
Kristian Cavanagh

Kristian Cavanagh

Exchange Chambers, Yorkshire And The Humber

Work Department



Prior to coming to the Bar, Kristian was a solicitor advocate for 6 years on both the Northern and North Eastern Circuit and was called to the Bar in 2007.

Since joining the Bar, Kristian has been involved in cases of significant complexity. He prosecutes and defends in equal measure, and has extensive experience in the following criminal matters:

Homicide and serious violence Drug trafficking and organised crime Fraud and money laundering Health and safety offences

He is a Level 2 prosecutor and on the HSE’s approved list of specialist regulatory advocates (List C).

Kristian’s background as a solicitor advocate provides him with a unique understanding of the solicitor’s role in any case and the importance of forming strong working relationships at an early stage. His mature and sensical approach, accompanied with his in-depth knowledge of criminal proceedings extends far beyond his year of call.


Called 2007


Specialist Regulatory Panel (List C) CPS Grade 2 Prosecutor