
Laurie Brock


Practices in all areas of commercial chancery litigation, with a particular focus on banking and financial services disputes.

Wide experience of acting both for and against banks (and other financial institutions) in complex and very high value disputes.

Particular expertise in claims involving allegations of financial market manipulation and/or the mis-sale of financial derivatives, having acted – for both claimants and defendants - in some of the most notable and high-profile cases concerning such allegations (PAG v RBS, Wall v RBS, Red Kite v Barclays).

Recent experience in this regard includes: acting for the defendant bank in 9-week trial of $100 million fraudulent misrepresentation claim concerning residential mortgage-backed securities (Loreley Financing (No.30) v Credit Suisse - judgment awaited); acting for claimants in $500 million foreign exchange derivative dispute against a major bank; acting for defendant bank in c.£100 million fraud claim concerning the activities of its restructuring group; acting for the successful defendant bank in 8-day trial of a c.£28 million claim for derivative mis-selling and unlawful means conspiracy (CJ and LK Perks & ors v Natwest Markets Plc – all claims dismissed); and acting for one of a number of banks accused of collusive LIBOR manipulation during the financial crisis (FDIC v Barclays Bank Plc & ors).


Girton College, Cambridge (BA Classics) (First Class)

GDL (Distinction, 1st in year), BPTC (Outstanding, 1st in year), Kaplan Law School


London Bar

Banking and finance (including consumer credit)

Laurie Brock  – Fountain Court Chambers 'Laurie is one of the leading junior barristers in the banking and finance world. He has been in many of the leading cases and is a favourite of many of the leading light silks.'