Region Area


John Greenan

15NBS, London


Cases that John has undertaken include defending in large-scale importations acting on behalf of couriers, owners of transport companies and financiers. He has dealt with a wide variety of such cases and has considerable experience relating to issues of disclosure, satellite tracking, tachograph and telephonic evidence. Defences have involved argument as to the interception of communications, entrapment, duress and the conduct of participating informants. John has also defended in many cases relating to the production and cultivation of drugs and involving the supply of drugs to undercover police officers. John has regularly been instructed to defend in the closely associated area of duty evasion and defended in the London City Bond case (duty evaded in excess of £40,000,000).

John has defended in fraud cases including advance fee frauds, frauds relating to mortgages, cloned credit cards, car ringing, the London Stock Exchange and eBay. He recently prosecuted the first “chip and pin” fraud on behalf of the Fraud Prosecution Service in which over 40 machines had been successfully adapted to record the user’s PIN numbers and their full bank details from which the cloned cards were created. Other cases of dishonesty have included conspiracies to rob, kidnap, and blackmail, false imprisonment and conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary.