Fountain Court Chambers > London, England > Set Profile

Fountain Court Chambers

London Bar > Aviation Tier 1

Described as ‘top of the premier league of aviation barristers,’ Fountain Court Chambers‘ members represent major airlines, lessors and manufacturers in disputes concerning leasing, purchase and redeliveries. Hull damage and loss claims, in addition to fatal incidents also fall within the set’s remit, with barristers representing various parties in accidents involving both fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. Akhil Shah KC was instructed by Qatar Airways in its dispute with Airbus over A350 surface degradation, with Rosalind Phelps KC representing the manufacturer; Qatar Airways alleged that paint peeling from these aircraft, exposing the lightning mesh beneath, constituted a safety hazard and grounded several of the type, while Airbus contended that this was merely a cosmetic issue; the matter was settled in February 2023. Head of chambers Bankim Thanki KC is frequently sought out by lessors engaged in litigation around aircraft condition, maintenance obligations and rent payments, while Michael McLaren KC is acting on several disputes concerning business jets. James Cutress KC has expertise in cross-border aviation matters, with notable strength in advising on leasing issues. Giles Robertson is noted for his expertise in financing issues in the aviation sector, including advising on cases where fraud is alleged.

Rising stars

Nicolas Damnjanovic - Fountain Court Chambers 'Nothing is too much trouble. He is hard-working, intelligent and produces excellent paperwork.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Akhil Shah KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Outstanding in all respects, a true aviation specialist with vast knowledge and experience across the full spectrum of the industry. A very convincing advocate who gets his points across in an impressive way that is helpful to both his clients and judges.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Rosalind Phelps KC - Fountain Court Chambers ‘She is a very convincing advocate and produces excellent advice, both on paper and in conference. Really responsive and gets to grips with the detail of a case from the outset.’
Ranked: Tier 2
James Cutress KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘James is a highly responsive and engaged KC. His knowledge and interest in the aviation sector pervades all that he does. An immense intellect able to get on top of mountains of detail and digest it down to cogent and persuasive submissions which impress both clients and judges.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
John Taylor KCFountain Court ChambersJohn is hugely dedicated to his craft. He carefully analyses the issues and advocates with great effect and tenacity in court. His written advice is clear and he distils complex issues. He works collaboratively with solicitors. A superb tactician.
Ranked: Tier 2

2022 Silks

Alexander Milner KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Exceptionally bright and talented as a junior and that has more than continued since he deservedly took silk. He is incredibly efficient in his advice, and has the ability to distil complex issues down to something which is concise and spot on.’
Alexander Milner KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Alex is extremely responsive and provides very clear commercial advice. Clients respond very well to him and so do the judges. He is a politely forceful advocate and a very effective one at that.’

2024 Silks

James Duffy KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Very responsive and commercial. Presents his thoughts with clarity. Works well with his instructing solicitor and doesn’t impose or dominate.’

Leading Juniors

Giles Robertson – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Giles is a clear and deep thinker – his arguments have a strong analytical core. He clearly knows a great deal about aircraft maintenance and his analysis of contractual interpretation is pellucidly clear, systematic and convincing.’
Ranked: Tier 1
David MurrayFountain Court Chambers 'David always offers excellent contributions that complete the picture. His organisational skills and attention to detail are absolutely first-rate, and he is extremely user-friendly and responsive. His questioning is calm and methodical. Overall, a fantastic all-rounder.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Niamh Cleary – Fountain Court Chambers ‘A superstar – she is a first class operator, super bright, super responsive, clients love her, good strategic thinker, great on her feet and on paper – she has a very bright future at the Bar. A silk in the making.’
Ranked: Tier 4


‘Very efficient – Sian Huckett is first class.’

‘Alex Taylor is always an absolute pleasure to deal with. Sian Huckett is one of the hardest working clerks I know. Fraser Linning is very responsive.’

‘Very good overall, with Katie Szewczyk and Sian Huckett standing out in particular. They are both very helpful and responsive, realistic on timing issues, and sensible in relation to fee arrangements.’

‘Great service from the clerks’ room, especially Sian Huckett.’ 

‘The clerking service is outstanding. There is a clear understanding by the clerks of the different facets of the aviation market. The clerks are extremely responsive to client needs.’

‘Outstanding clerking service. The clerks understand the market and are very responsive to the needs of clients.’

‘Quick and responsive, commercially-minded, flexible in terms of budget and always ready to make good recommendations for new barristers.’

‘Outstanding clerking team. The clerks understand the aviation market and its different facets. They provide a highly sophisticated, responsive service to their clients.’

London Bar > Banking and finance (including consumer credit) Tier 1

Being ‘packed full of some brilliant and incredibly intelligent lawyers,’ Fountain Court Chambers has been at the forefront of some of the recent substantial banking and finance litigation, both domestically and internationally. The set specialises in managing disputes that have a significant impact on the financial sector, with one such example being cases related to the Quincecare duty when banks suspect fraud: these include Federal Republic of Nigeria v JP Morgan Chase NA which saw Rosalind Phelps KC, David Murray and Aaron Taylor instructed in a successful defence of a $1.5bn claim against the bank. Alongside this, Patricia Robertson KC and Christopher Langley were instructed to act for HSBC in defence of a claim in relation to an alleged breach of the Quincecare duty, brought by the liquidators of Allen Stanford's Ponzi scheme (Stanford International Bank Ltd (in liquidation) v HSBC Plc). Richard Coleman KC has a diverse practice, including acting in a number of cases involving judicial review in the banking space, while Nico Leslie is a standout junior for his work on high-profile banking disputes.

Leading Silks

Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Absolutely top of the barrister tree for banking and finance work. No other barrister has his depth of experience. He’s an outstanding advocate, and judges have enormous respect for him.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Patricia Robertson KCFountain Court ChambersIn court Patricia's advocacy is strong, clear and systematic. Out of court her advice is commercial and pragmatic as well has having an exceptional technical grounding. She can be direct and robust as well as being pleasant to to deal with.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Handyside KCFountain Court ChambersRichard is unbelievably good at the strategy. When he makes a strategic call, he’s always ahead of the game and it’s staggering how often his decisions turn out to be absolutely spot on. He’s brilliant on his feet, totally calm under pressure, resilient, and treads just the right line of assertive before it tips over into unnecessarily aggressive.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Lissack KCFountain Court Chambers ‘He is an excellent choice for a leading silk with exceptional advocacy skills.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Coleman KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Richard is razor-sharp, able to succinctly summarise very complex points with ease. Highly recommended.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Patrick Goodall KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Paddy is excellent, and has a gravitas ahead of his years.  He advocacy is skillful and polished, and he has the makings of the one of the handful of KCs who will become well-known names for their pre-eminence.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Adam Zellick KCFountain Court ChambersAdam is tough and fearless when it comes to advancing the arguments: he isn’t going to back down in the face of anything but the stiffest resistance. He is also highly intelligent and willing to be creative.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Rosalind Phelps KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Ros is excellent to work with.  She is very insightful and able to remain focused on detail within the context of the overall framework and strategic aims. She is responsive and easy to deal with.  She engages fully with the case and clients love her.'  
Ranked: Tier 3
Akhil Shah KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Akhil provides clear, concise advice quickly – he is very responsive in fast moving situations. He has quiet, assured style of advocacy.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Ben Valentin KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A thoughtful and measured advocate who produces thorough and clear written work and is a pleasure to work with.’
Ranked: Tier 3
James Cutress KCFountain Court ChambersExtremely diligent, details-oriented and a fluent advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Derrick Dale KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Derrick has considerable charm in the way he operates in court and is excellent at establishing rapport with a judge; he has a very effective advocate with a compelling turn of phrase.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Laura John KCFountain Court ChambersVery polished and sophisticated, excellent on her feet in court. She has good instincts and a pragmatic approach, but also a top-notch intellect when required.  She is also a pleasure to work with and is responsive and approachable – a natural extension of the solicitor team.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Paul Sinclair KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Paul is a master of the skills required by an advocate in the commercial court. He can present a complex legal or factual argument briefly and clearly, with unadorned simplicity.’ 
Ranked: Tier 4
John Taylor KCFountain Court Chambers ‘John is absolutely first-class.  He is clever, thoughtful, measured and extremely robust on his feet not least because his preparation is immaculate.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Tamara Oppenheimer KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Tamara takes command of the room, is effortless agile as an advocate and has the ear of the judges.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Giles Wheeler KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Giles is a superb oral advocate coupled with excellent written advocacy skills.  Giles is a go-to barrister for banking disputes, payment disputes as well as fintech disputes.’
Ranked: Tier 5
Henry King KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Henry is an excellent opponent, makes effective oral and written submissions and cross-examines incisively. He has the stamina and diligence required for big trial work.’
Ranked: Tier 5

2022 Silks

Alexander Milner KCFountain Court ChambersAlex is very quick-witted, hard-working and pragmatic.'

2023 Silks

Simon Atrill KCFountain Court ChambersA thoroughly deserved new silk appointment.’

2024 Silks

James Duffy KCFountain Court Chambers ‘James is a brilliant junior and would be my top choice for just about any case. He’s extremely bright, has excellent commercial judgement, handles clients very well, is first rate at drafting, and really excellent on his feet in court.’

Leading Juniors

Adam SherFountain Court Chambers ‘Adam has been in the key fraudulent misrepresentation cases over the last several years. He has superb knowledge of the law and is able to articulate complex concepts in clear, client friendly terms.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Rupert AllenFountain Court ChambersRupert is an superstar junior who is completely first-rate. Thorough, meticulous and a match for any other junior and indeed other KCs.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Nico LeslieFountain Court ChambersNico is super intelligent, pragmatic, calm, authoritative, user-friendly, commercial, practical and extremely hard-working. He is the complete package. He has no weaknesses.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Daniel EdmondsFountain Court Chambers ‘An absolutely excellent counsel: stellar technical skills, very responsive and easy to work with, popular with clients and a great tactician. Daniel has an extraordinary ability to quickly assimilate complex fact patterns, find the critical pieces and come up with excellent strategic solutions. A hugely valuable counsel on any piece of complex litigation.’
Ranked: Tier 3
David MurrayFountain Court Chambers David shows excellent attention to detail and insightful analysis of the issues. His drafting is elegant and his advocacy is calm and measured. Clients are very impressed with him.
Ranked: Tier 3
Craig UlyattFountain Court ChambersClear and sophisticated advocacy, both written and, especially oral – where he is a more effective oral advocate than various recently made up KCs and can be quite punchy when appropriate. Admirably quick on his feet and alert to advantage of his client. A pleasure to work with – he is user-friendly, pragmatic and both proactive and quick to respond.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3
Daniel Carall-GreenFountain Court Chambers ‘Daniel’s written advocacy is superb. ‘
Ranked: Tier 3
Laurie Brock  – Fountain Court Chambers 'Laurie is one of the leading junior barristers in the banking and finance world. He has been in many of the leading cases and is a favourite of many of the leading light silks.'  
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Nick DalyFountain Court ChambersAn excellent, reliable junior who drafts beautifully and has a good feel for which points will work with different tribunals. Easy to work with.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Joseph FarmerFountain Court ChambersExtremely diligent and can be trusted to be absolutely all over the detail. Never misses a deadline and the work product is consistently good. He’s a great person to have on your team.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Rebecca LoveridgeFountain Court ChambersRebecca has extremely good judgement, is exceptionally bright and a real pleasure to work with. She is also a clear and calm advocate who delivers the points very effectively.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Simon PaulFountain Court ChambersSimon strengths are his strong drafting skills and his ability to form coherent and convincing written arguments that are then delivered persuasively in both in person and remote hearings.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Alex Barden  – Fountain Court ChambersFriendly and approachable.  Asked sensible questions to help us understand a complex product.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Natasha BennettFountain Court Chambers ‘Natasha is fantastically bright, her written product is absolutely superb and she is incredibly responsive; a definite future star KC in the making.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Ian BergsonFountain Court ChambersExceptional attention to detail, getting to grip with all the facts and exploring the applicable areas of law.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Christopher Langley – Fountain Court ChambersChris is very clear and concise with his advice and is client-friendly.  He is always able to spot the difficult issues in advance, which affords you an opportunity to be well-prepared for the road ahead. He is a pleasure to work with.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Leonora SaganFountain Court Chambers ‘Leonora is an outstanding talent. She has a clear insight and understanding of banking issues. She is able to provide solutions of difficult problems. Her written advocacy is strongly persuasive.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Max EvansFountain Court ChambersMax is a really excellent barrister.  He is extremely intelligent.  He thinks strategically and is good at identifying the strongest points.  He is regularly instructed in the biggest cases in banking and finance and is very popular with clients.'
Ranked: Tier 4


‘Luke Diebelius in the clerks room is very experienced and very responsive.’

