Region Area


Hugh Richards

Hugh Richards


Specialises in planning and environmental law; his town and country planning practice includes regular appearances at public inquiry (development control, enforcement and development plans) for local authorities, regulatory bodies, landowners and developers and on appeal in the High Court; also has wide experience in the lower courts in enforcement proceedings (prosecutions and injunctions) in planning/listed building matters and environmental protection/pollution control; his practice includes particular experience of matters relating to the regulation of the use of land by the Fire Services; other experience includes cases involving gypsies, the transport haulage industry, taxis/mini cabs, the regulation of the mobile phone industry, video classification by the BBFC, admission to and exclusion from school. Other specialist areas include: judicial review, roads, compulsory purchase, fire precautions in buildings, public rights of way including Definitive Map Modification; Town and Village Green registration; local government procedure; transport operators licences; statutory nuisance; liquor and entertainment licensing; registered homes; human rights implications of all the above.


Called to the Bar 1992; previously served 12 years as an army officer.


Planning and Environmental Bar Association.


BSc (Econ).