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Natasha Barnes


Natasha Barnes is a highly-regarded junior who acts in a variety of sensitive and complex cases focusing on judicial review, indirect tax and other areas of public and human rights law. She appears before the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, the Administrative Court and the Tribunals (Tax and Immigration Chambers).

Natasha advises a wide spectrum of clients including individuals, companies, public authorities and government departments. She is a member of the Attorney General’s A Panel.


BA (Hons) – History James Crouch Scholar Major Scholar (Gray’s Inn) Dorothy Forster Sturman Award, Cambridge University Ligner Scholar, Cambridge University


London Bar

Immigration (including business immigration)

Natasha Barnes – 1 Crown Office Row 'Natasha is extremely bright, quick to see the key points in a case and very good on her feet. She has a real in depth knowledge of Immigration law.'