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Eleanor Grey KC


Barrister specialising in public and administrative law, especially public inquiries, healthcare regulation, mental health and community care, immigration and freedom of information / data protection. Clients include central and local government bodies, NHS and regulatory bodies (e.g. the Professional Standards Authority, the General Medical Council, General Dental Council), as well as private clients. Appointed Queen’s Counsel in April 2011. Formerly a member of the Attorney General’s ‘A’ Panel (Public Law) 2003-2011. Judge of the Mental Health Tribunal. Inquiries: Represented the former Healthcare Commission throughout the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust Public Inquiry. Previously; first junior counsel to the Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry (major healthcare inquiry); counsel for the House of Commons’ authorities, the Hutton Inquiry; counsel to the Ayling and Kerr/Haslam Inquiries (independent private inquiries investigating service failures in the NHS); advisory work in numerous other inquiries. Healthcare: Recently represented Ashworth Hospital in the 8-day public hearing of Ian Brady’s application to the Mental Health Tribunal for transfer back from hospital to prison. Numerous healthcare cases include R(Sailesh Patel) v GMC [2013] (legitimate expectations); R(Tosar) v Milton Keynes PCT [2012] EWHC 2334 (interpretation of the word ‘neighbourhood’ in the Pharmaceutical Services Regulations); British Pregnancy Advisory Service v Secretary of State for Health [2011] EWHC 235 (proper interpretation of the Abortion Act 1967). Appears in tribunals such as the Family Health Services Appeal Unit (FHSAU) as well as the High Court and Court of Appeal. Freedom of Information and Data Protection: Counsel for the House of Commons authority throughout the three ‘MPS expenses’ cases. Currently representing the council in East Sussex Council v ICO and others, a case regarding the proper calculation of charges under the Environmental information Regulations 2004 and which has been referred to the European Court of Justice by the Information Rights Tribunal.


Called 1990; appointed to the Attorney-General’s Treasury ‘A’ Panel (public law appointment), 2003-11




Administrative Law Bar Association.


Oxford University (BA); Dip Law; London School of Economics (LLM).


London Bar

Inquests and inquiries

Leading silk3
Eleanor Grey KC – 39 Essex Chambers 'Eleanor is phenomenal in the healthcare field and is a go-to silk for both inquiries and judicial review in that area.'