‘The clerks room is very efficient. Its a pleasure to work with Sian Huckett and Luke Diebelius.’

‘The Fountain Court clerks are always pleasant, responsive, and easy to work with. Alfie Harper in particular stands out for his responsiveness and willingness to assist.’

‘The clerks are excellent.  Particular commendation for Katie Szewczyk, Deputy Senior Clerk who is very switched on and responsive, and knows exactly what we need.  The service we get is commercial and consistent.’

‘Fountain Court is packed full of some brilliant and incredibly intelligent lawyers and is becoming my go-to set.’

‘Fountain Court is one of the very best sets for complex banking and financial disputes. It has strength in depth, from its top QCs to its baby juniors.’

‘They are the leading banking and finance set and generally our go to for that sort of work.’

‘Fountain Court is of course well known as a leading banking and commercial set.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Commercial litigation Tier 1

Sought out to appear in heavyweight Commercial Court, Financial List and Chancery Division cases, Fountain Court Chambers is ‘a top-flight set for commercial work, with excellent silk and junior coverage‘. In Soteria Insurance (formerly CIS General Insurance) v IBM United Kingdom, which concerns a failed IT transformation project, Bankim Thanki KC successfully acted for Soteria in the Court of Appeal on a significant commercial contractual interpretation point. In Federal Republic of Nigeria v JP Morgan Chase, one of the Commercial Court’s largest cases of 2022, Rosalind Phelps KC, leading David Murray, successfully represented the defendant bank against the Nigerian Government's $870m-plus claim under the Quincecare duty concerning the Malabu oil scandal. Elevated to silk in March 2023, Simon Atrill KC‘s recent track record includes representing a Saudi royal family member in HRH Prince Khaled Bin Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud v Gibbs, a $30m claim against a former Magic Circle firm partner for allegedly misappropriating investment funds.

Leading Silks

Richard Handyside KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Calm and forensic style that delivers a laser-focus to his submissions that deliver the result the client seeks. One of the most impressive silks for the most complex and high-profile cases.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court Chambers ‘One of a small handful of truly outstanding commercial appellate advocates. There is no-one better. He's incredibly bright, a superb lawyer, a highly persuasive advocate with a low-key but devastating style, and judges have the highest respect for him. He's also a first-rate trial lawyer.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Stuart Ritchie KCFountain Court ChambersStuart is an absolute class act. A superb advocate, an excellent black letter lawyer, but with commercial nous, and an exceptionally hard worker. He has it all.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Timothy Howe KCFountain Court Chambers ‘An incredibly incisive and persuasive advocate, who is particularly adept at explaining complex issues of contract interpretation in a straightforward way. He is also very user friendly and operates effectively as part of a wider team.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Stephen Rubin KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A superb advocate- well prepared, forceful and persuasive. He is also easy to work with.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Patrick Goodall KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Has an unbelievably logical and orderly mind, meaning his advice is always crystal clear. His advocacy is perfectly suited to large-scale cases, and he is incredibly effective as an advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Very commercially sound and very strategically driven - knows her area of law exceptionally well.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Stephen Moriarty KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Stephen combines powerful mastery of fine detail with sensible commercial and tactical oversight. His advice is always clear and succinct, and he does not shy away from giving confident assessments of the merits of each point.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Richard Coleman KCFountain Court Chambers 'Richard is a supremely intelligent barrister with an enormous grasp of the law and an ability to distill a complex case to its essentials. He is a powerful advocate, who understands and deploys all of the skills of an accomplished advocate, whether that be in written or oral submissions, or during cross-examination.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Patricia Robertson KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Hugely decisive and gives firm, insightful advice. Clients are in very safe hands with Patricia. As a leader, she gives excellent strategic advice.’  
Ranked: Tier 4
Derrick Dale KCFountain Court ChambersDerrick is an excellent advocate and a pleasure to work with.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Michael McLaren KCFountain Court Chambers 'Michael is simply excellent with the clients and in the courtroom. He picks up on the dynamics of matters and his analysis of complex factual and legal issues is second to none.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Rosalind Phelps KCFountain Court ChambersAmazingly clever, incredibly commercial, fantastic as an advocate, writes brilliantly, and the consummate team player. Clients adore her plain-speaking advice and judges love her calm and authoritative, but never arrogant, manner. A superstar.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Richard Lissack KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Richard is calm, focused and authoritative. As an advocate, he has control of the process and mastery of his brief.’
Ranked: Tier 5
Adam Zellick KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Adam excels at delivering clarity of thought, and distilling the complex. He is also excellent strategically.’
Ranked: Tier 5
Paul Sinclair KC – Fountain Court ChambersVery user-friendly and responsive, with good common sense and no obvious weaknesses.
Ranked: Tier 6
Ranked: Tier 6
Ben Valentin KC – Fountain Court ChambersHis ability to distil very complex cases into their most simple formulation is hugely effective - a top-notch strategist and advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 6
Laura John KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Laura is a superb communicator. She is refreshingly clear and concise, and has strong intellectual credentials. Her advocacy at trial is fantastic.’
Ranked: Tier 6
Tamara Oppenheimer KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'She is extremely sharp and cuts straight to the core of the issues, and she knows instinctively what points the judge will care about. Time and again, her assessments of merits and prospects are proved right.'
Ranked: Tier 6
John Taylor KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘A firm favourite - he is incredibly bright and has a level of attention to detail which is unrivalled. He is compelling both on his feet and in his drafting.'
Ranked: Tier 6

2022 Silks

Alexander Milner KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Very clever and usually several steps ahead of the opposition. Very good on his feet and a sterling cross-examiner.’

2023 Silks

2024 Silks

James Duffy KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A go-to senior junior, who is clever, strategic and creative in his advice, drafting and oral advocacy. On his feet, he is well organised and persuasive in his submissions. He is also adept at gauging the court's reactions and adapting as required in the course of his submissions.’

Leading Juniors

Rupert AllenFountain Court Chambers ‘Rupert has one of the best legal minds at the Bar; in addition, he has a commercial mindset and is extremely responsive and user friendly. He is a brilliant advocate, in both written and oral advocacy. He is very quick on his feet, and is an excellent drafter of advice and court documents.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Natasha BennettFountain Court Chambers ‘Very responsive, thoughtful and detailed analysis, and works well in a team.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 4
Daniel Edmonds Fountain Court ChambersDaniel is an excellent junior, who marries excellent technical skills with brilliant commercial judgement. He works extremely hard and has a fantastic ability to quickly get on top of the detail of a matter and provide incisive commercial advice.
Ranked: Tier 4
Nik Yeo – Fountain Court Chambers 'Nik is one of the leading juniors in the crypto and digital assets space, where his knowledge - both of the products and the law - is matched by few.'
Ranked: Tier 5
David Murray – Fountain Court Chambers 'A solid junior, who is very thorough in his writing.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Samuel Ritchie – Fountain Court Chambers 'One of the best commercial juniors in practice at the Bar. He is highly intelligent and motivated, always on top of the facts and the law, always fully prepared, and usually always right! He is excellent with clients and supremely easy to work with, being even-tempered, unflappable and helpful.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Samuel Rabinowitz – Fountain Court Chambers 'One of the cleverest and most able juniors around - searing intellect, delightfully modest about his incredible abilities, and puts 150% into every case. Faultless drafting and inspires confidence in all his clients.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Richard PowerFountain Court Chambers ‘Very clever and commercial, with great client skills.
Ranked: Tier 5
Adam Sher  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Adam has a brilliant mind and quickly sees the strengths and weaknesses of any strategy or legal argument. He is calm under pressure and willing to fight the client's corner.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Leonora Sagan  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘A brilliant lawyer, with a crisp and elegant writing style, who will go very far in the profession. Great attention to detail, as well as a capacity for hard work.’ 
Ranked: Tier 5
Nico Leslie  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Nico is a brilliant lawyer who can express complex points simply. Solicitors enjoy working with him and trust his advice.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Ian BergsonFountain Court Chambers ‘One of the very best juniors at the commercial Bar. He is incredibly clever, hardworking and a pleasure to work with - a star of the future.’
Ranked: Tier 5


‘The clerks are impeccable. Sian Huckett and Alfie Harper, in particular, stand out.’

‘Sian Huckett and Alfie Harper are both very responsive and commercial, and just nice people to work with.’

‘Sian Huckett is a pleasure to work with – she is extremely responsive and always looking to find a solution to a problem.’

Best chambers in London for commercial litigation.

Fountain Court is a go-to set for commercial litigation.

An excellent set from the very junior right up to the top.

A top-flight set for commercial work, with excellent silk and junior coverage.

The clerks at Fountain Court are helpful and proactive.

Work highlights

London Bar > Financial services regulation Tier 1

Fountain Court Chambers is ‘one of the top, if not the top, financial services set’, drawing upon the exceptional broader expertise in the banking and regulatory practices to act for regulators, regulated entities and high-net-worth individuals. In HSBC v Stanford International Bank, Patricia Robertson KC secured a dismissal in the Supreme Court for HSBC for all but £2.4 million of a £118.5m fine for liability stemming the bank’s operation of accounts for Stanford International Bank, a Ponzi scheme for which sometime cricket sponsor Allen Stanford was stripped of his knighthood by the Antiguan government and sentenced to over a century in prison by the US courts. Richard Coleman KC has been acting for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fair Business Banking, which seeks to challenge the FCA by judicial review for their failure to compensate SMEs who were mis-sold interest rate hedging products.

