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Mark Heywood KC

Mark Heywood KC

Work Department

Criminal law; corporate crime.


Described as a silk clients ‘would instruct without hesitation’, Mark Heywood is highly experienced in presenting the most complex and demanding cases. He prosecutes and defends, being instructed by CPS Special Crime, Central Fraud Group and regional Complex Casework Units as well as defence firms across the country. Notable cases include: commercial fraud: Operation Foamy – multi-million pound ‘boiler room’ fraud investigated by FSA; R v Al Haq & others – alteration of title deeds at Land Registry allowing fraudsters to use victims’ homes as collateral for loans; Operation Fraxwood – multi-million pound tax and VAT fraud; Operation Acumen – contract pricing fraud on a police authority; Operations Ply & Destiny – multi-million pound mortgage fraud joined with conspiracy to present false evidence to pervert the trial. Corruption, misconduct in public office: Operations Wasp & Spoke – lengthy undercover investigation and prosecution of corrupt police officer supplying operational intelligence to criminals; R v Morgan – police officer soliciting corrupt payment to end a prosecution; R v ‘D’ – prosecution of a member of Special Forces; R v Lee & others – corruption and theft of tank and other armoured vehicle equipment from MoD. Homicide, firearms: R v L – murder, extensive expert evidence on provocation and causation; Operation Precept – drug gang ‘turf’ shooting; R v Grant & Wheeler – machine gun at hang violent disorder. Sexual offences: R v Kaci & others – human trafficking from Easter Europe; R v Ali & others, R v Khan – rapes of young and vulnerable victims groomed by gangs; R v H & S – ‘punishment rape’ of Muslim woman. Regulatory offences: health and safety fatalities; pollution (noise and toxic substances); planning enforcement.


Called to the Bar 1986; attorney General’s ‘A’ list of prosecuting counsel; QC 2012.


Criminal Bar Association.


LLB Hons.


Midland Circuit • Regional Bar

Crime (general and fraud)

Leading silk3
Mark Heywood KC – No5 Barristers’ Chambers ‘Mark has a calm and authoritative manner born of years of experience. Juries plainly warm to him and in the right circumstances, he is quite prepared to put judges in their place.’