
Robert Wyn Jones

Robert Wyn Jones

Exchange Chambers, North West

Work Department

Criminal; Regulatory


Robert is a highly experienced criminal advocate who defends and prosecutes the full range of criminal work including serious cases involving murder, rape, serious drugs conspiracies and complex fraud. He is appointed as a Category 4 Prosecutor and Specialist Rape Prosecutor.

Facing criminal allegations can be very distressing and Robert is able to provide reassurance from the very beginning of the Crown Court process to the defendant who may be unfamiliar with the Court, how it operates and what the likely outcome of the process will be. He is clear in his communications and provides grounded advice to ensure those he defends understands what is happening at each step. This makes him a popular advocate with instructing solicitors, as Robert ensures what is often a daunting time is as stress free as is possible.

As a Specialist Rape Prosecutor, Robert regularly meets complainants of sexual violence well in advance of any trial to provide reassurance, an explanation of how the Court process and cross-examination works and to answer any questions that the witnesses may have. Meeting the barrister who is actually to conduct the trial in advance of the Court date is essential to ensure that any witness feels fully part of the Court process and that they fully understand what is involved. Sadly this service to complainants and witnesses is not always provided by overstretched Police Forces.

Robert is strategically astute and always thoroughly prepared. This enables him to work tirelessly to do everything in his power to achieve the best outcome.

He is qualified to accept instructions directly from members of the public in circumstances permitted by the Bar Standards Board.


Called 1993


Criminal Bar Association


Clifton College Bristol University College London Inns of Court School of Law