Leading Silks

Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Bankim’s intellect and knowledge are extraordinary; he is also one of the most decent people at the Bar full stop.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Coleman KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Richard is extremely intelligent, always a pleasure to work with and has great attention to detail. He is a measured, clear and conscientious advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Handyside KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Richard is absolutely outstanding and, rightly, the first choice for many solicitors and clients in this area. He is terribly clever, an excellent advocate, a first-rate lawyer and a tough but delightful opponent.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Lissack KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Richard is a superb advocate, always exceptionally well prepared, and a very clever man. He has a super-sleek, but winning manner.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Patricia Robertson KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Patricia is one of the most gifted advocates. What sets her apart is the detail and attention she gives to a case all the way through, and not just when it comes to the hearing.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Nicholas Medcroft KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Nicholas is a very strong advocate and extremely bright.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Timothy Dutton CBE KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Timothy is ferociously bright and a courageous advocate. He brings that magical quality of gravitas that comes from being a doyen in his field.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 3
Timothy Howe KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A workhorse; Timothy puts in the hours to get on top of the detail, and improves documents his juniors have prepared. He is top of his field.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Henry King KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Henry is wise, with very measured judgement and a real team player.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3

Leading Juniors

Eleanor DavisonFountain Court Chambers  ‘Eleanor provides top-notch client service. She has a sharp intellect, combined with an effortlessly humble approach to stakeholder engagement – not afraid to ask astute questions in order to shape her advice accordingly, and always on top of the detail.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Robin Lööf – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Robin is extremely knowledgeable and one of the go-to barristers for AML/CTF regulatory advice. He is commercial and quick to assist, is excellent with clients and a pleasure to work with.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Rebecca LoveridgeFountain Court Chambers ‘Very easy to work with, Rebecca knows the details and brings you solutions, not problems.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Leonora Sagan  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘She is extremely bright, clear thinking and focussed. Leonara discards the irrelevant and can build strengths into a case by focussing on what is meritorious and will work with the judge or tribunal. Judges and tribunals will consider her to be a leading light of her generation because of the clarity she brings to a case and the total absence of show or flannel.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Nik YeoFountain Court Chambers ‘Nik is responsive, clear and always understands the instructions.’
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Outstanding. Alex Taylor runs an excellent clerking service. The team structure he has created and the regular meetings which all teams have mean that his two excellent deputies (Sian Huckett and Katie Szewczyk) are superb and all team leaders and their assistants follow an excellent example. The clerking team is one of the most diverse at the Bar.’

‘Always an excellent service from the clerks.’

‘Fountain Court is one of the top, if not the top, financial services set.’

‘Fountain Court is an extremely strong all round commercial set with many very able practitioners in this field.’

‘Fountain Court has great strengths in this area from top to bottom. The set’s concentration on quality and the members’ work in the commercial arena mean that it is a leader in financial services regulation.’

‘They are one of our go to sets: their barristers are generally of a very high quality.’

‘Fountain Court would be my preferred chambers as they have considerable expertise in financial services area and are technically very strong, get involved in the detail and are very thorough.’

‘Fountain Court has a deservedly high reputation in the field of financial regulation.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Fraud: civil Tier 1

Obviously one of the top sets in the market in this area‘, Fountain Court Chambers‘ members are routinely instructed in high-stakes civil fraud cases, both in the UK and overseas. Recent workloads encompass banking and finance sector disputes, as well as cases with international elements. Africa-related civil fraud work is a notable growth area for the set, which is also particularly active in Asia, Middle East and Russia & CIS matters. In arguably one of the largest fraud claims of 2022, Rosalind Phelps KC acted for the defendant in the high-profile Republic of Nigeria v JP Morgan, which involved a $870m claim that concerned an allegedly corrupt oil deal and issues of the Quincecare duty. March 2023-appointed silk Simon Atrill KC, led by Timothy Howe KC, represented Credit Suisse in a substantial claim involving bribery and undue influence allegations, in relation to Libya’s placement of substantial investments with Western banks. Aaron Taylor, Nicolas Damnjanovic and Samuel Rabinowitz are notable juniors in chambers.

Rising stars

Nicolas Damnjanovic - Fountain Court Chambers 'Technically and academically outstanding.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Aaron Taylor – Fountain Court ChambersVery able – a barrister to watch.
Ranked: Tier 1
Samuel Rabinowitz - Fountain Court Chambers 'Sam is a highly intelligent barrister, who pays exceptional attention to detail across all facets of a claim, meaning he can think creatively about arguments and identify new angles within a case.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Ranked: Tier 1
Stephen Rubin KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Stephen is simply fantastic on fraud cases. He knows the case law inside out and can come up with original angles. A great member of the team, who rolls up his sleeves and wants to win.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court Chambers ‘An outstanding barrister in this space, who is extremely clever and highly persuasive, Judges respect him and opponents fear him. Superb quality.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Lissack KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Richard is a powerful and persuasive advocate. He is also a master tactician, who he has the ability to operate as a strong traditional barrister while also plugging into the commercial and client management side of the case. A rare combination.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Timothy Howe KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Tim provides thorough and clear submissions.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Stuart Ritchie KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Stuart is a supreme strategic thinker and his advocacy is absolutely first rate. He has a fluent eloquence and speaks in a way that judges really appreciate.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 4
Derrick Dale KC – Fountain Court ChambersHe is responsive, easy to work with, and produces excellent work.
Ranked: Tier 4
Ben Valentin KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Ben is supremely intelligent and phenomenally capable.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Laura John KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A go-to barrister for fraud and related issues, particularly in the art world. She is extremely bright, personable, and a wonderful advocate - confident and compelling.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Bridget Lucas KC - Fountain Court Chambers 'Incredibly easy to work with and a great team player. She is at ease as an advocate, and adopts a conversational style that judges and clients alike find helpful.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Rosalind Phelps KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘A fantastic advocate, as proved by her elegant submissions and probing cross-examinations. She has exceptional instincts and an uncanny ability to read the court and understand which issues a judge will be most interested in, both at trial and in the proceedings generally.’
Ranked: Tier 4

2022 Silks

Alexander Milner KCFountain Court Chambers ‘One of the brightest legal minds around - very experienced and convincing.’

2023 Silks

Simon Atrill KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Simon is a brilliant advocate with excellent judgement, and an elegant turn of phrase in writing and in court.’

Leading Juniors

Nico LeslieFountain Court Chambers ‘Nico is very commercial and not shy when it comes to hard work. He is very good at providing strategic guidance to solicitors and underlying clients, and is great in a team setting with other barristers.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Samuel RitchieFountain Court ChambersOne of the most naturally gifted advocates of his generation. He has excellent judgement and is a delight for solicitors, leaders and judges.
Ranked: Tier 3
Joseph Farmer - Fountain Court Chambers 'Joseph is a very good barrister, who is adept at grappling with tricky factual and strategic situations, and coming up with sensible and commercial solutions that balance the various competing interests.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Ian BergsonFountain Court ChambersIan is a standout civil fraud junior, who is increasingly being instructed in many of the top cases, and is in demand by top firms and silks across the commercial Bar.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4
Nick Daly - Fountain Court Chambers 'Nick is very bright and with sound commercial judgement - delivers very clear advice and is very user-friendly.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Leonora Sagan  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Leonora is an extremely impressive junior: A combination of a detail-oriented nature and an unflappable courtroom demeanour means that she wins the confidence of clients and praises of judges alike.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Christopher Langley – Fountain Court ChambersVery thorough and thoughtful in his advice.
Ranked: Tier 4


‘Excellent clerks, particularly Luke Diebelius.’

‘The clerks are excellent, particularly Alfie Harper who is very good at striking the right balance between serving client needs and demands, and protecting his barristers and allocating their capacity appropriately.’

‘Excellent – rightly regarded as one of the top sets in London.’

‘The clerks are prompt and responsive, and are able to offer suitable barristers at very short notice for urgent hearings.’

‘Clerks are very responsive and assist with the preparation of cost estimates, which is much appreciated by clients.’

‘Keen to help and responsive.’

‘Fountain Court is excellent and has good depth.’

‘Fountain Court is obviously one of the top sets in the market in this area.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Professional negligence Tier 1

Fountain Court Chambers is a leading set which treats professional negligence as one of its core areas of practice. The set hosts barristers who are regularly instructed in professional negligence matters concerning white-collar professions, including the Bar itself and legal services professionals. In the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal, Mark Simpson KC recently successfully defended an offshore law firm in Arnage Holdings v Walkers, a claim against them filed by a member of a Brazilian banking dynasty, concerning the collapse of Banco Rural in circumstances connected to the mensalão scandal. Additionally, Anneliese Day KC currently acts for Alvarez & Marsal, who are the administrators of JD Classics, against PwC for allegedly failing to spot fraud resulting in losses of over £41m.

Leading Silks

Timothy Dutton CBE KC – Fountain Court ChambersAn excellent advocate who provides clear advice.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Anneliese has a calm and reassuring manner, gives sound advice in conference and is very approachable and yet is a fearsome advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Mark Simpson KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Mark is an inspiring, constructive, driven leader who leads his teams well, and is always willing to listen to ideas, and gives his team members opportunities to shine at whatever level.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Timothy Howe KCFountain Court Chambers 'Tim is an excellent trial advocate and cross-examiner. He is thorough and relentless.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Patricia Robertson KCFountain Court ChambersPatricia is the go-to silk – the one person you need on your side if you are in trouble. A force of nature.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Very wise, calm manner and excellent at taking difficult decisions. Fights the client’s corner hard in court.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Chloe Carpenter KC – Fountain Court ChambersChloe is deeply impressive, with strong subject area knowledge and vast experience. She quickly identifies the best strategy and then pro-actively drives her client’s case forward.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Derrick Dale KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Excellent advocate and always a pleasure to work with.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Ben Lynch KCFountain Court ChambersBen is meticulously detailed and very knowledgeable in the field. He has a very impressive attention to detail, yet at the same time is able to grasp complex issues seemingly effortlessly, and very quickly.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Tamara Oppenheimer KCFountain Court ChambersVery pragmatic and sensible written advice. A strong advocate who is on top of the detail.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Richard Coleman KCFountain Court ChambersRichard is razor-sharp and able to succinctly summarise very complex points with ease. Highly recommended.’
Ranked: Tier 4
James Cutress KCFountain Court Chambers ‘James is friendly and approachable. He is able to distil complex issues and give purposeful advice. His input is always helpful and constructive.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Stephen Moriarty KCFountain Court ChambersStephen is one of the most collaborative senior silks going. He is always interested in the thoughts of the client and instructing solicitors. He is not only brilliant but he also provides very thoughtful and clever strategic advice.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KCFountain Court ChambersA delight to work with, calm in con and a very good advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Giles Wheeler KCFountain Court Chambers 'Giles is meticulous in his analysis and quick identifies the strengths and weakness of the case.'
Ranked: Tier 4

2024 Silks

James Duffy KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A great advocate who makes powerful submissions.’

