Doughty Street Chambers

Doughty Street Chambers

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Lameesa Iqbal

Lameesa Iqbal


Lameesa is a specialist employment, discrimination, and equality law barrister.

She accepts instructions across the full breadth of employment law matters. She has extensive discrimination law experience having previously specialised in appealing Education Health and Care Plans in the First-Tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability), and representing families whose children had experienced disability discrimination as Senior Director of the School Exclusion Project.


Recent instructions have seen Lameesa act for both Claimants and Respondents in a wide variety of claims. Lameesa has experience with a variety of discrimination claims, including sex-based, race, and maternity discrimination in which she has acted for multiple Claimants. Lameesa also has experience with unfair dismissal, whistleblowing, withheld pay, and TUPE cases. When instructed by Respondents, Lameesa is particularly sensitive to the commercial considerations at play.

Lameesa also volunteered with the National Centre for Domestic Violence and the No5 Chambers Immigration/Human Rights Project. She gained experience of legal reform as a Legal Intern at JUSTICE. Before embarking upon her legal career Lameesa gained a BSc in Psychology from the University of Glasgow and worked as a Research Assistant in a Developmental Neuroscience lab.