Doughty Street Chambers

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Kate Annand

Kate Annand

Work Department

Employment, Discrimination and Equality Law


Kate specialises in employment and discrimination law, and international and European human rights law.


Employment and Discrimination

Kate regularly appears in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal. She has particular expertise in discrimination law and considerable experience of high value claims. Kate is ranked in the Legal 500.

Kate is currently instructed as junior counsel in a complex long running group litigation in the High Court.

Kate’s recent reported cases include Alipourbabaie v Dyson (2020), East London NHS Foundation Trust v O'Connor (2019) and Bowler v Chief Constable of Kent Police, where the Claimant was awarded damages, including aggravated damages, for claims of direct race discrimination and victimisation. She was junior counsel to Henrietta Hill QC in respect of the first appeal (Chief Constable of Kent Constabulary v Mr A Bowler Appeal No. UKEAT/0214/16/RN), and sole counsel for the Claimant for the second appeal, in which the Chief Constable was unsuccessful (Chief Constable of Kent Constabulary v Mr A Bowler Appeal No. UKEAT/0308/17/LA).

Kate has a particular interest in claims of perceived disability discrimination, having represented one of the first claimants to succeed with this type of claim: Fortt v Chief Constable of South Wales Police.

International Law

Kate was led by Edward Fitzgerald QC in Mangouras v Kingdom of Spain before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights. The application challenged the decision of the Spanish Government to set a bail security at 3 million Euros as a breach of Article 5(3) of the European Convention. Kate and Edward Fitzgerald QC continue to represent Mr Mangouras regarding his rights to a fair trial.

Kate was junior counsel in the case of M.S. v United Kingdom (Application no. 24527/08), where the European Court of Human Rights unanimously held that the detention of a mentally ill man in a police cell for over three days violated his rights under Article 3.

After joining Doughty Street, Kate was awarded a Pegasus Scholarship by the Inns of Court. She worked for a three months period at the National Security Project and Human Rights Department of the American Civil Liberties Union in New York.


Employment Lawyers Association


LLB MA International Peace and Security, Middle Temple Diplock Scholar Pegasus Scholar


London Bar


Leading junior4
Kate Annand – Doughty Street Chambers 'An astute and knowledgeable junior, whose meticulous case preparation instantly gains the trust of clients.'