Leading Juniors

Nik YeoFountain Court ChambersAn absolute star. Thorough, responsive and drafts beautifully. Clients are always delighted to have Nik in their corner.
Ranked: Tier 2
Natasha BennettFountain Court Chambers 'Natasha is fantastically bright, her written product is absolutely superb and she is incredibly responsive; a definite star in the making.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Nico LeslieFountain Court Chambers ‘Nico absorbs evidence quickly and provides advice in a concise and measured fashion.' 
Ranked: Tier 4
Daniel Edmonds  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Dan is proactive and will go above and beyond to find the case-winning argument in the depths of the documents. Someone you want in your corner on high-value and high-stakes litigation.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Christopher KnowlesFountain Court Chambers ‘Chris is good at getting up to speed quickly with difficult factual and legal issues. He readily sees the issues and formulates good arguments for his client.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Niamh ClearyFountain Court Chambers ‘Niamh is approachable, bright and always willing to go the extra mile.’
Ranked: Tier 6


‘Alex Taylor has led and built a very modern, diverse, enthusiastic, approachable and responsive clerks’ room. The new radical physical space they’ve put in there reflects the culture he’s built – they’re doing things very differently compared to the traditional commercial Bar approach, and it’s paying dividends.’

‘The clerks are very responsive and personable. I am particularly impressed with Sian Huckett.’

‘Fountain Court are fantastic at all levels from the most experienced silks to the clerking team and the support staff. Really impressive.’

‘Clerks are user-friendly and efficient.’

‘The clerks are all open and approachable, wanting to build long term relationships with law firms.’

‘A strong set for professional negligence and regulatory matters.’

‘Very good set, some very bright juniors.’

‘One of the best professional negligence sets at the Bar.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Crypto and blockchain assets Tier 1

A ‘go to set’ for cryptocurrency and blockchain assets, Fountain Court Chambers include members who work with leading UK and international financial institutions on the legal aspects of financial technology, digital banking and cryptocurrency. Members of Chambers advise on a full range of existing legislation such as data protection, cybersecurity and anti-money laundering, alongside smart contracts and crypto bridges. Christopher Langley is involved in cryptocurrency disputes, and has acted for leading exchanges and NFT projects on contractual and regulatory matters. Nik Yeo and Simon Atrill KC both have expertise in litigation involving exchanges.

Leading Silks

Simon Atrill KC – Fountain Court Chambers  ‘Simon’s analytical abilities are superb. His advice is always practical and commercial.’
Ranked: Tier 2

Leading Juniors

Ranked: Tier 1
Nik YeoFountain Court Chambers ‘Energetic and insightful with a  thorough understanding of the developing law of crypto-insolvencies.’
Ranked: Tier 1


‘Fountain Court Chambers is basically the go-to set for any commercial dispute. Amazing strength-in-depth.’


London Bar > Business and regulatory crime (including global investigations) Tier 2

Fountain Court Chambers acts for corporate clients as well as regulatory bodies on a variety of business criminal matters, including on all issues relating to corporate financial crimes, such as bribery, sanctions and money laundering, and has a particular specialism in criminal matters which intersect with civil and regulatory issues. Eleanor Davison is a notable junior in the team, whoa cts for a number of regulatory and prosecutorial bodies. Clare Sibson KC, who joined from Cloth Fair Chambers in November 2022, previously advised and represented the Petrofac Group in relation to the SFO’s anti-corruption and money laundering investigation.

Leading Silks

Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Clare Sibson KC – Fountain Court Chambers  ‘Clare is a brilliant barrister. A truly excellent lawyer, her advisory work is invariably of the highest standard. She is also a real team player, she hits deadlines and engages positively with those with whom she is working. A real go-to barrister.
Ranked: Tier 2
Tamara Oppenheimer KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A prodigious talent who will be as successful as a silk as she was as a junior.
Ranked: Tier 3
Nicholas Medcroft KCFountain Court ChambersA real expert in the area of money laundering, from both a litigation and advisory point of view. Nick is a pleasure to work with and a "go to" choice for the intersection of financial services and financial crime.
Ranked: Tier 3

Leading Juniors

Eleanor DavisonFountain Court ChambersA first rate lawyer who spots every legal point that might be taken on behalf of her client, and argues the point fully.
Ranked: Tier 1
Katherine HardcastleFountain Court Chambers  ‘She has unparalleled experience having played a key role in almost all of the major matters in recent years. Nothing fazes her – she has exceptional technical and strategic insight that clients and instructing solicitors love.
Ranked: Tier 1
Simon Paul  – Fountain Court ChambersAn amazing barrister; combines legal intellect with great judgement; a complete pleasure to work with; faultless drafting; a team player; wise beyond his years.
Ranked: Tier 3
Leonora SaganFountain Court ChambersLeonora is obviously exceptionally intelligent. Her advocacy is confident and adaptable to the needs of a case. She fights her corner, but is realistic when analysing arguments. More than one silk has asked if she could be cloned. She is undoubtedly a future superstar.
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Sam Ismail is very responsive and helpful.’

‘Clerks room consistently praised for its approach; diverse; modern; amazing client service.’

‘Very good, accessible and easy to work with.’

‘Fountain Court has a high quality of counsel at all levels. The chambers covers a wide area of experience and expertise.’

‘A top tier commercial set with members covering an extraordinary range of practice areas; all operating at the very top of their profession.’

‘Reputation for excellence.’

‘They are a very friendly and accessible chambers with helpful clerks who are not afraid to offer up alternative counsel if necessary.’

London Bar > Insurance and reinsurance Tier 2

Insurance remains a core part of Fountain Court Chambers’s practice, with members representing both insurers and policyholders in cases including high-profile and precedent-setting disputes, including involvement in disputes arising out of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. David Railton KC has been active acting for aviation war risks insurers in litigation arising out of the Ukraine crisis, in the case of Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd v Various Insurers. Anneliese Day KC is routinely instructed in substantial and complex insurance matters, whereas Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KC has continued to engage in claims for business interruption losses suffered as a result of lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic. Bankim Thanki KC has strong insurance experience linked to his aviation, commercial and banking practices, and Max Evans is a notable junior in the set.

Leading Silks

David Railton KCFountain Court ChambersDavid is a phenomenon. Without doubt among the best at the Bar. He has a sparkling intellect and provides unrivalled advocacy and judgement. The most highly respected and feared opponent.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court ChambersOne of the big names at the Bar. Amazing courtroom presence. Judges love him and he is brilliant with clients.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Anneliese Day KCFountain Court ChambersAnneliese is an effective and efficient leader, great communicator and lawyer with excellent commercial instincts.  She is a steady, self-assured advocate  and a stellar team player with a very engaging style.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KCFountain Court ChambersLeigh-Ann is careful, as is vital in complex insurance, but keeps her eye on the main game.  She is hard-working and also has flair.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Stephen Moriarty KCFountain Court ChambersOne of the biggest names at the Bar. Genuinely time to worry if he is your opponent. Outstandingly intelligent even by the standards of the commercial Bar, with superb oral and written advocacy skills. Everything a client could want in a senior leader.’
Ranked: Tier 3
James Cutress KCFountain Court ChambersJames’s advices and pleadings are particularly strong; it is well considered, meets the lay client's needs, and engages with the necessary points clearly, effectively, and with a forensic eye for detail.’  
Ranked: Tier 4
Timothy Dutton CBE KC – Fountain Court ChambersAn excellent advocate who provides clear advice.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Timothy Howe KCFountain Court ChambersTim is an excellent trial advocate and cross-examiner. He is thorough and relentless.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Akhil Shah KCFountain Court Chambers 'Akhil is hugely user-friendly and responsive.  Technically and analytically, he is outstanding.  On his feet, he speaks with authority and is calm and methodical.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Derrick Dale KCFountain Court ChambersDerrick is one of those barristers who thinks out of the box.  He is technically sound, but the main reason clients keep going back is that he has a habit of winning.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4
Patrick Goodall KC  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘A reassuring presence who brings a calm and clear approach to complex issues, particularly in financial services matters. Always on hand to get stuck in with clear and commercial advice. Advocacy is outstanding and consistently listened to by judges.'
Ranked: Tier 5

Leading Juniors

Max EvansFountain Court ChambersMax is very personable and engaging, and give succinct and digestible advice to clients on tricky issues.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Christopher KnowlesFountain Court ChambersOutstanding analytical mind, which is able to identify, assess and provide solutions to difficult legal problems. Christopher is able to assimilate and deploy quickly highly complex material.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Simon Paul – Fountain Court ChambersSimon is a brilliant junior. His written work is superb. Clients completely trust him and rely on him heavily - his advocacy is clear and convincing. He is highly intelligent and a good pick for anyone with a high value and difficult case.’
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Sian Huckett is very informed and responsive.’

‘Excellent clerks room. Alex Taylor and Sian Huckett are brilliant.’

‘Strength and depth across all complex insurance and reinsurance issues. Incredibly valuable to be able to use Senior and Junior Counsel in the same set, with this specialist knowledge.’

‘Good, efficient and pragmatic.’

‘Fountain Court is an outstanding insurance set.’

‘The set has an increasing number of insurance practitioners, at all levels of seniority, and is involved in all the major insurance cases.’


Work highlights

London Bar > International arbitration: counsel Tier 2

Fountain Court Chambers ‘is a Rolls-Royce amongst London sets when it comes to commercial litigation and arbitration’ with a particularly ‘strong presence in Singapore and India.’ Members have extensive experience in the various institutional arbitration regimes and expertise spanning a wide array of sectors including, most notably, banking and financial services, aviation, construction, energy, infrastructure, insurance, mining and telecoms. Anneliese Day KC and Bankim Thanki KC are involved in heavyweight international disputes, as is Akhil Shah KC, who has a track record of work crossing over with his aviation practice.

Leading Silks

Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Bankim is the epitome of the silent killer – smooth, urbane, polite, and ruthlessly effective. He performs devastating cross-examinations in which his interlocutors do not even realise what is being done to them.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Anneliese is a very experienced and impressive arbitration practitioner. She masters detail quickly, is a very strong and attractive advocate, and clearly has the ear of the tribunal. She also sits as an arbitrator, giving her excellent insight into the arbitration process.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Timothy Howe KCFountain Court ChambersIncredibly user-friendly and accessible. A brilliant intellect with a commercial and practical outlook. A persuasive advocate who leads the decision-makers along an easy-to-follow story.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Stephen Moriarty KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Brilliant legal mind, able to advocate even foreign law issues, with excellent legal writing skills.’
Ranked: Tier 2
David Railton KCFountain Court Chambers ‘David is a formidable advocate. His analysis is meticulous, his advocacy penetrating and persuasive. Unfailingly courteous and very measured in his submissions, he is a delight as well as a challenge to appear against as counsel, and a delight to have him appear before a tribunal.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Ben Valentin KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Ben is one of the best barristers: he is adaptable, articulate and incredibly sophisticated at everything he does. He is a phenomenal advocate and an unusually tactical barrister, which makes him a pleasure to work with.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Matthew Gearing KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Matthew is a skillful advocate and engages with the intricate details of the matter. His oral advocacy and court craft are very good.’
Ranked: Tier 4

2022 Silks

Alexander Milner KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Alexander is known for his stellar advocacy. He is very efficient, rapidly gets down to the core issues. He is well-liked by arbitrators and judges, which makes them more receptive to his submissions.’


