
Anne Studd KC

Anne Studd KC

Work Department

Anne specialises in police law, public inquiries, inquests and public law.


Anne undertakes judicial reviews, civil claims, inquests and inquiries for police forces and NHS trusts and other public bodies.   Her client base is varied.  She acts for a hospital trust in relation to the inquest into the deaths of 10 patients all treated by a single Consultant within the trust, the Mayor of London in the Grenfell Inquiry dealing with the wider issues raised that will effect Londoners more generally and IOPC in relation to proceedings arising from the death of Sean Rigg.

She has been instructed in a number of important judicial reviews Williams (appropriate sanction in police misconduct cases including but not limited to dishonesty) G (a case involving a young man seeking to expunge his cautions for sexual offences imposed when he was a child) and P (a further examination by the Court of Appeal of the disclosure and barring provisions)

In Northern Ireland she was instructed to act on behalf of a solider in the inquests into the deaths at Ballymurphy in 1971. She has also acted for a number of Chief Officers over many years in sensitive Inquests arising from fatal shootings.  More recently she has acted for Chief Officers in inquests arising from  the restraint death of a psychotic man taken to a mental health setting; a young man killed by a police car running him over while being pursued by police on foot and an inquest into the suicide of a police officer alleging failures of welfare support.

She is also instructed in ongoing cases arising from historic sexual abuse inquiries arising from Operations Midland and Yewtree.

She has a continuing interest in the policing and mental health advising frequently on issues that arise in this difficult and sensitive area

In the public inquiry sphere, Anne has also acted and continues to act in a number of high profile inquiries. Azelle Rodney, IICSA,  (for two police forces), UCPI and Grenfell.

She is vetted to SC level


Anne was called to the Bar 1988; Silk 2012. She sits as a Recorder on the SE circuit. Anne regularly contributes to to 5 Essex Chambers' blogs and newsletters.

Please visit the 5 Essex Chambers website for Anne’s profile.




London Bar

Inquests and inquiries

Leading silk3
Anne Studd KC –5 Essex Chambers 'Hugely intelligent and calm under pressure.'