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Christopher Young KC

Christopher Young KC


Barrister, specialising exclusively in town and country planning, highways and environmental law. Practice background includes – s78 planning appeals for most of the major house builders, major property development companies, local planning authorities and a mix of smaller developers. Experienced in all types of housing schemes, including mixed use and affordable housing; employment and industrial development; retail development including FOCs; motorway services areas; major leisure and recreational development; retail development; tall buildings in London and Manchester; medical services; gypsy and showman sites; development in the National Parks, Green Belt, AONB and conservation areas; applications involving listed building consent and enabling development; and applications involving the oversupply of housing. Also s79 ‘Called-in’ inquiries, highway improvement orders and inquiries into village greens. Local Plan and UDP inquiry appearances on behalf of major house builders, major property development companies, smaller developers, local planning authorities, town and parish councils and local action groups. Planning enforcement, including injunctions; enforcement notices; stop notices; purchase notices; completion notices; s215 notices; and prosecution and defence work in the criminal courts. Applications and appeals for certifications of lawful development. Environmental law, including environmental enforcement, Water Act enforcement, waste and landfill enforcement. Section 288 challenges and Judicial Review in the High Court. Has also acted for the Treasury Solicitor in a number of major inquiries on behalf of the Highways Agency.


Called to the Bar 1997; Middle Temple; awarded Queen Mother scholarship 1995; Queen Mother/Fox scholarship 1996; Monroe Debating Prize 1997.


Planning and Environmental Bar Association.


BA (Hons First Class); Dip Law; LLM (Planning and Environmental Law).


Midland Circuit • Regional Bar


Leading silk1
Christopher Young KC – No5 Barristers’ Chambers ‘Christopher is without doubt one of top planning KCs in the country. He is the consummate advocate as well as a fantastic team player that is always working to bring the best out of the whole team. It is always a pleasure working with Christopher.’