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Colin Aylott KC

Colin Aylott KC


Colin Aylott KC is a leading defence silk known for his courtroom presence and impeccable strategic judgment. Since taking silk he has built a significant practice in the fields of homicide, serious crime, and complex fraud. He has appeared for the defence in numerous high profile criminal trials including the News International “Operation Elveden” prosecutions and the SFO LIBOR manipulation case.

Since taking silk Colin has been instructed across a broad spectrum of high-profile criminal cases ranging from high profile multi-handed murder trials at the Central Criminal Court, to acting for the Managing Director of a Monaco based company in the SFO Unaoil bribery and corruption investigation.

His extensive experience of serious crime work includes: murder, terrorism, and multi-handed conspiracies involving the importation and supply of class A drugs and firearms. He is one of the go-to Silks to defend in multi-handed homicide cases, particularly in cases alleging gang violence.

His fraud practice covers all aspects of complex financial crime including bribery, corruption, tax fraud, insider trading and market manipulation. Colin is frequently asked to advise prominent individuals who are under investigation and advises on all aspects of pre-charge strategy.


Called: 1989 Silk: 2017


Criminal Bar Association The Fraud Lawyers Association


London Bar


Leading silk3
Colin Aylott KC  – Mountford Chambers ‘Colin's stellar trial preparation is reflected in his advocacy which is always on point and delivered to devastating effect. He is a disarming opponent, an excellent  lawyer and juries love him.'
London Bar

Fraud: crime

Leading silk2
Colin Aylott KC – Mountford Chambers ‘Colin is a first-rate silk. He is utterly charming and his cross-examination is very effective.'