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Chloe Carpenter


Specialises in commercial litigation, banking, financial services, professional negligence, administrative and public law and professional disciplinary and regulatory law.

Recent cases include: Alexander v West Bromwich Mortgage Company Ltd [2015] EWHC 135 (Comm), [2016] EWCA Civ 496; acting for the first defendant in Al Khorafi v Sarasin-Alpen in the appeal in the DIFC Court of Appeal; Al Sulaiman v Credit Suisse and Plurimi [2013] EWHC 400 (Comm); Leeds City Council and Newham v Barclays Bank Plc [2021] 2 WLR 1180; Law Society v Baxendale-Walker [2006] 3 All ER 675, [2007] 3 All ER 330, [2008] 1 W.L.R. 426; Thaker v SRA [2012] EWHC 432 (Admin); acting for the SRA in Lumsdon v LSB, BSB & SRA [2014] EWHC 28 (Admin); Law Society v Blavo [2017] 1 WLR 4514; [2019] 1 WLR 1977; Beety v NMC [2017] EWHC 3232 (Admin); SRA v Main [2018] EWHC 3666 (Admin); SRA v Malins [2018] EWCA Civ 366; SRA v James, Macgregor and Naylor [2019] 2 All E.R. 527; acting for Baker McKenzie in SRA v Senior and others; SRA v Mishcon de Reya.

Chloe is also a CEDR accredited mediator.


Impington Village College; Hills Road Sixth Form College; King’s College London (LLB 1999, first class); Brasenose College, Oxford University (BCL 2000, Distinction)


London Bar

Administrative law and human rights

Chloe Carpenter KC –Fountain Court Chambers 'Chloe is deeply impressive. She quickly identifies the best strategy and then pro-actively drives her client's case forward. Her written and oral advocacy is persuasive and forceful.'
London Bar

Professional disciplinary and regulatory law

Chloe Carpenter KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'She is extremely responsive and user-friendly, and her attention to detail is phenomenal. She is an excellent advocate: tenacious and charming when addressing a difficult tribunal, and she is extremely effective in cross-examination.'
London Bar

Professional negligence

Chloe Carpenter KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Chloe is deeply impressive, with strong subject area knowledge and vast experience. She quickly identifies the best strategy and then pro-actively drives her client’s case forward.’