‘The clerking team is exceptional.’

‘Very good clerking. Alex Taylor remains unquestionably the best clerk in the City of London. Alex is the gold standard.’

‘Alex Taylor is widely regarded a superstar of the clerking community in London. His greatest strength is his ability to develop strong personal relationships with lawyers who seek his assistance with engaging barristers from Fountain Court, which he consciously nurtures by always keeping the instructing lawyers’ (and clients’) expectations in mind.’

‘Fountain Court Chambers is basically a go-to set in any commercial dispute. You can instruct any of their members and they will always be able to provide an excellent service.’

‘Fountain Court barristers tend to be super-smart lawyers, with a number of outstanding arbitration practitioners.’

‘Good strong set with very good senior and junior barristers.’

‘Fountain Court is a first class commercial set of chambers.

Work highlights

London Bar > Professional disciplinary and regulatory law Tier 2

Fountain Court Chambers is characterized for having ‘several very experienced and effective leading counsel for professional discipline cases involving solicitors‘. In recent work highlights, Richard Coleman KC led Marianne Butler in representing a former law firm partner before the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, in relation to the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s allegation that she had allowed the firm to provide banking facilities through its client account. In another matter, Nicholas Medcroft KC represented the FRC in its proceedings against KPMG in relation to its audits of Carillion.

Leading Silks

Richard Coleman KCFountain Court ChambersRichard knows regulatory law inside out and quickly masters the factual intricacies of a case. He provides wise advice and makes sound tactical judgements.
Ranked: Tier 1
Timothy Dutton CBE KCFountain Court Chambers ‘One of a kind in this field. His knowledge and experience is unrivalled, and he thinks really fast on his feet.'  
Ranked: Tier 1
Patricia Robertson KCFountain Court ChambersPatricia is a force of nature.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Michael McLaren KCFountain Court ChambersMichael is very well prepared and outstanding on his feet before disciplinary panels.
Ranked: Tier 2
Mark Simpson KCFountain Court ChambersA leader in professional disciplinary law.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Nicholas Medcroft KCFountain Court ChambersHe keeps a cool head, he is all over the detail, and his advocacy is compelling and faultless.
Ranked: Tier 3
Chloe Carpenter KCFountain Court Chambers 'She is extremely responsive and user-friendly, and her attention to detail is phenomenal. She is an excellent advocate: tenacious and charming when addressing a difficult tribunal, and she is extremely effective in cross-examination.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4
Richard Lissack KCFountain Court ChambersRichard is exactly what you want in a silk – on top of the facts, all over the strategy, willing to make difficult decisions and ambitious arguments, and then bring them to a successful conclusion.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4

Leading Juniors

Marianne ButlerFountain Court ChambersAn effective advocate who commands the confidence of the tribunal.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Rupert Allen – Fountain Court ChambersA go-to junior with experience far beyond his years. He has an unparalleled work ethic.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Philip Ahlquist – Fountain Court Chambers 'A very poised and cogent advocate who never gets flustered.'
Ranked: Tier 4


Luke Diebelius is a future senior clerk.

Always extremely helpful and responsive. Great experiences with Sian Huckett and Luke Diebelius.

A first-class service is provided by the clerks. Sian Huckett and Luke Diebelius are both excellent and the clerking team is led brilliantly by Alex Taylor. Always super helpful and very approachable.

The clerks are very helpful. They get back to you very quickly.

The clerks are very user-friendly and ensure a smooth instruction from start to finish.

The best set for regulatory and disciplinary proceedings against solicitors.

Outstanding. Fountain Court has strength in the field at all levels, from senior silk to very junior.

London Bar > Product liability Tier 3

Barristers at Fountain Court Chambers are well-versed in dealing with issues such as the incorporation of contract terms, exclusion clauses, conflicts of laws and defects under the Sale of Goods Act. Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KC is acting for the Department of Health and Social Care in group litigation arising out of the use of hormonal pregnancy tests. Akhil Shah KC has a specialism in the aviation sector and deals with aircraft design cases concerning manufacturing defects.

Work highlights

London Bar > International arbitration: arbitrators

Leading counsel as arbitrators

Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Anneliese is first-class – good with the parties, very bright, hard-working and conscientious. She has an excellent grasp of complicated legal issues and is a collegial co-arbitrator. She is plainly a top commercial arbitrator, with excellent judgement and prepared to do the necessary hard work.’
Ranked: Tier 2

London Bar > Art and cultural property

Rising stars

Nico LeslieFountain Court Chambers ‘Extremely bright but also very commercial. Clients absolutely love him and note his ability in hearings to run rings around much more senior opposition. He is a brilliant advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 1

London Bar > Energy

Rising stars

Max KasrielFountain Court Chambers ‘Max has a tireless work ethic, laser-like attention to detail and a command of the law befitting a silk. He rolls up sleeves and dives straight in.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Timothy Howe KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Tim is incredibly user-friendly and accessible, possessing both a brilliant intellect and a commercial and practical outlook.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Anneliese is an excellent barrister whose advocacy is extremely persuasive, and she is good at identifying the best points.’
Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Construction

Leading Silks

Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers 'Anneliese is very knowledgeable, commercial and super easy to deal with. She has the ability to let the opposing party keep talking and bides her time until the appropriate moment and then calmly and precisely takes apart what her opponent has just said. Incredibly effective and gets results.'
Ranked: Tier 1

London Bar > Group litigation

Leading Silks

Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Leigh-Ann is outstanding across the board. She works phenomenally hard in all her cases and always has a mastery of the detail without losing perspective on the bigger picture.'
Ranked: Tier 1

2024 Silks

Leading Juniors

Niamh Cleary  – Fountain Court Chambers 'Niamh is an outstanding litigation junior - she works hard, wastes no time in getting to the crux of the issues, and is always a great pleasure to work with.'
Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Telecoms Regulation

London Bar > Sport

Leading Silks

John Mehrzad KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Exceptional advocate – a class act. Repeatedly instructed on the heavyweight professional sport cases for good reason.’
Ranked: Tier 1

London Bar > Employment

Leading Silks

Paul Gott KCFountain Court Chambers 'A silk with a sophisticated advocacy style.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Stuart Ritchie KCFountain Court Chambers 'Stuart is an outstanding advocate. He brings a level head, astute tactical nous and exceptional oral advocacy skills to every case he handles.'
Ranked: Tier 2
John Mehrzad KCFountain Court Chambers ‘John is a class act.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Adam Tolley KCFountain Court Chambers 'Adam has a ferocious legal brain. He is also very careful and precise.'
Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Fraud: crime

Leading Silks

Clare Sibson KC  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Clare is an absolute standout advocate in the world of white-collar crime. She is technically brilliant and is able to provide technically difficult advice extremely quickly. She provides great depth of knowledge and expertise.’ 
Ranked: Tier 2

London Bar > Health and safety

London Bar > Administrative law and human rights

Leading Silks

Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KCFountain Court Chambers 'Leigh-Ann is absolutely wonderful to work with. Her judgement is perfect; she is excellent with clients; she is brilliantly clever; and she gets the best out of a team.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Richard Lissack KCFountain Court ChambersHe brings a calm and confident approach to high-stakes litigation, which is very reassuring for clients. His style is super smooth and he comes into his own in the courtroom with powerful and eloquent submissions.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Chloe Carpenter KCFountain Court Chambers 'Chloe is deeply impressive. She quickly identifies the best strategy and then pro-actively drives her client's case forward. Her written and oral advocacy is persuasive and forceful.'
Ranked: Tier 4

Leading Juniors

Jacob Turner Fountain Court Chambers 'A junior with an incisive eye. He is focussed and highly intelligent.'
Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Competition

Leading Silks

Richard Handyside KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Richard is one of the pre-eminent silks at the commercial Bar and continues to provide excellent service. He is contactable and strategic in his thinking, and has brought this level of thinking, previously more common to general commercial litigation, to the competition sphere.’
Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Partnership

Leading Silks

Stuart Ritchie KCFountain Court ChambersStuart is an excellent lawyer and a superb advocate. He also has outstanding judgement.’
Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Proceeds of crime (POCA) and asset forfeiture

Leading Silks

Robin Barclay KC  – Fountain Court Chambers 'Robin is a pleasure to work with. His knowledge of the law is second to none, and he gives clear and comprehensive advice.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Nicholas Medcroft KCFountain Court ChambersA very strong advocate, knowledgeable and bright.
Ranked: Tier 3

London Bar > Company

Leading Silks

Stuart Ritchie KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Stuart is one of the current stars of the Bar – extremely intelligent, incredibly easy to get on with and having a genuine weight to his opinion and thoughts.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Ben Valentin KCFountain Court Chambers ‘He is a top-notch strategist and advocate, with a clear, calm and direct style that is ruthlessly efficient.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Bridget Lucas KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Bridget's does exceptionally well in distilling years of background and complex legal principles - often with little precedent - and presenting them in a coherent and simple manner with conviction and precision.’
Ranked: Tier 4

Leading Juniors

Alex BardenFountain Court Chambers ‘Alex is brilliant on his feet, very accessible and his written work is always very compelling.’
Ranked: Tier 2

London Bar > IT and telecoms (infrastructure and contracts)

Leading Juniors

Jacob TurnerFountain Court ChambersJacob is undoubtedly one of the leading legal minds in the area of AI. His stunningly lucid advice is second-to-none, he is personable, client-focussed and obsessed with contextualising advice into business-friendly contexts. He is politically sensitive and always strikes the right tone in guiding clients through difficult issues.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Nik YeoFountain Court Chambers ‘Nik is able to get up to speed on most important aspects of a technical complex case exceptionally fast. He is super responsive and proactive, both in relation to reviewing certain procedural correspondence, reviewing and commenting on the draft submissions and expert report, as well as advising on the overall case strategy.’
Ranked: Tier 2

London Bar > Insolvency

Leading Juniors

Ranked: Tier 2
Nico LeslieFountain Court ChambersNico is responsive and offers hands-on, practical advice that is useful from an instructing lawyer’s point of view.’ 
Ranked: Tier 3

Asia Pacific - The English Bar > Commercial Tier 1

Fountain Court Chambers‘ barristers are ‘not only among the best at every level in leading commercial and financial cross border disputes, but are always a pleasure to work with, commercially savvy, and user friendly‘. The set maintains a close connection to Singapore; Andrew Pullen, who is a highly regarded specialist in international arbitration, is the key contact in the jurisdiction. Professional negligence mandates have been prominent in the group’s recent caseload, and is a core area of strength for the ‘forthright and effectiveAnneliese Day KC. Stephen Moriarty KC is sought after for his expertise in financial litigation, and Matthew Gearing KC stands out for his established track record in acting in complex arbitrations across the Asia Pacific region.

