
Peter Dixon

Peter Dixon

Exchange Chambers, North West

Work Department

Planning; Commercial


A Chartered Surveyor who transferred to the Bar in 2013 after more than 25 years’ in practice in planning and development. His experience enables Peter to identify and appreciate the commercial implications of any instruction and to take a considered view about possible outcomes. He has a keen, informed, analytical approach combined with a practical understanding of the issues at hand.

He has extensive experience in dealing with large, complex and controversial planning proposals at application and appeal stages and in subsequent court proceedings, acting as advisor to both public and private sector clients on strategy, tactics and procedure. A much-valued team player, Peter is comfortable working alongside fellow professionals as part of the project team.

All well as all aspects of town and country planning in England and Wales (including applications, appeals, enforcement, environmental impact assessment, CIL, planning obligations, local and neighbourhood plans, local and neighbourhood development orders, listed buildings and advertisement control), Peter is also familiar with dealing with the consenting arrangements in the Planning Act 2008 for NSIPs as well as other consent regimes (e.g. Transport and Works Act, Electricity Act, hybrid bills) and associated areas of law including highways/ public rights of way, compulsory purchase, assets of community value, environmental and land law (including in relation to boundaries, easements, covenants and rights to light).

Peter is an accredited mediator.

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Chartered Surveyor and Planning Consultant for over 25 years before being called to the Bar in 2013.


• CMC Registered Mediator

• Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors •Northern Circuit •Planning and Environment Bar Association (PEBA) •Administrative Law Bar Association (ALBA) •United Kingdom Environmental Law Association (UKELA)

•Compulsory Purchase Association

•Society of Mediators


•Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne •Peterhouse, Cambridge (MA) •Leeds Beckett University (LLM) •Manchester Metropolitan University (BPTC)


Peter builds dry stone walls; rears pigs; bakes bread; and enjoys music, theatre and cricket (when time permits).


Northern Circuit • Regional Bar


Leading junior1
Peter Dixon – Exchange Chambers 'Peter gives straightforward, clear, and expert advice and assistance, maintaining a focus on the merits of each case. In both advocacy and mediation, Peter is calm and assured, giving confidence to the client.'