
Stuart McCracken

Stuart McCracken

Exchange Chambers, North West

Work Department

Personal Injury


Stuart is recognised as a Leading Junior in the Legal 500 2023.  His multi-track practice extends to all aspects of personal injury work, including road traffic accidents, employer’s and public liability, and costs budgeting.  He has particular interest and expertise in military claims.  He is regularly instructed in cases pleaded in excess of £500,000.  He also has experience of CICA, CIC(O) and AFCS claims, and actions against the police.

With a caring, compassionate nature and an innate sense of justice, human rights issues are very important to Stuart, having worked in Parliament and at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. This included the development of draft legislation to criminalise British participation in extraordinary rendition, and litigation in the UK and US under Freedom of Information laws to secure the release of important information on rendition. Naturally he welcomes instructions with a human rights element that will enable him to bring his experience and skills in this arena to the fore.


Called 2010


Human Rights Lawyers Association Criminal Bar Association Personal Injuries Bar Association


Bar Vocational Course, BPP Law School (Outstanding, 2010) Master of Laws (LLM), University of Sydney (2005) LLB (Hons) Law, University of Manchester (Class 2:1, 2001-2004) Buchanan prize, Lincoln’s Inn (2010) Thomas More Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn (2009) Hardwicke Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn (2008)
