
Tom Clarke

Tom Clarke

Exchange Chambers, North West

Work Department

Criminal; Personal Injury


Tom was called to the Bar in 2015. He became a tenant of Exchange Chambers in September 2017 following the successful completion of his common law pupillage with Chambers.

Tom has a busy and developing common law practice, with a focus on criminal law and personal injury.

He has acted for both the prosecution and defence in a variety of different criminal matters including sensitive domestic violence cases, drugs offences, motoring offences and POCA proceedings.

He also has experience of acting for both claimants and defendants in a broad range of personal injury matters involving applications, trials, case management conferences, Protocol hearings and written advices on liability and quantum.

Tom has an excellent rapport with solicitors and clients, his common sense and analytical approach provides clarity to the litigation process. Tom adopts a proactive approach that seeks close involvement from the early stages of a case.

He is happy to provide informal advice during any stage, and welcomes contact by email or telephone.


Called, 2016


Northern Circuit


2009-2012, BA degree in Ancient and Modern History, Worcester College, Oxford [2:1] 2013-2014, Graduate Diploma in Law; Manchester Metropolitan University [Distinction] 2014-2015, Bar Professional Training Course, Manchester Metropolitan University [Very Competent]