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Carol Davies

College Chambers, South East


Carol's practice has always been a mix of civil and family law with willingness to learn new areas of law, creating a wealth of knowledge over the years.

Carol qualified in 2007 as a mediator with the ADR Group and in 2018, became a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators following training over the course of two years.

Carol's approach to all her work is to prepare fully and in detail. She has the patience and determination to assist parties to resolve their disputes by alternative dispute resolution. Her advices and opinions are thorough and practical. Carol's court experience of many years means that she conducts her clients' cases effectively, robustly and sensibly.

Carol was called to the Bar in 1995 having initially had a career in banking and insurance. She undertook her pupillage in Leicester with Steven Gasztowicz K.C and started her practicing career in the Midlands before relocating to Southampton in 2002 to join College Chambers.

Carol has a strong wills and probate practice developed over 23 years. She has dealt throughout with probate claims and cases involving issues as to the construction or interpretation of wills and the administration of estates. She deals extensively with cases under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975. Carol regularly appears at the Rolls Building in London and District Registries in Bristol and London.

Carol has a longstanding civil law practice arising out of her civil pupillage and over 23 years experience in dealing with a variety of property disputes including real property and boundary disputes. Carol also accepts instructions in relation to professional negligence, consumer, contractual and commercial disputes. Carol has dealt with personal injury cases from the start.

Carol has a high level of skills to deal with complex factual issues and evidence and legal issues but she can tackle disputes with a practical approach with the aim of reaching conclusions to disputes.

Court of Protection

Carol is a member of the Court of Protection Bar Association.

Carol has dealt with Court of Protection cases since 2008. She represents parties at Court of Protection including local authorities, litigation friends including the Official Solicitor and families. Carol has experience in dealing with best interests cases and deprivation of liberty cases involving claims arising under Articles 5 and 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998. She also has significant experience in dealing with cases involving care and residential home costs. She can provide clear and effective advice on matters involving lasting powers of attorney and deputy applications and orders. Carol appears in the local court in respect of such cases as well as the Court of Protection in London.

Family Finance

Carol represents spouses in matrimonial financial provision cases. She has particular interest and ability in dealing with cases involving trusts, companies and business interests and interveners.

Carol regularly advises and represents parties involved in trusts of land and cohabitation disputes, which may also include Children Act 1989 Schedule 1 applications for financial provision for the benefit of children.

Carol's skills include attention to detail, with the preparation of comprehensive summaries and schedules for court hearings and advance preparation of potential orders. Carol consistently gives clear, firm and sensible advice, delivered in sensitive and practical ways, tailoring the approach for each client and their needs.


Having trained as an accredited mediator by ADR Group in 2007, Carol is registered with the Bar Council as a mediator. She is also a member of the Civil Mediation Council. Carol is qualified and experienced to mediate civil, chancery and commercial matters, including matrimonial and cohabitation disputes. Mediations can take place at College Chambers but Carol is always willing to travel to other venues for parties' convenience or to deal with mediations remotely. Carol ensures that parties are fully engaged in taking part in their mediation to solve the problems they face.


Carol is an arbitrator having trained with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in Domestic Arbitration. She successfully became a Fellow of the Institute in 2018. Carol can be appointed as an arbitrator to deal with a variety of disputes, consumer, contractual and commercial. She encourages businesses and consumers to engage a local arbitrator like her who is cost effective, approachable and who can provide quick and thorough conclusions to their disputes.

Direct Access

Carol has undertaken direct access work for many years. She is very careful to assess potential clients to ensure that direct access route is appropriate. Carol will communicate with any potential client initially via a 15-minute free telephone call or short meeting to assess the matter and client for the purposes of direct access. Carol's aim is to assist the direct access client as much as possible within the identified task to ensure that they achieve the best outcome from their dispute or court case. Practical advice is given along with guidance as to the procedure, the issues, the law, evidence and likely outcomes. Carol ensures that matters are addressed in plain English with as much guidance and clarification as to the legal jargon that inevitably arises in any legal disputes.


Member of The Honourable Society of The Middle Temple Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Civil Mediation Council Resolution Family Law Bar Association Public Access Bar Association The Court of Protection Bar Association


LLB (Hons) University of Glamorgan and Université de Paris XIII Civil Dispute Mediator since February (2007)

Civil Arbitrator (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators)(2018)


Western Circuit • Regional Bar

Chancery, probate, and tax

Carol Davies – College Chambers ‘She is approachable and often goes the extra mile and offers concise and high-level advice as well as practical assistance. She has wide experience in civil litigation, which makes her advice comprehensive no matter what area of practice the advice relates to.’ 
Western Circuit • Regional Bar

Court of Protection and community care

Carol Davies – College Chambers ‘Carol is extremely practical in her advice and always seeks to find a sensible way forward. She is particularly strong dealing with litigants in person and in court is calm, clear, and persuasive.'