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Beth Grossman

Beth Grossman

Work Department

Media, Defamation and Freedom of Expression International Media Defence Data Protection and Information Law Employment, Discrimination and Equality Law


Beth Grossman practices across media, commercial and employment law. She has also advised internationally. She is a rising star in Legal 500 for media and employment law and is ranked as up and coming in Chambers and Partners for media law.

Beth has acted as sole counsel in the High Court for the successful party in a number of high-profile and reported judgments, including:

Langley v GMB [2021] IRLR 309, for the successful trade union at trial in a claim in professional negligence arising out of an employment dispute and setting legal precedent about the scope of a trade union’s duty of care to a member. Ahmed v Director General of the Security Services [2020] EWHC 3458, for the media in a successful application for a claim about the UK security services’ alleged complicity in torture in Pakistan to be heard in public. Lupu, Spearmint Rhino and others v Not Buying It [2020] EMLR 6, for the successful defendants resisting an application for anonymity and an expedited trial.

Her experience spans defamation, commercial and insolvency matters involving complex issues of law through to fact-heavy employment and professional conduct trials involving vulnerable witnesses and cross-examination on highly sensitive allegations of physical assault and historic sex abuse.

Beth has a wide client base, including high- profile private individuals, professional services firms, film production companies, newspapers and broadcasters, NGOs and trades unions. She is  a member of the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Preferred Panel of Counsel.


Year of call: 2016

Prior to joining the Bar, Clare spent four years working in public policy and human rights. She has variously worked at the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, at University College London teaching public and administrative law, at a cross-party political office as a parliamentary legal officer, at The Carter Center as an election observer and at the European Union External Action Service’s Delegation to Myanmar as a political trainee.


MA, Modern History, University of Oxford

Graduate Diploma in Law, Distinction, BPP

BPTC, Kaplan Law School, Very Competent


London Bar

Defamation and privacy

Beth Grossman –Doughty Street Chambers 'Beth is technically strong and knowledgeable, with great drafting skills. Her advocacy is robust and thorough, unfazed by the seniority of the judge or the number of barristers in opposition.'
London Bar


Beth Grossman – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Beth is pragmatic and tenacious. She focuses on the core issues in a claim and does not allow herself to be side-tracked. She is well-liked by judges who respond to her focused and sensible approach.’