Leading Silks

Stephen Moriarty KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'A silk with a superb legal and commercial mind, great intellect and commercial wisdom, with the highly valued ability to guide you through some of the most perplexing legal issues.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Anneliese Day KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'Anneliese combines acute legal insight and knowledge with a strong commercial and client focus. She is outstanding in every respect.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'Leigh-Ann is a meticulous and well prepared silk.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Akhil Shah KCFountain Court ChambersAkhil is very industrious. His low-key manner of making submissions engages the respect and trust of the tribunals he appears before.’
Ranked: Tier 3

Leading Juniors

Darius ChanFountain Court Chambers 'A junior with a keen analytical mind and impressive knowledge of Singaporean law.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Nik Yeo – Fountain Court Chambers 'Nik is extremely bright, commercially savvy, and adds tremendous value to any team.'
Ranked: Tier 1


Alex Taylor and his team are absolutely superb; always available and supportive.’

Fountain Court is a very strong set.’

Fountain Court oozes talent across the generations and continues to be our go to set for commercial and financial cross-border disputes.’

Friendly and responsive clerks.’

India - Senior Advocates > Commercial disputes Tier 1

A leading commercial chambers in London and Singapore, Fountain Court Chambers has three Indian Senior Advocates as door tenants who are established practitioners in India, London and Singapore. A ‘formidable advocate’, Gaurav Pachnanda has recently represented the vice president of the Hyderabad Cricket Association in the special leave petition to appoint an ombudsman to conduct elections for the Association’s governing body before the Supreme Court of India in The Hyderabad Cricket Association v. Chairman Cricket Club - he was additionally called to the English Bar in 2023. Primarily based in Mumbai, Zal Andhyarujina, who is ‘known for his equanimity’, has acted for Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited concerning their right to disconnect electricity on account of non-payment of dues as per the provisions of Section 14 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 before the Supreme Court of India. Arvind Datar has vast experience of representing his clients before the Supreme Court of India, various High Courts, statutory tribunals and commercial arbitrations on all kinds of matters involving constitutional, commercial, taxation and regulatory law issues.

Asia Pacific: Regional International Arbitration > Arbitrators Tier 2

Leading arbitrators

Anneliese Day KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Anneliese combines acute legal insight and knowledge with strong commercial and client focus. Outstanding in every respect.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Stephen Moriarty KCFountain Court Chambers  ‘Stephen handles the arbitration process very well and provide parties with fantastic hearing experience. He is also quick with grasping the issues and is a top-notch arbitrator all round.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Michael Brindle KCFountain Court ChambersMichael is excellent in his analysis of the law and facts and has immense experience in commercial matters. Coupled with his even temperament, Michael is an ideal arbitrator.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Matthew Gearing KC  – Temple Chambers (also Fountain Court Chambers in London and Singapore) ‘He does an excellent job of handling the parties and at the hearing as well as rapidly producing a draft award following tribunal deliberations.’
Ranked: Tier 2

The English Bar Offshore > The English Bar Offshore Tier 2

Fountain Court Chambers is known for its ‘in-depth experience in offshore work’ and has a demonstrably strong track record in both the Caribbean and the Channel Islands for banking and finance, commercial litigation, company law and civil fraud cases. Bankim Thanki KC is praised for his ‘surgical and deadly’ advocacy – his recent offshore caseload includes Ieremeieva v Estera, Lagur and Ivakhiv, in which he acts for two Ukrainian businessmen in a BVI dispute concerning the operation of a trust and the ownership of various Ukrainian companies, the value of which is estimated to exceed $800m. Ben Valentin KC‘s offshore practice focuses on the BVI and Cayman Islands and encompasses fraud, insolvency and shareholder dispute cases, among others. In-demand silk Anneliese Day KC appeared before the Privy Council in A & A Mechanical Contractors and Company Ltd v Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago, which considered the application of ‘without prejudice’ privilege to final account negotiations under a construction contract.

Leading Silks

Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court Chambers 'Bankim is a thoughtful and masterful tactician who always sees the big picture. His advocacy is surgical and deadly in its effectiveness, exquisite in its courtesy and unflappable in its delivery.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Ben Valentin KCFountain Court Chambers ‘He is a brilliant advocate who masters the detail very quickly and is incredibly user-friendly. His trial advocacy is superb and his cross-examination skills are particularly impressive.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Anneliese has an excellent manner with clients, is a strong advocate and gets up to speed at very short notice on an instruction.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 4

Leading Juniors

Nico LeslieFountain Court Chambers 'Highly intelligent and articulate with excellent instincts and produces very high quality written work quickly. A real pleasure to deal with and a consummate team player. Very responsive to the client. Overall, a class act.'  
Ranked: Tier 2


‘Good availability of counsel and good in depth experience in offshore work.’

‘This set has a get theirs hands dirty and sleeves rolled up approach: they think and dig for themselves. Deep bench with a user friendly attitude, alongside fantastic professional development and excellent pastoral nous.’

‘Considerable strength in depth.’

‘A first class, well-known set.’

Work highlights

Asia Pacific - The English Bar > Construction, energy and infrastructure

Leading Silks

Anneliese Day KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'Anneliese is a keen litigator with a very good sense of whether the tribunal's sentiments lie. She is a very articulate speaker and incisive thinker with vast experience in infrastructure disputes.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Andrew Pullen – Fountain Court Chambers 'He is a very eloquent junior.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Middle East: The English Bar > Commercial

Leading silks

Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Anneliese is a brilliant advocate who is a team player and a pleasure to deal with. Despite being extremely in demand and the recipient of a number of awards, Anneliese is a grounded and hard-working member of the team who is also extremely effective.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Asia Pacific: Regional International Arbitration > Arbitration counsel

Fountain Court Chambers has an established presence in Singapore, with international arbitration expert Andrew Pullen acting as the main contact in the jurisdiction. Pullen regularly represents clients from across the Asia Pacific region in arbitrations, often under the aegis of the ICC, SIAC and UNCITRAL. Darius Chan, who is also based in Singapore, represents states and state-owned entities in arbitrations. Anneliese Day KC has expertise in professional negligence and construction arbitrations. Matthew Gearing KC – a dual tenant with Temple Chambers in Hong Kong – is highly regarded for his strength in advising on commercial and investment treaty arbitrations under institutions including HKIAC, AIAC, ICSID and SIAC.

