
Nicholas Walker

Nicholas Walker

Exchange Chambers, North West

Work Department

Professional discipline, Police disciplinary


With over 20 years’ experience in complex cases, Nicholas’ practice now centres on professional discipline where he is in demand across the country for his hard-working and common-sense approach and his persuasive advocacy.

Although he no longer accepts instructions in general legal-aid crime, he will defend professionals in the criminal courts where there are concurrent or pending disciplinary proceedings. Nicholas also enjoys cases with scientific evidence and often presents complex cases involving medical specialisms at the Medical Practitioners’ Tribunal Service on behalf of the General Medical Council.

Nicholas is particularly adept in cases where there are sensitive issues or vulnerable witnesses and is accredited by the Inns of Court College of Advocacy as a Lead Facilitator for Vulnerable Witness Training as well as a Northern Circuit Advocacy Trainer. He sits as Legally Qualified Chair in police misconduct hearings.


Called 1998; Legally Qualified Chair of Police Misconduct Hearings


Lincoln’s Inn Criminal Bar Association Vice President and Executive Member of the National Association Of Legally Qualified Chairs


Bar Vocational Course. Inns of Court School of Law (1997-1998)  Very Competent Leicester University. LLB ( Hons) 2:1
