No5 Barristers' Chambers

Jonathan Jones KC
- Phone0845 210 5555
- Email[email protected]
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- Profilewww.no5.com
Specialises in personal injury and clinical negligence; has extensive experience in the following areas: cerebral palsy claims; obstetrics and paediatrics; claims involving profound neurological damage, including quadriplegia and paraplegia; cosmetic surgery errors, including breast implants and reconstruction surgery; claims arising from negligently performed operations, including vasectomies and sterilisation procedures, endoscopies, neurological surgery, hip and knee replacements etc; optical negligence, including failing to diagnose glaucoma; dental negligence; oncology, including errors in diagnosis and treatment; errors occurring during attendance at accident and emergency departments, including failing to diagnose fractures, failing to diagnose and/or treat myocardial infarction; errors by general practitioners, including failing to treat diabetes, failing to refer following symptoms of arterial blockage etc; nursing practice, including rehabilitation procedures; human rights, including the disclosure of confidential information and inhuman and degrading treatment. Also practises in: general personal injury, including claims under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 and Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934; catastrophic injuries; limitation; industrial disease and accidents at work, including claims for RSI, asthma, asbestosis, and noise-induced deafness; claims arising from the use of the highways; education, including claims arising from the failure to diagnose and/or treat dyslexia and other learning difficulties. Reported cases include: Lawrence v Chief Constable of Staffordshire [2000] TLR 25/07/00; [2000] PIQR Q349; Mugweni v NHS London (formerly South West London SHA) (CA) [2012] EWCA Civ 20 , [2012] All ER (D) 145 (Jan).
Called to the Bar 1994; regularly lectures on civil procedure.
Personal Injuries Bar Association; AVMA.
St Andrews University (MA Hons 2(1) Economics); City University (Diploma in Law, commendation).