Leading Silks

Anneliese Day KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'Anneliese is a talented and highly persuasive barrister.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Photo Name Position Profile
Philip Ahlquist photo Philip Ahlquist Philip Ahlquist specialises in commercial litigation and arbitration, with particular expertise in…
Rupert Allen photo Rupert Allen Rupert is regularly instructed in heavy and high-profile commercial and banking cases,…
Zal Andhyarujina photo Zal Andhyarujina Zal Andhyarujina SA is a prominent Senior Advocate at the Indian Bar,…
Christine Artero photo Christine Artero Christine is an independent arbitrator, Door Tenant of Fountain Court Chambers (London…
Simon Atrill photo Simon Atrill Civil and commercial litigation including banking, financial services, insurance/reinsurance, civil fraud, pharmaceuticals…
Robin Barclay photo Robin Barclay Robin Barclay KC is a leading commercial Silk well-known for working on…
Alex Barden photo Alex Barden Alex’s practice covers a wide range of commercial matters, especially corporate and…
Charles Bear photo Charles Bear Wide-ranging practice covering: general commercial litigation, judicial review, and public procurement. Commercial…
Ian Benjamin photo Ian Benjamin Ian Benjamin SC practises throughout the Caribbean region, principally in Trinidad and…
Natasha Bennett photo Natasha Bennett Natasha Bennett specialises in general commercial litigation, including banking and financial services,…
Ian Bergson photo Ian Bergson Barrister specialising in commercial litigation and arbitration, civil fraud, banking and financial…
Hannah Bernstein photo Hannah Bernstein Hannah Bernstein has a broad commercial practice with a particular interest in…
Lawrence Boo photo Professor Lawrence Boo Professor Boo is one of Singapore’s leading international arbitrators, having sat as…
Michael Brindle photo Michael Brindle Michael sits as an arbitrator in major arbitration disputes. His truly international…
Laurie Brock photo Laurie Brock Practices in all areas of commercial chancery litigation, with a particular focus…
Philip Brook Smith photo Philip Brook Smith Wide-ranging practice covers a broad spread of commercial and common law work…
Damien Bruneau photo Damien Bruneau Barrister specialising in commercial litigation, including banking, financial services, civil fraud, aviation,…
Marianne Butler photo Marianne Butler Marianne is an experienced commercial barrister, who has a core specialism in…
Daniel Carall-Green photo Daniel Carall-Green Daniel has a wide range of expertise in commercial, competition, and regulatory…
Chloe Carpenter photo Chloe Carpenter Specialises in commercial litigation, banking, financial services, professional negligence, administrative and public…
Paul Casey photo Paul Casey Barrister specialising in commercial and civil law.
Darius Chan photo Professor Darius Chan Darius is an independent arbitrator, advocate and academic. He is concurrently Associate…
Jeffrey Chapman photo Jeffrey Chapman Commercial litigation including civil fraud, banking, international arbitration, insurance and reinsurance and…
Niamh Cleary photo Niamh Cleary Niamh Cleary has a broad and varied commercial practice, with a particular…
Richard Coleman photo Richard Coleman Richard Coleman KC’s practice spans commercial dispute resolution, banking, financial services, administrative…
Raymond Cox photo Raymond Cox Barrister specialising in general commercial law, banking and finance, civil fraud, regulation,…
Michael Crane photo Michael Crane Michael Crane KC has over twenty years’ experience as an international arbitrator.…
James Cutress photo James Cutress Specialises in commercial litigation and arbitration, with particular expertise in banking and…
Derrick Dale photo Derrick Dale Barrister of 31 years call (silk for 11 years) with a broad…
Nick Daly photo Nick Daly Nick specialises in commercial litigation and arbitration and is regularly instructed in…
Nicolas Damnjanovic photo Nicolas Damnjanovic Barrister specialising in commercial litigation, including aviation, banking, civil fraud, public law…
Arvind Datar photo Arvind Datar Arvind Datar SA is a Senior Advocate in India whose practice is…
Eleanor Davison photo Eleanor Davison Eleanor Davison is a leading junior in regulatory law, financial services and…
Anneliese Day photo Anneliese Day Anneliese Day KC is a “leading lawyer of her generation” and a…
Kanaga Dharmananda photo Kanaga Dharmananda Kanaga is Senior Counsel, a Member of Fountain Court, and practises in…
Brian Doctor photo Brian Doctor Referred to as “one of the leading commercial silks at the Bar”…
James Duffy KC photo James Duffy KC Commercial litigation and arbitration practice, including: banking and finance; aviation; civil fraud;…
Timothy Dutton CBE photo Timothy Dutton CBE A leading silk at the London Bar, specialising in commercial litigation, public,…
Daniel Edmonds photo Daniel Edmonds Daniel practises in all aspects of English private commercial law, with particular…
Max Evans photo Max Evans Barrister dealing with commercial litigation, banking and financial services, aviation, regulatory and…
Joseph Farmer photo Joseph Farmer Joseph has a diverse and thriving practice. His commercial work includes cases…
Marcus Field photo Marcus Field Broad commercial practice with experience of banking/finance, civil fraud, insurance and professional…
Matthew Gearing photo Matthew Gearing Matthew is a highly experienced international disputes lawyer, with particular expertise in…
Patrick Goodall photo Patrick Goodall Barrister specialising in general commercial litigation, including banking and financial services, insurance/reinsurance,…
Paul Gott photo Paul Gott Employment law, professional regulation and commercial law. Industrial relations law – especially…
Philippa Hamilton photo Philippa Hamilton Philippa Hamilton (now Hardwick) holds a broad portfolio of legal and non-legal…
Richard Handyside photo Richard Handyside A wide range of commercial and other civil litigation, including banking and…
James Hart photo James Hart Barrister dealing with commercial litigation; banking and financial services; insurance and reinsurance;…
Kit Holliday photo Kit Holliday Kit is developing a broad practice in line with Chambers’ specialisms, and…
Deborah Horowitz photo Dr Deborah Horowitz Deborah Horowitz specialises in general commercial litigation, including aviation, insurance, banking and…
Timothy Howe photo Timothy Howe Specialising in commercial litigation and arbitration (domestic and international) with particular expertise…
Gillian Hughes photo Gillian Hughes Commercial dispute resolution, banking & finance, civil fraud, insurance and reinsurance, international…
Benjamin Hughes photo Professor Benjamin Hughes Benjamin F. Hughes is an independent arbitrator and adjunct professor of law…
Laura John photo Laura John Barrister with a general commercial practice, including banking and financial services, commercial…
Max Kasriel photo Max Kasriel Barrister specialising in commercial litigation, international arbitration, banking and finance, civil fraud,…
Henry King photo Henry King General commercial litigation and arbitration practice, with a particular emphasis on banking…
Christopher Knowles photo Christopher Knowles Christopher specialises in insurance and reinsurance, professional negligence, commercial litigation, civil fraud,…
Nathalie Koh photo Nathalie Koh Barrister specialising in commercial and public law
Christopher Langley photo Christopher Langley Christopher Langley has a broad commercial practice which covers the full range…
Joseph Leech photo Joseph Leech Joseph is a commercial junior with a broad practice. He has particular interests and experience in civil fraud, banking, insurance…
Nico Leslie photo Nico Leslie Art & Cultural Property; Banking and Finance; Commercial Litigation; Fraud – Civil;…
Edward Levey photo Edward Levey Barrister specialising in commercial and civil litigation and arbitration, including banking, civil…
Richard Lissack photo Richard Lissack Richard is a recognised and renowned leading KC practising in the UK,…
Robin Lööf photo Robin Lööf Business and regulatory crime; European Union law; Fraud: crime; Financial services regulation;…
Rebecca Loveridge photo Rebecca Loveridge Rebecca specialises in commercial litigation and financial services regulation. Her practice spans…
Bridget Lucas photo Bridget Lucas Bridget has a broad practice spanning commercial and chancery litigation and arbitration.…
Ben Lynch photo Ben Lynch Commercial Dispute Resolution, Insurance, Professional Negligence, Competition, International Commercial Arbitration and Telecommunications.…
Michael McLaren photo The Hon Michael McLaren Michael McLaren KC is widely experienced in all areas of commercial litigation,…
Nicholas Medcroft photo Nicholas Medcroft Nicholas Medcroft KC’s practice spans commercial dispute resolution, banking, fraud, corporate crime,…
John Mehrzad photo John Mehrzad John specialises in sports law, employment and commercial disputes, across the fields…
Louise Merrett photo Louise Merrett Professor in International Commercial law and barrister specialising in international commercial litigation…
Alexander Milner photo Alexander Milner Barrister practising commercial litigation and international arbitration, with wide experience of civil…
Andrew Mitchell photo Andrew Mitchell Expertise in banking; civil fraud; commercial contract; (re)insurance and professional negligence, in…
Christopher Monaghan photo Christopher Monaghan Christopher Monaghan has a busy commercial practice across chambers’ core areas, with…
Stephen Moriarty photo Stephen Moriarty Stephen Moriarty has a very broad commercial litigation and advisory practice, with…
Leigh-Ann Mulcahy photo Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KC, commercial arbitrator in international and domestic arbitrations and mediator specialising in:…
David Murray photo David Murray Commercial litigation including banking, financial services, aviation, insurance/reinsurance, sale of goods, conflict…
Deepak Nambisan photo Deepak Nambisan Barrister with a substantial commercial practice, including all areas of commercial litigation,…
Tetyana Nesterchuk photo Tetyana Nesterchuk Main areas of practice: administrative and public law, banking and finance, commercial…
Tamara Oppenheimer photo Tamara Oppenheimer Barrister practising in civil and commercial law, including art & cultural property,…
Gaurav Pachnanda photo Gaurav Pachnanda Gaurav Pachnanda SA is a Senior Advocate, based in India, whose practice…
Simon Paul photo Simon Paul Barrister specialising in commercial litigation and arbitration, including aviation, banking and finance,…
Rosalind Phelps photo Rosalind Phelps Commercial silk specialising in civil and commercial litigation and arbitration including aviation,…
Richard Power photo Richard Power Barrister dealing with commercial and civil law.
Andrew Pullen photo Andrew Pullen Barrister specialising in international arbitration, based in Singapore. Andrew Pullen’s practice is…
Samuel Rabinowitz photo Samuel Rabinowitz Barrister practising in commercial litigation, civil fraud, banking & finance, professional negligence…
Luca G Radicati di Brozolo photo Professor Luca G Radicati di Brozolo Luca is the founding partner of Arblit, an arbitration and litigation boutique…
David Railton photo David Railton David has a broad based commercial practice, having acted for and advised…
Stuart Ritchie photo Stuart Ritchie Barrister (King’s Counsel) specialising in commercial litigation, civil fraud, company, employment (directors…
Samuel Ritchie photo Samuel Ritchie Barrister specialising in commercial litigation, with particular expertise in civil fraud, commercial…
Giles Robertson photo Giles Robertson Barrister dealing with commercial litigation, aviation, civil fraud, banking and finance, international…
Patricia Robertson photo Patricia Robertson Barrister specialising in commercial litigation and related regulatory work: especially, banking/financial services…
Stephen Rubin photo Stephen Rubin Barrister specialising in heavy commercial litigation in this jurisdiction and overseas. Lead…
Francesca Ruddy photo Francesca Ruddy Francesca specialises in commercial litigation and arbitration, with expertise in civil fraud,…
Leonora Sagan photo Leonora Sagan Commercial litigation; fraud-civil; business and regulatory crime; financial services regulation; arbitration. Leonora…
Sebastian Said photo Sebastian Said Sebastian practises in the Cayman Islands at the leading litigation practice in…
Eric Schwartz photo Eric Schwartz Eric Schwartz is an American and French international arbitration lawyer. After a…
Daniel Schwennicke photo Daniel Schwennicke Daniel is a commercial junior with a broad practice, with particular interest…
Akhil Shah photo Akhil Shah Barrister specialising in commercial litigation with an emphasis in aviation, trade finance,…
Adam Sher photo Adam Sher Civil and commercial litigation including banking, financial services, insurance, civil fraud and…
Orestis Sherman photo Orestis Sherman Orestis has a broad commercial litigation practice, with experience in aviation, banking…
Clare Sibson photo Clare Sibson Clare Sibson KC is a leading silk and considered one of the…
Ian Simester photo Ian Simester Barrister specialising in commercial litigation and arbitration, civil fraud, banking and financial…
Mark Simpson photo Mark Simpson Barrister specialising in professional negligence, professional discipline and general commercial litigation. Notable…
Paul Sinclair photo Paul Sinclair Paul specialises in complex Commercial and Chancery disputes in particular in cases…
Andrew Smith photo Sir Andrew Smith Sir Andrew Smith was appointed as an arbitrator while as a barrister…
John Taylor photo John Taylor John Taylor KC has a broad commercial litigation and arbitration practice, including…
Aaron Taylor photo Aaron Taylor Barrister with a broad commercial practice including art law, banking and finance,…
Bankim Thanki photo Bankim Thanki Bankim Thanki KC is generally recognised as one of the pre-eminent Leading…
Adam Tolley photo Adam Tolley Barrister specialising in commercial litigation, banking, employment, insurance, professional negligence and personal…
Jacob Turner photo Jacob Turner Jacob is a barrister specialising in commercial litigation and arbitration. He has…
Craig Ulyatt photo Craig Ulyatt Craig Ulyatt is a leading junior with a broad commercial practice.  While…
Ben Valentin photo Ben Valentin Ben is a commercial disputes specialist, with acknowledged expertise in disputes involving…
Peter Watts photo Peter Watts Peter Watts KC, FRSNZ is a New Zealand barrister. He currently practises…
Giles Wheeler photo Giles Wheeler Giles is routinely instructed in a wide range of substantial commercial litigation…
Alexandra Whelan photo Alexandra Whelan Barrister specialising in commercial litigation, including aviation, banking, civil fraud, the regulation…
Nicholas Wilson photo Lord Nicholas Wilson Lord Wilson is a former Justice of the UK Supreme Court and…
David Wingfield photo David Wingfield David Wingfield combines his deep knowledge of antitrust economics with a comprehensive…
Nik Yeo photo Nik Yeo Commercial litigation and arbitration, particularly cross-border disputes and disputes arising from fintech,…
Adam Zellick photo Adam Zellick Established Leader for significant cases with a strong, broad-based, commercial practice and…
Laurentia de Bruyn photo Laurentia de Bruyn Laurentia has a broad commercial practice in line with Chambers’ profile, with…
Photo Name Position Profile
Alex Taylor photo Alex Taylor Senior Clerk

CLIENT: UK Law firm
COMPANY/FIRM: A brand-focused boutique litigation firm working across intellectual property and sports matters
TESTIMONIAL: Fountain Court’s clerks are great. They offer our litigation team as much support as is possible. For example, we have regular relationship meetings to ensure that we are happy with every aspect of their service, they offer secondees and their events and seminars are topical and helpful. We also find that their advice on costs invaluable. Fountain Court is one of our Chambers of choice.

CLIENT: International Law firm
TESTIMONIAL: I have instructed members of Fountain Court since 1979. It is not for sentimental reasons that I have kept going back to them, year in and year out. They simply do not let their standards slip.

CLIENT: International law firm
TESTIMONIAL: From my experience of instructing members this year, I can say the following. They “get it” that modern commercial litigation is a team game, with clients, solicitors, experts and barristers all playing their part. They are good team players, easy to deal with, no airs and graces. They understand the time pressures that are generated by heavy commercial cases. They turn things around quickly. Their paperwork is exceptionally good – the typical Fountain Court product is a model of concision and precision, but always accessible – easily readable even for the non-cognoscenti. And their advocacy is outstanding.

CLIENT: International Law firm
TESTIMONIAL: The clerking has always been of the highest calibre. Alex and Paul are a pleasure to deal with. You can talk business with them. They understand the cost pressures on clients and solicitors – and they also go out of their way to deal with unexpected demands thrown up (inevitably) by big cases. The junior clerks win plaudits too from my team.

CLIENT: Offshore Law firm
TESTIMONIAL: I have always found Fountain Court to be very strong on the commercials and on the people skills so they are my ‘go to’ set for cases with difficult people dynamics. Their fees are in keeping with what one would expect and, more to the point, worth every penny.

