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Heather Popley

Heather Popley


Heather regularly appears in the Family Court and High Court. Her family law practice includes the following work:-

Public and Private law Children:

Heather represents local authorities, parents, other relatives and children's guardians in care proceedings, including Special Guardianship applications, placement applications and secure accommodation order applications. Heather has experience of cases involving serious allegations of sexual abuse (including CSE), non-accidental injury, chronic neglect and domestic violence.

Heather has extensive experience of private law children cases involving complex issues, including: parental alienation and implacable hostility cases; fact findings, such as those involving allegations of domestic violence and sexual abuse; removal out of the jurisdiction; and internal relocation.

Financial provision:

Heather’s financial remedy practice includes representing parties in FDAs, FDRs, final hearings, maintenance pending suit applications, Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 section 37 applications, cases involving third party interveners and Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 applications. She also represents clients in co-habitee cases pursuant to the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996.

Heather volunteers as an editor for the Leicester and Leicestershire Family Justice Board website providing up to date family justice news and case law: 


BCC v Riaz et al [2014] EWHC 4247 (Fam) before Keehan J



Called 2003, Gray’s Inn. Public access qualified since July 2011.


The Honourable Society of Gray's Inn

The Midland Circuit

Family Law Bar Association

Association of Lawyers for Children


LL.B. (Hons)

Called to the Bar 2003 Gray's Inn