Act 2010 Measure Up to UK International Commitments’ [2010] ILJ 428; ‘Reverse Indemnities: Friend or Foe’ [2008] Clinical Risk.
French; German.
Vice chair of Industrial Law Society; member Employment Law Bar Association; Employment Law Association; Association for Victims of Medical Accidents.
Clare College, Cambridge (Law).
Travel, walking, sailing.