CLIENT:Global Law firm
TESTIMONIAL: I have had a relationship with Fountain Court that stretches back over 30 years. Our area of practise is mainly but not exclusively Banking Litigation and contentious Regulatory. Their expertise on the Banking litigation side is unrivalled at the bar

CLIENT: UK Law firm
COMPANY/FIRM: A brand-focused boutique litigation firm working across intellectual property and sports matters
TESTIMONIAL: Fountain Court’s clerks are great. They offer our litigation team as much support as is possible. For example, we have regular relationship meetings to ensure that we are happy with every aspect of their service, they offer secondees and their events and seminars are topical and helpful. We also find that their advice on costs invaluable. Fountain Court is one of our Chambers of choice.

CLIENT: International Law firm
TESTIMONIAL: I have instructed members of Fountain Court since 1979. It is not for sentimental reasons that I have kept going back to them, year in and year out. They simply do not let their standards slip.

CLIENT: International law firm
TESTIMONIAL: From my experience of instructing members this year, I can say the following. They “get it” that modern commercial litigation is a team game, with clients, solicitors, experts and barristers all playing their part. They are good team players, easy to deal with, no airs and graces. They understand the time pressures that are generated by heavy commercial cases. They turn things around quickly. Their paperwork is exceptionally good – the typical Fountain Court product is a model of concision and precision, but always accessible – easily readable even for the non-cognoscenti. And their advocacy is outstanding.

CLIENT: International Law firm
TESTIMONIAL: The clerking has always been of the highest calibre. Alex and Paul are a pleasure to deal with. You can talk business with them. They understand the cost pressures on clients and solicitors – and they also go out of their way to deal with unexpected demands thrown up (inevitably) by big cases. The junior clerks win plaudits too from my team.

CLIENT: Offshore Law firm
TESTIMONIAL: I have always found Fountain Court to be very strong on the commercials and on the people skills so they are my ‘go to’ set for cases with difficult people dynamics. Their fees are in keeping with what one would expect and, more to the point, worth every penny.

CLIENT: Global Law firm
TESTIMONIAL: I have had a relationship with Fountain Court that stretches back over 30 years. Our area of practise is mainly but not exclusively Banking Litigation and contentious Regulatory. Their expertise on the Banking litigation side is unrivalled at the bar.

Equality and Diversity

Fountain Court is committed to Equality and Diversity in all aspects of our business.

We strive to recruit and retain talented individuals from all walks of life and frequently review our policies in order to adopt best practice and to reduce the risk of unconscious bias. We regard it as essential to our standing as a leading commercial set of chambers that we should seek to excel in this regard, as in the rest of our business.

We believe in and promote equal and fair treatment for all. We recognise that the obligation not to discriminate against clients, members, pupils or staff on grounds of gender, gender re-assignment, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), sexual orientation, age, disability, marriage and civil partnership or religion or belief is a fundamental obligation and not simply because it is imposed on us by legislation and the Bar Code of Conduct. We seek to go further and to identify and seek to address structural issues which might lead to individuals from any of these groups being underrepresented within Fountain Court Chambers or at the commercial Bar as a whole.

Mentoring for Underrepresented Groups: A scheme run by Commercial Barristers’ Chambers

We are proud to have joined with five other commercial sets to create a mentoring scheme to support and encourage individuals from all underrepresented groups to pursue a career as a barrister.

Bridging the Bar: Mini-Pupillage Programme

We are also seeking to enhance diversity at the commercial bar by supporting and participating in Bridging the Bar, an initiative through which candidates from underrepresented groups are able to apply for mini-pupillages in chambers.

Combar Scholarship Scheme

Chambers also participates in the Combar Scholarship scheme which seeks to promote social mobility and encourage a wider range of candidates to consider a career at the commercial bar.

Fountain Court also regularly partners with universities in equality and diversity initiatives aimed at students: for example sponsoring and participating in the 2020 ‘Diversity at the Bar’ panel discussion held by Bristol University Bar Society and sponsoring events with King’s Women in Law (of King’s College, London).

Equal Opportunities in Recruitment

We are committed to achieving equality of opportunity in all aspects of our recruitment.

We use published and objective selection criteria in recruiting staff, pupils and tenants and we ensure that all those involved in recruitment have recent equality and diversity training.

We assess applications for mini-pupillage, pupillage and tenancy on merit, but particularly encourage applications from individuals within groups currently underrepresented at the commercial Bar. We actively seek to identify and eliminate unconscious bias through the use of specialist training and techniques such as blind reviews of application forms and assessed work.

Equal Opportunities in Work Allocation

We take seriously our obligation to ensure fairness in allocation of work opportunities as between practising barristers and we are continually seeking to improve and enhance our monitoring and analysis of work opportunities for barristers in chambers.

Gender Equality

We are committed to increasing the representation of women at Fountain Court and at the commercial Bar generally. To this end, we are working with the other leading commercial sets on a recruitment initiative aimed at encouraging women to apply for pupillage at the commercial Bar. The initiative has already seen two successful events at universities with speaker panels including female members of Fountain Court.  Further events are planned in the near future.

In January 2020, Fountain Court sponsored a reception held at Middle Temple to celebrate the centenary of women being able to enter the legal profession for the first time. We are also actively partnering with university societies to help promote the commercial Bar as a potential career option for women, including sponsoring and participating in the ‘Diversity at the Bar’ panel discussion to be held by Bristol University Bar Society and sponsoring events with King’s Women in Law (of King’s College, London).

We also recognise the importance of retaining female members and have sought to implement policies to ensure that Fountain Court supports female members as they progress through their careers. We are proud that two of our silk appointments for 2020 were women, and our single QC appointment in 2021 was also female. We are also delighted that our successes in this respect were recognised in The Legal 500 2021, where Fountain Court was described as being “commended for having ‘done a huge amount in recent years to promote and recruit women, making them one of the most gender-diverse sets at the commercial bar’.”

LGBTQ+ Equality

Fountain Court welcomes LGBTQ+ applicants and is proud to have a number of LGBT+ members.

Race Equality

Fountain Court is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity and treatment for all applicants, regardless of race or ethnicity. We are proud to be a racially diverse set of chambers at all levels of seniority.

However we also recognise that Chambers and the commercial Bar more generally would benefit from greater diversity. To this end Fountain Court Chambers is participating in a number of initiatives specifically designed to help widen the pool of potential applicants and to encourage those from more diverse backgrounds to consider the commercial bar as a career. As set out above, this includes participating in the mini-pupillage programme developed by Bridging the Bar, and the commercial sets’ mentoring scheme, both of which provide specific mentoring and mini-pupillage opportunities to underrepresented groups.

Disability and Accessibility

At Fountain Court, we are committed to ensuring that talented applicants, and our members and staff, are able to succeed and we believe that disability should not be a barrier to that success.

We have taken steps to ensure that where possible our facilities are accessible and that our working practices accommodate disabled members. Our members include a number of individuals with disabilities, including wheelchair users who can work from chambers as a result of the adaptations and improvements we have been able to make to our grade II listed historic buildings.

Any specific requests for reasonable adjustments to assist disabled applicants, members, employees or clients which we  may not reasonably be able to foresee, should be made to our Head of Administration, Julie Parker.

Social Mobility

We are conscious of long-held perceptions of the commercial Bar as being only for those from affluent or privileged backgrounds. We are striving to change those perceptions and to address any structural issues which may be discouraging individuals from less privileged backgrounds from considering the Bar as a career. We encourage talented individuals from any walk of life to apply for a mini-pupillage in order to experience first-hand what life at Fountain Court is like. The backgrounds of our members shows that there is no single route to the Bar, and a significant proportion of them were educated at state schools. We support and participate in a number of initiatives which seek to address social mobility issues, including:

  • A targeted mentoring scheme with other leading commercial sets.
  • Bridging the Bar.
  • The Combar scholarship.
  • The Pathways to Law scheme run by Oxford University, through which students who take part in that scheme are able to spend time with members of Fountain Court.
  • Work experience programmes with a number of inner London schools, where participating students gain experience of clerking and, from time to time, shadow members of chambers at court.

In addition, individual members of chambers frequently deliver talks to state schools in less affluent areas, with a view to promoting a career at the Bar.

Giving back to the community

Fountain Court Chambers recognises a wider social responsibly, which it takes very seriously. Members and staff participate in a number of initiatives that reinforce chambers’ commitment to act in a socially responsible manner.

Access to the Bar

We participate in a number of initiatives that promote the furtherance of equality and diversity in the legal profession and which are designed to encourage diverse access to the Bar.

Pathways to Law

We have close links to the Pathways to Law scheme, which supports academically able students from non-privileged backgrounds who are interested in pursuing a career in law. The project offers placements to students to enable them to gain an insight into the life of chambers and the work of its barristers.  It is part of a nationwide scheme developed by The Sutton Trust and The Legal Education Foundation.

Mentoring for Underrepresented Groups: A Scheme Run by Commercial Barristers’ Chambers

Fountain Court is also a founding member of the mentoring scheme established by the Commercial Bar to support and encourage individuals from groups which are underrepresented at the Bar of England and Wales (and in particular the commercial bar) to pursue careers as barristers. The scheme is called Mentoring for Underrepresented Groups: a scheme run by Commercial Barristers’ Chambers and is open to undergraduates and graduates from groups that are underrepresented at the Bar of England and Wales including women, people from minority ethnic backgrounds, people with disabilities, LGBT+ people, people who have spent time in care and people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.

Bridging the Bar: Mini-Pupillage Programme

We are also seeking to enhance diversity at the commercial bar by supporting and participating in Bridging the Bar, an initiative through which candidates from underrepresented groups are able to apply for mini-pupillages in chambers.

Work experience

We also offer work experience placements to students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds in partnership with a school in Deptford, an initiative established with the support of the Stephen Lawrence Trust.


We have a longstanding and proud commitment to pro bono work.


Former member of Fountain Court Lord Goldsmith QC established the Bar Pro Bono Unit (now, Advocate), which enables access to justice through providing barristers’ services on a pro bono basis.

We continue to support Advocate’s work in various financial and non-financial means. Fountain Court is a Gold Patron of Advocate and many of our barristers also provide financial support to the charity on an individual basis. Fountain Court is also an enthusiastic participant in the London Legal Walk, a fundraising event arranged by Advocate on behalf of free legal advice agencies in London.

Our barristers also provide legal advice and assistance on a pro bono basis through Advocate. More senior members support its work as case reviewers, and Philip Brook Smith QC is a trustee of Advocate and a member of its management committee.

Other pro bono work

First year tenants provide free legal advice in the Bethnal Green Advice Centre on a weekly basis, as part of Fountain Court’s ongoing commitment to the centre.

Chambers also participates in Pro Bono Connect, a scheme that maintains a network of chambers and firms of solicitors willing to work together on pro bono cases. Through this scheme, Fountain Court barristers have been instructed by law firms on a pro bono basis to provide a joined-up approach to the provision of pro bono legal services.

Our barristers also participate in a number of the pro bono schemes operated within the RCJ, including:

· The Queen’s Bench Division Interim Applications Court Pro Bono Advocacy Scheme.

· The Chancery Litigants in Person Scheme.

· The Commercial Court and London Circuit Commercial Court Pro Bono Scheme.